
For Me

"Are you looking down on your man now?"

Liang Feng glanced at Yueying as he gave her a warm smile.

"No it's not that. I still don't know your skills in Helium. Plus, Tai Shun is above average. I'm just afraid that--"

Yueying was interrupted when Liang Feng's hand patted her head.

"Alright, enough worrying. Didn't I tell you to trust me?"

"If you say so. Then, goodluck!" Yueying gave him the cutest smile she has ever done. It signified that she trusted him and to do well.

Liang Feng turned to look at Tai Shun and again with his cold and piercing gaze.

"What are we waiting for? Lead the way."

"Hmmp." Tai Shun gave him a smug and determined look as he lead all of them to the university arena.


The university had their own battle grounds. Though it was not as big as Tech City Stadium, it was still high-end. It could house 15,000 audiences. As for the stage, it had the same set up as Tech City Stadium, with two glass rooms that contained five computer units. The only difference is that there were only two big screens on the stadium's top center. The stage was also modified so that when a battle takes place in Helium, it is projected on the stage, making the characters participating to appear.

Liang Feng was as calm and collected as ever while holding Yingyue's hand. She, on the other hand, was still worried about him. She even thought that she should fight in place of Liang Feng. But she trusted him so she disregarded the thought.

The two pairs went to the different glass rooms and the two men immediately turned on a computer and logged in.

The first to appear on stage was Tai Shun's character. It was named Justice Hands as it was a [1]Brawler class. Justice Hands was equipped with an above average gauntlet type weapon as well as his armor.

"Hurry up. I am itching to fight already." said Tai Shun.

A few seconds later, a character appeared on stage. An [2]Assassin class character appeared. It still wasn't included in the rankings and was equipped with a normal blade and dagger and was named Nooblight.

'I was on guard this whole time for a non-ranked player? How pathetic.' Tai Shun look disappointed.


In a glass room

"Don't worry, Ying. I was afraid he'd back out if I used my main character so instead, I used an alternate." Liang Feng talked as he was staring at his monitor.

It was like he knew what Yingyue was thinking behind him. She was worried ever since she saw Nooblight.

"Then...please win. For me." The last words Yueying uttered were not that loud but Liang Feng still heard it. His heart skipped a beat as he then grinned. His eyes were brimming with the intention to win.





Nooblight and Justice Hands dashed towards each other. With just a few units away, Justice Hands immediately used [3]Forward Destruction but Nooblight vanished and when he reappeared, there were 3 Nooblights standing.

'Liang Feng's not bad. I can say for sure that he's above average. He even dodged a skill that fires a gale of wind with [4]Phantom and quickly casted [5]Clones. Amazing APM! Who'd thought he'd be this good.' Yingyue thought to herself as she watched the battle unfold.

Liang Feng smiled and spoke

"My dear wife, watch closely. My counterattack starts now."


1 - Brawler - A class in the game that focuses on physical attacks. Equipped with gauntlet type weapons.

2 - Assassin - A class in the game that is a master of stealth and focuses on backstab attacks. Equipped with a blade and a short dagger.

3 - Forward Destruction - A skill that knocks back opponents with a strong wind gale.

4 - Phantom - An assassin skill that enables one to dodge a skill and vanish

5 - Clones - An assassin skill that produces clones of oneself.