A new city and a new department, This made detective Lloyd Alexander think that he would have a new life. Who knew what a ruckus it would be in queens.
(A/N:- This is being written right after I watched Brooklyn Nine Nine. So you can expect to see some thing's like the halloween heists in here and I am most likely also going to take inspiration from some of the characters ot they most likely are the same characters but a bit younger.)
A car can be seen and inside is a man with a detective badge on him. The man is Detective Lloyd Alexander, Just a few hours ago he was solving a case that was given to him.
But from the looks of it , It looks like he got transfered. I wonder how he got here?
Screen Cut.
Lloyd can be seen in sitting on his chair paying no mind to his surroundings. His co workers are doing paperwork of the crimes that they solved.
"Detective Alexander I want you in my office immediately." Lloyd turns around only to see his Captain glaring at him.
Deciding not to anger him more he just follows him into his office.
"So Cap what can I do for ya?"
"Detective Alexander I have told you a hundred times to no call me Cap call me Captain Carl Fernández. If you fail to do this there will be strict consequences."
"Oh come on it can't be that bad."
"I assure you detective. It is going to be bad." The captain opens a drawer and takes out a case out of it.
"Anyway Detective this is a case I have gotten for you and It's may be hard but I'm telling you this now if you fail this, There is going to be a problem."
"Whatever man." Lloyd grabs the case and leaves the office.
He opens it to read it's contents.
"The home of a wealthy businessman James Fernández has been broken into and the only thing stolen is a very expensive painting. Damn the burglar has some expensive taste to go after a million dollar painting. The suspect is 38 Richard Holmes who is known for doing these kind of burglaries yada yada. Ok I know exactly what to do." Lloyd's other co-workers started to stare at him from all his muttering.
"What you guys mutter too."
"That's complete bogus and you know that Alexander." Lloyd looks back yo see his worst colleague.
"Oh shut up Richard." This comment gets him a glare from Richard.
"What case you got there Alexander is to find a missing cat."
"No it's not it's about a burglary by some guy named Richard." Realising what he said Lloyd gasps in shock.
"It's probably you who did that you broke fuck."
"Keep Dreaming kid, Keep dreaming."
Screen Cut.
Lloyd is outside of an house as he enters it. There as couple of cops inside trying to inspect what was going on.
There were many clues he saw as soon as he entered the house.
"A broken window seems like that's how the guy got in. There's alot of mess so it means he was exclusively looking for the painting. No sign of blood so that means there was no struggle." Lloyd continues to inspect around the room to find more clues.
"Hey you Where's the room where the painting was stolen?" He follows the cop as he takes him to the bed room.
The room is a normal bedroom with a giant whole above the bed presumably where the painting was.
He looked around to see nothing as he opened the closet. Inside were some of the man's clothes and a hammer?
He grabbed the hammer as possible crime tool and went on with his search.
There was nothing more in the room so he tought to go back and and check the fingerprint on the hammer
but on his way out he saw something suspicious.
Screen Cut.
Lloyd can be seen in the office of his Captain as he gives him a sheet of paper.
"So captain there is the proof that the fingerprint on that hammer is certainly Richard Holmes."
"Good Job Detective you have satasfied me."
Lloyd leaves the office and he starts waking past the interrogation room.
"Hey Hey detective guy come here." Lloyd hears the voice from the room so he enters
"Umm who are you?"
"Im Richard Holmes dude I'm telling you I didn't do this I being framed you need to help."
"How are you being framed when your fingerprints are on the crime wepon"
"Yes that hammer is mine but you got to listen to me that wasn't used to break in."
"Alright Dude I'll listen to your story."
"Well you see a couple of weeks ago I got called by James called me to help him with some issues. I'm a handyman so I decided to help him when I went back home and realised I had forgotten the hammer. I tried calling James a thousand times but he did not respond he just kept declining it. You have to help me Detective please." Lloyd looked at him confused.
"So you expect me to belive that you just so happen0d to be a handyman who James called and you just happend to lose your hammer less than a week before the burglary."
"Yes mann." Lloyd was about to respond when he phone started ringing. He heard the call and.
Screen Cut.
"So you expect me to belive that Mr James stole his own painting?"
"... yes sir?"
"What prove do you have of that." Hearing this Lloyd took a hammer out of his bag.
"You expect me to belive this because of a hammer?"
"Well you see sir This hammer was found in the trash next to Mr James's house and it even has his fingerprints on it."
"So can a person not throw away a hammer?"
"That's not my point sir. What I'm trying to say is that while checking for fingerprints the scientists found a shattered piece of glass on it which was exactly the same as the one as in Mr James's house."
"That still not enough evidence why would he steal his own painting."
"Well truth is it's not his painting."
"Calm down sir. I talked with some people and one of them turned out to be a friend of his apparently the painting that was stolen was the friend's painting."
"Hmmmm I guess that is good enought evidence to prove what was going on. ... Good..... Job Detective."
"Oh my God that's the first time you are praising me."
"Do not think to highly of it."
Screen Cut.
Lloyd was walking towards the captain's office when he heard him talking to someone.
"Who the Hell is he talkin to?"
"I'm sorry James I didn't know you would get caught Alexander turned out to be a better detective than I tought."
"Wait what. Is he working with James?'
"Yes Brother I will get you out of prison. Yes I will transfer Alexander."
"There Brothers???"
"He's probably joking." Lloyd goes back to his table trying to forget what happend.
Screen Cut.
"Detective Alexander You are being transfered to the queens."
Screen Cut.
Well that's a funny story isn't it.