
Destiny of the Chosen One: Journey of the Apprentice Witch

Monsters known as werewolves are scattered on this continent. They hang out in villages during the day and wait for opportunities to devour humans at night. Dill was an Oriental orphan bought from the port by the big witches with a dozen dill spices. As a trainee witch, she soon came to the first village and swore to find the werewolf and win the favor of humans' belief. But one night, the handsome guy who had been rejected during the day knocked on the door of his room with a cute and naughty smile. He blinked his golden vertical pupils, his canine teeth slightly exposed under his lips and asked, "Now, are you still saying no?" The handsome little wolf with chocolate fur is dedicated to taking away the little witch with the seasoning potion.

Daoist41JuTq · Fantasi
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57 Chs

Chapter 47 The Rotten Witch

◎Werewolves have the power to curse everything, enough to bring disasters like the plague. ◎

The golden sunshine dances on the eyelids, and feels warm and comfortable under the skin, as if it is deep in the clouds of dawn.

Dill blinked and looked at the green curtain with a hint of lake water. The big white goose was washing its wings in the shallow water dew in the basin, and each feather beak was washed with a hazy rainbow light. Oslo was completely different. If you dare to get close, it has already tasted the pain.

Dill could hear Turnip humming a song of victory. Turning her head, Christina was sleeping soundly across from her.

Ah, yes, last night they were basking in the moonlight, counting the stars, and toasting boldly and randomly, as if they were back at the new moon party in Miller Valley. In the end, both of them got drunk and simply slept on the wool blanket. The blanket was very thick and it was warm and comfortable to sleep on.

Dill couldn't help but stare at Christina. The girl's face was peaceful, her dark eyelashes were elegantly curled, and her bright red lips looked like they were holding a rose. She was as beautiful as a palace oil painting. She thought of Ms. Fran, the serious blue-robed witch who had always been very strict with Christina and made the girl miserable. Christina had sneaked out to play with them more than once. The girl didn't understand why other girls didn't need to learn etiquette, history, geography, and even local dialects other than witchcraft. Oslo is like another mouth for her, liberating her nature and singing freely.

At that time, Amber only said that Ms. Fran served as a court teacher in many countries. Dill also thought that she was really a learned and serious lady, which was a pain for Christina.

But looking back now, maybe Ms. Fran knew everything and she had been preparing for Christina's future long ago.

Dill's intuition told herself that this was not something she could interfere with.

"Come on, Christina." She whispered her blessing.


Christina rubbed her eyes and got up from the blanket with a sleepy look on her face. Her soft brown hair curled up on her silk white nightgown. She was as cute as a little bear waking up from hibernation. Dill couldn't help but rush over to give it to her. She gave her a bear hug.

"Wow, the sun is shining on my butt? How long have I been asleep?" Christina is indeed the oldest little witch. She quickly adjusted her state and quickly cleaned up the mess.

Dill watched her quickly change her clothes and wrap her beautiful long hair with a cloth. The fellow witch who was still chatting with her yesterday became an inconspicuous maid in the Green Emerald City in the blink of an eye.

[Stalker] and [Disguise] refer to this. Dill thought that even if the other party couldn't become a princess, she could still become an assassin. Assassins who are proficient in magic, even the Silver Wolf King pretending to be a human noble, are hard to guard against.

Christina brought a basin of water to wash Dill, but Dill refused. She did not really regard herself as a young lady.

Dill finally put on the silver robe again. This treasure had been with her since she came out of the valley. The moonlight last night made it brand new and shiny. The robe changes with the owner's thoughts. As soon as it is attached to the skin, the sterling silver material looks like green leaves shaking off frost and snow. The lines break and overlap to create different cuts and patterns, and finally turn into a dark green lady's bouquet. The waist is light and the hem of the skirt is balanced, falling just on the girl's toes.

"It's low-key and inconspicuous, and you can see Lester's family color, not bad!" Christina's comments made Dill confident. After all, this is the real master of stealth.

Christina went to get breakfast. As soon as Dill picked up the big white goose, Oslo couldn't wait to land in the water basin,

It rolled its wings exaggeratedly, as if it was about to be washed for Turnip, and a shallow pool of water was shaken with splashes. Looking from a distance, Dill thought the scene was quite terrifying, as if boiling water boiled a bird. Add another egg.

Witches all say that the smarter and cunning an animal is, the more it loves to be clean, just like a certain wolf cub. It is obviously a wolf. Every time I see him, he is clean. His silver armor is white and shiny, and his blond hair is as bright as the sun. , even after the transformation, he still has curly chocolate-colored hair, and eyes as sweet as flowing honey, which are sweeter than any human teenager of the same age...

Dill quickly pulled back her thoughts and beat the deer in her heart countless times. Cristina's mind is now occupied with finding the werewolf, and she is now in a dilemma. She may accidentally target the Moon Witch's traitor.

While she was combing the feathers of the big white goose, she was sorting out her thoughts...

"Buzz buzz..."

Dill frowned, and she actually pinched a big fly from the clean feathers of the big white goose. It had green eyes and fat wings. Before she felt sick, Dill unceremoniously swallowed the snack that was delivered to her door.

There was a knock on the oak door of the room, and it was Christina's voice: "Dill, the kitchen is very busy, I only got these."

Christina took the tray, which was a small bowl of fruit with honey, and two pieces of toasted white cheese that had been dried out and stale. Compared to last night's feast, this was just a beggar's farewell, but the witch didn't care for two months, and Dill was even glad that she finally didn't have to consume any alcohol.

"I will call a few sparrows later to search the most suspicious places first. Dill, your current status can be used as a shield to block those annoying guards..."

  Snapped! Dill slapped the bread from Christina's hand.

Christina looked horrified: "I said the shield is not really a shield..."

"Cristina, you see clearly!"

The bread fell on the plate, shaking off countless white cheese crumbs. Christina watched the cheese crumbs begin to twist, and struggled to crawl back onto the bread...

What kind of cheese crumbs are these? White and thick maggots crawled all over the cracks in the baked dough, and the plate was covered with broken shells shed by the maggots.

Christina suppressed her nausea. She and Dill looked at each other. Christina calmed down. She picked up the fruit bowl and checked it. There were two apples and a big pear in it.

"This seems to be no problem." Dill wanted to struggle again.

Christina picked up the table knife and cut it open gently. Black and foul-smelling juice immediately flowed out from the cut surface. She used force to cut open the flesh on both sides, and a few twisting thick white strips fell out. The inside was already rotten and full of maggots.

"Something's wrong." Christina muttered to herself: "The food I got just now is normal."

Dill thought of the fly that appeared inexplicably before, and instantly understood what Christina meant.

For two months, the witches looked at each other. Christina reacted quickly. She pulled out her silver flute and put it to her lips. After a while, she called three little sparrows. They were her extended ears and eyes.

Soon, Christina took a breath: "It's not just us, last night's leftovers and all the food immediately rotted and got maggots and flies everywhere as soon as they passed through human hands. No wonder the kitchen was in such a mess just now."

Dill felt a chill running down her spine, but she still said the answer she guessed: "Wolf plague?"

Werewolves have the power to curse everything, enough to bring disasters like the plague. Wherever they pass, livestock die tragically, flowers and plants wither, and food rots...

Christina nodded solemnly: "The wolf has started to act. If so..."

Another knock on the oak door interrupted their conversation. It was Nurse Mag. Her voice was urgent and pleading:

"Tina, is Miss Dill awake?"

Christina immediately went to open the door, and Dill quickly got dressed behind the door.

  "What happened?"

Nurse Magg behind the door looked pale and had no bossy attitude as before.

As soon as she saw the girl in formal clothes, she immediately panicked as if she had found a savior: "Rotten food was sent to the kitchen this morning. The young lady seemed to be frightened. She went crazy and lost her mind! But now the castle is in chaos. In a ball, I can't find the lady…"

Dill immediately took Cristina and followed Nurse Mag to Rosalie's boudoir upstairs.

As soon as she stepped into the door, a stronger rotten smell made Dill subconsciously cover her nose.

Disgusting food was scattered all over the floor, and the room was in a mess. Tables, chairs and furniture were staggered, as if they had experienced a fierce fight.

Dill took a breath and saw Miss Rosalie being pinned down on the bed by three stout maids. Her nightgown was torn to pieces. Her teeth were grinning and her hair was unkempt. face.

Nurse Mag was heartbroken: "Okay, okay, let go of Miss, you will hurt her!"

All three of them looked embarrassed: "We are holding the young lady together now. If we let go..."

"I have soothing incense here." Laura closed the curtains and picked up the candlestick on the side.

Probably Mrs. Leicester had told Nurse Margo that Dill had a background as a medicine man from the East Coast. The other party trusted Dill and allowed her to do what she did. When the warm and sweet incense began to fill the room, Miss Rosalie, who was still struggling at first, slowly slowed down her movements, and then she fell asleep like a doll with its wind-up unplugged.

Dill immediately received the trust and admiration in the eyes of the servants. She said calmly: "The young lady is probably frightened. I will massage the young lady first to relax her and let her have a good rest. You go and wait for the madam to come first."

After successfully dismissing all the servants, including the most stubborn Nurse Mag, Dill asked Cristina to close all the doors and windows without leaving any gaps through which they could peek inside. Then the two of them approached the edge of the bed to check Miss Rosalie's condition.

Before Christina could ask, Dill immediately turned the unconscious Rosalie up and down, not forgetting to ask for help from her companions:

"Quick, help me find it!"

"What are you looking for?"

"Bite marks."

Christina couldn't believe it: "You mean Miss Rosalie..."

Is it a wolf?