

With a gorgeous bestfrriend and a hot housemate, Jennifer,an 18years old transfer student finds it hard to choose between love and friendship,her bestfriend and her housemate . Chaos start when friendship grows into a budding romance.

AzuraLuna · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


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We left for school after breakfast even though ,we missed the first class.after the second class,I an Kelvi,went to the cafeteria,he was a little gloomy.entering the cafeteria,jack looked at me and Kelvi with suspicious eyes, while Chloe smiled at me,jack gave a cold glare,I smiled sweetly at him.I couldn't look at him in the eyes.we sat in front of him and Chloe.

"can I sit here?" the voice asked politely.i looked up to see who the voice belongs too, turns out it was Maxwell.seeing his face sent cold sweat on my palm."what do you want?"i asked coldly ,i looked at Kelvi but he didn't seem to care about Maxwell's presence."i just want to sit here with you guys"he said smiling.

"unfortunately,all the sit has been taken.one more thing,we don't want anything to do with a**holes like you,we like peaceful environment.this place is not for fighters like you." I said coldly.his face changed "woah!,woah!,woah!,jenny you speak a little out of tongue, look even kelvi Is here why aren't you sending him away."maxwell said.

"point of correction,Kelvi is my–No,our friend.so buzz of off." after I said that he walked away fumming in anger ,the bad energy around him spread through the room."Wow! Jenny you handled him quite well, you're great praised the quite chloe.she praised me on and on till the launch break was over. She was kinda noisy but I still enjoyed hearing my praises.

One thing was sure Kelvi was not alright,he was quiet throughout the meal.he only ate and listened.he was like a 'walking dead'.

[*a person who has forgotten he is dead*]. 

'i know what to do' an idea came to my head. 'all I need to is to talk to Naina,she needs to know that all this shit is not happening because of anyone' I thought.


I found Naina in the class with her minions ."meet in on the terrace,after the class."i said immediately leaving her seat.i could tell she wanted to say something.soon the class came to an end,I went to the terrace fist.i waited Naina for about half an hour but she didn't show up, I was ready to leave when the door to the terrace opened, Naina walked in."you're finally here,I thought you wouldn't come!"i said. "is that what you want to say?,if that's it I'll take my leave now." Naina said.

"No!No!,the reason I called you here is for kelvi."i said.Naina looked quite interested in what I want to say "Don't you think it's enough now?"i asked.she raised her eye brows "what do you mean?"naina asked confusingly."don't tell me you didn't see how lonely Kelvi was today.he was more quiet than usual.i think you should forgive him for the mistake he made." I said."it's your fault,you caused Everything that's happening.if you hadn't showed up out of nowhere ' tadaaaa' I and Kelvi would have been happy together."naina accused.

"Are you blaming me for what's happening in your relationship?" I questioned."i know that this is between you and Kelvi,but I can't stand here and watch Kelvi get hurt.you're avoiding him cause he yelled at you,what if he leaves you , will you lock your self up?."i asked, she was quiet.i continued "you can't always behave childishly in a relationship, you're no longer a child, grow up naina." it look like my words were taking effect."kelvi need your help,he needs your love , support, he is already going through a lot, don't add to his troubles"i said.

"Heed to my advice Naina,stop acting like a spoilt five year old, who can get anything she wants, appologize or reconcile with Kelvi. that's all, I'll be going now.Toodlees."i said turning toward the door."jenny could you call Kelvi for me, I'll be waiting for him here."naina said calmly.i looked at her and burst into laughter."_do I look like one of your minions?,get your butt downstairs and drag him up here."i said laughing my way out of the terrace door.

I didn't think it was the right thing to do,I talked to Naina behind Kelvi's back.won't he be angry?.i don't think there's something wrong with what I did ,they love each other, there's no big deal.i did the right thing.this is all for kelvi."now I have to look for jack,I Know he would be dieing to question me."i thought walking toward the corridor.