
Gemini Rings

''You...you did this?!'' Grid shouted in anger to conceal the fear on his face.

''I...I...he attacked me...I was just defending myself!'' Kneeling on the ground, Ren's hands were covered in blood. With disheveled hair, bloodstained clothes and crazed eyes he looked like a psycho.

''J, just you wait! Senior brother won't let you off!'' Grid threatened. He was scared and ready to flee at any moment but didn't show it on himself. Having bullied him for years, Grid felt he couldn't lose face and escape even if he wanted to. The fact that Ren appeared in emotional upheaval, showing confusion, shock, and remorse over killing added to his small courage, telling him to stay.

''What the fuck is happening h...huh?! B, brother Kellam, how did this?!'' Another one of Nero's henchmen entered the room, causing Grid to inwardly sigh in relief as he was no longer left alone with Ren, who, unlike his past self, kind of intimidated him.

Grid still couldn't believe his eyes, but the fact was lying in front of him, literally...

Kellam's face was mutilated beyond recognition. He was deader than dead! And yet, he always thought, even if everyone died, Kellam would go last, considering how crafty and careful he was. This man didn't seem to have a bottom line. Morality didn't restrict him. He could adapt to all sorts of situations and slowly gain the footing for himself.

Someone like him died to Ren, trash with inflated pride, yet no power to speak of, a weakling who was bullied and trampled for so long...This is why, for the first time in his life, he felt fear towards this person who he used to look down on and, he wasn't the only one.

'I hope senior brother Nero comes soon.' Grid thought anxiously.

Outside, a few curious neighbors had gathered. They were fierily discussing.

Out of Nero's henchmen, Grid arrived first, but Ren's close neighbors were the first to receive the news. Most probably, there was already someone sent to relay them to Nero...

A few minutes later, all five Nero's remaining henchmen arrived in Ren's shack. Finding solace in numbers, they fiercely cursed at Ren, their words vicious, aimed to morally break him and yet...nobody dared to physically hurt him. Ren, whose robes and hands were covered in blood was just too intimidating!

They were afraid of him.

Ren was showing a variety of emotions on his face, similar to how a decent mortal would react to accidentally killing innocent. Anxiousness, remorse, fear, and confusion were written all over his face. He still appeared in shock, disbelieving of what he had done, but in truth...

Ren was laughing in his mind. 'Just as planned!' He snickered inwardly.

Everything was calculated, the fact that they would arrive first and their reactions. He knew them all too well and so, his predictions were accurate.

Since Nero had become an outer disciple, he moved residences, so he lived further than others, which is why he was most likely to arrive the last.

Ren had to make sure to manipulate the gang before his arrival.

''B, brothers, this was an accident. Senior brother, he...he'll definitely kill me. I don't want to die! Ah, I know...please take all this.'' Ren put on the desperate face and offered them Kellam's pouch, of course with some contents missing...The gang was startled, as Ren had never called Nero senior brother and them, brothers. This made them think, he was really desperate.

Their guards were lowered. 'Things are going well so far, better than I imagined even.' Ren thought. The main hurdle was still ahead though.

To accomplish his goal, Ren was willing to part with half of the small fortune he had accidentally made.

As he untied the string, the shining low-grade spirit stone fragments were revealed, causing the gang's expression to change.

''Please, take them all, and in exchange, can you guys dissuade senior brother from killing me? I don't want to die.'' Ren cried, while secretly praising his acting. He almost fell in love with performing from that moment, though, it wasn't much of an accomplishment to fool the fools.

It wasn't the first time he was fooling them. If not for him being a little crafty, it would take him more than 3 years to accumulate enough points for Qi gathering pill, considering how much they loved ruining his works.

Observing the gang's shocked and greedy faces, it was just as he had thought. Kellam, that fellow had amassed quite a fortune. Others weren't as capable.

''W, well, we'll take it.'' Grid shamelessly snatched the pouch, his fear evaporating into thin air. There was a reason why he was nicknamed 'Grid.'

''We'll split them later, let's just keep watch on him for now.'' The more collected one from the gang said with a frown. The others agreed, but they kept an eye on Grid, who forgot everything and started counting the stone fragments.

'And the main dish!' Ren pulled out an exquisite ring and presented it to them. ''Also, you guys can give this to Nero. This is no ordinary ring, as it calms the mind and results in one entering cultivation state faster. Even if it's not Human grade treasure, it's still Semi-Human grade at the very least.'' Ren said with hopeful eyes. ''Hopefully, this can buy my life.'' He muttered.

The gang's expression greatly changed. The shock was much deeper than when they were presented Kellam's wealthy pouch. They sneaked wary looks at each other. If this ring possessed the effect Ren claimed, then it was definitely worth a fortune.

Even if Semi-Human grade treasure was the worst, only higher than items crafted by mortals, its price was definitely higher than some low-rank Human grade treasures! It was an accessory after all and with such precious effect of calming one's mind.

''Let me verify.'' The ring was snatched from him by the squinty-eyed man. ''It's real...'' He said deeply after a few seconds.

Ren grinned inwardly. There was no way they would keep the ring to themselves, no matter how much they desired it. The reason was simple - they had to watch out for each other. If one kept the ring, the others would feel discontented and tell them off to Nero, who would most likely heavily punish them.

There was no way out for them, except to gift it to Nero and there was no way Nero could withstand the temptation of having his own treasure.

He would wear the ring, and this was Ren's purpose. Nero was his target all this time.

'Even if he presents it to Avi, heh, that's even better.' Ren laughed in his heart, observing the pitch black aura radiating from the youth who currently wore the ring.

Ren didn't know why the ring's wearer's aura turned dark. Probably it was some curse or some other reason, but it didn't matter. The wearer was bound to die!


There was no dark aura on him anymore, so Ren was guaranteed survival. Now, all that was left was to just wait for how things were going to play out.

* * * * * * * * * *

The day before...

Carmine traversed the forest like an eagle swimming through the sky, tearing the winds. He also made sure to minimize the traces he left as he moved while ensuring nobody was following him. It was never too bad to be more careful. Especially so, as the implication of someone knowing his secrets were too great.

He didn't feel guilty for cheating on Avi. He knew what sort of person she was. He always thought, harming a bad person wouldn't weigh on his mind. He knew he wasn't a good person either, but it didn't matter.

He had found his happiness, and never would he allow anyone to get in his way!

After an hour of moving through roundabout ways, Carmine reached his destination.

A heartfelt smile bloomed on his handsome face seeing his beloved. Wearing dull, gray robes of servant disciple in no way downgraded her beauty, as her beautiful frame perfectly merged with the picturesque scenery.

She seemed to notice his presence and turned her head. ''You came.'' She said in a tone mixed with surprise and happiness. Her blonde hair slightly danced with the wind, while her familiar warm face caused Carmine's heart to thump faster.

''How could I bear to leave my little beauty alone?'' Carmine joked as he sat by her side.

Giggling, Sara handed him the spare fishing rod lying by her side. ''I knew you would come.'' Carmine happily took the fishing rod and kept her a company. The two lovebirds chatted happily, talking about this and that while fishing like an old couple. At times, they would turn silent, just appreciating each other's presence. Sometimes, words weren't needed to communicate with someone...

''Let's take a small break, shall we?'' She suggested. A couple of fat fish were already caught in the basket.

''Ah, yeah...'' Carmine approved. They took a stroll around the place while chatting happily.

''What's wrong? You seem a bit out today. Did something happen?'' Even though he was as cheerful as always, Sara still noticed his current state of mind.

Carmine didn't answer. Suddenly he came to halt. He stuffed a small pouch in her hand he was holding.

Sara's expression changed. Lowering her head, she said weakly. ''This is not necessary. I know you are about to breakthrough...you need this more than I do. Besides, you know how low my talent is. I can't accept it! I...I'm fine with keeping things the way they are now. As long as you're with me, I'm fine with anything.'' Sara answered resolutely.

''No, you're not fine with it, and neither am I. I don't want to keep things between us this way. As long as you become an outer disciple, I can protect you, that's why, even if it takes ten or a hundred times more than that, I won't hesitate. You have to work hard, Sara. I don't want to live in fear anymore...'' Carmine confessed as his shoulders trembled.

The status of servant disciple was just too low. If someone found out their relationship and had evil thoughts, it would be disastrous.

''I...I...'' Sara started crying, realizing how much she meant to him. She didn't know how to answer. She cried in his embrace while promising. ''I will work hard!''

After a heartwarming moment, the duo chatted for a while more and returned to fishing.

''Try harder next time.'' Sara grinned at him.

''I haven't lost yet. There's 3 more to go, right? I'll catch 'em all!'' Carmine didn't admit his loss.

''Dummy, I'd still have one more than you then.''

''Ah, oh, right, haha...'' Carmine laughed in embarrassment.

As they were joking, Sara's fishing rod was pulled. ''I got one...it's heavy.'' She seemed to be having trouble reeling back the rope as something was pulling it hard.

''Let me help you.'' With Carmine's help, it was as easy as a pie to pull it back, but it was surprisingly heavy nevertheless.''

''Could it be we've caught Mosaic fish? It's so heavy?'' Sara asked excitedly, not noticing the change in Carmine's expression.

With his keen sight, even from distance, he saw what they were pulling wasn't a fish, but...a human corpse. Carmine didn't want Sara to see the corpse, so the thought of letting it go came to his mind, but this idea went just as soon as it came. It was because he recognized the person, who had now turned into a corpse. His expression turned ashen.

By his side, Sara's eyes contracted in shock. He covered her mouth in horror while her eyes turned red. ''Big...sister...'' She broke down in sobs, which soon turned into loud wailing. Carmine let her cry on his shoulder, while he himself was petrified in shock and anger.

''What kind of beast could do this?!'' Carmine exclaimed, his face ugly. A sudden bite of guilt struck his heart, as the feeling of failure welled up inside him. He failed to protect his loved one's happiness. He knew nothing would be the same anymore...

After mourning until the sky turned dark, Sara finally let herself to part from her dear big sister, who always took care of her.

They buried her under the beautiful, three hundred years old oak tree. Carmine accompanied her silently.

After kneeling near her big sister's grave for more than an hour, Sara stood up, her expression cold. Staring at her cold expression, Carmine felt pain in his heart. She was always so cheerful and caring. Why did such calamity befall her? Could he have done something? His mind was in chaos.

Suddenly, Sara approached him slowly. Lifting her delicate hand, she took off the beautiful white ring from her index finger and stuffed it in Carmine's hands. ''This was our royal father's gift to us, sisters, Gemini rings...'' She started with absentminded expression. ''You should wear it.''

Carmine was confused. He had many questions, but seeing her resolutely staring into his eyes, he didn't ask anything and just wore it. As soon as he did, his brows slightly furrowed.

''Do you feel it? Gemini rings feel each other's presence. As long as two people are wearing it, they can roughly guess the direction of their position...My big sister's ring is missing...Please, help me avenge her.'' Two rows of tears streaked down Sara's cheeks, yet, her expression was frozen.

''I promise you!'' Carmine solemnly swore. There was no need for any more unnecessary words...

* * * * * * * * * *

''Do you admit your fault?'' The droopy-eyed young man asked Ren in a monotonous voice. He didn't bother to hide his disinterest.

'This Enforcement soldier looks like 'I'm just doing my job' sort of guy.' Ren thought. ''Yes, I do, I am willing to take the punishment.'' He replied.

''Good.'' Nodding, the enforcement soldier shackled his hands. Eyewitnesses told what they've seen or heard. Ren also admitted his faults. This simple procedure made things much easier for him.

''Let's go.'' Ren had to follow him back to the punishment hall, where he would have to spend a few months time. The lawbreaker would be locked in a special cell, where inhibitory formations were installed to slow down one's cultivation. For young people like them, the time was precious, as cultivation had more results when one's vitality was brimming.

For this reason, even if a few months sounded lenient for murder, it was actually quite harsh. Meanwhile, their peers would have surpassed the lawbreaker, and they would always be one step behind others.

The cells for servant disciples didn't have such complicated inhibitory formations, as they were simply not needed. Out of servant disciples, the grand majority were unable to cultivate and those who had the ability had low talent. Without resources, their growth would be limited.

Ren didn't fear imprisonment for this reason. His soul was a bit stronger than others, while his perception greatly exceeded others on the same level. He was even looking forward to his first ever closed-door cultivation.

'It's all good. The outside matters won't distract me. I can focus on cultivation. It's just a pity I won't be able to see him die.' Ren thought positively. He had taken every variable into consideration and deducted there was no way his enemy could survive the peril.

He thought deep and hard about it. If not for knowing about the dark aura, he would have never been that cautious and thus, there was no way he could escape death. The others were unable to see it, so Ren considered it impossible for anyone to be able to escape the mark of death without his interference.

The droopy-eyed man appreciated his cooperation a great deal and didn't make things difficult for him. On the way back, Ren met Nero coming at his direction. His expression was ashen.

''Humph.'' He coldly snorted as he passed by him, his eyes speaking volumes. Turning back, he saw his figure disappear into the distance. A sudden realization struck Ren's mind. 'Gee, he's so pissed. He was going to kill me, 100%. Despite the danger, there was no dark aura on me, as if it was fated for Enforcement soldier to come before him and take me away. What a close call...'

This gave him many profound ideas. Did the dark color have something to do with a vague concept such as 'fate?' What about other colors, then?

'I'm blue now...' Ren chuckled in his mind, still sticking to his earlier belief. 'It's better than gray, I guess, haha~'

It was quite early, so the duo didn't meet many people on the way back.

Ren followed the enforcement soldier to the punishment hall, located in the outer sect. For the first time in his life, Ren had an opportunity to take a look at the outer sect.

First of all, the spiritual energy was denser, thus making this place better suited for cultivation. Due to many heaven and earth gathering formations, the disciples were bound to progress faster here.

What stood out next were buildings, ancient and solemn.

Noticing Ren's expression, which made him look like a country bumkin made ever so disinterested droopy-eyed man slightly smile, but he didn't comment.

Ren was still taking in the view like a hungry wolf. The distribution and dining halls were bigger and better looking. Also, the outer sect had many facilities, which the outermost area didn't have, such as gardens and greenhouses where spiritual herbs were raised, all sorts of training grounds, designated for practicing martial skills and testing specialized weapons.

'Is this a martial arena? So cool! And these giant towers, I wonder what they are for.' Ren wondered in his mind while looking around all over the place, as the determination to grow stronger grew in his heart. He felt his horizons were being expanded.

There was simply no comparison between servant disciples, who had to struggle to survive, and outer disciples who had fewer distractions and worries. They could just focus on cultivation, as the sect created the right environment for them for competition. The atmosphere here was bound to spark competitiveness in disciples.

''Come along.'' The enforcement soldier reminded Ren, who was distracted. ''Ah, yeah...'' Ren sighed in disappointment.

''Work hard and you'll have a place here for yourself too.'' The droopy-eyed man casually commented as he glanced back at him, which surprised Ren.

The duo reached the enforcement hall. They passed through the small room, then another one, where he was given a new set of casual clothes. After quickly changing, the soldier brought him to a giant hall where the lawbreakers were held. Their cells were moderately distanced from each other, so they wouldn't be completely isolated.

''Oh look, we have a new neighbor.'' Someone exclaimed from the cell.

''He doesn't look like a criminal. Sigh, I guess he's not gonna be here for long.'' Another one lamented.

''Who knows, don't judge the book by its cover.'' Someone harrumphed.

Ren curiously listened to their conversation.

''Shut your traps, the food's on me today.'' The droopy-eyed man said in annoyance. This silenced everyone. They didn't want to starve for the day.

''Here's your cell. Ask the wardens about the rules.'' The lazy soldier brought him to his cell and locked him up. Having finished his job, he left while yawning.

'So this is going to be my new home?' Ren looked around. 'It's not too bad. I can survive. Most importantly, I can focus my mind on cultivation.' Ignoring his neighbors, Ren sat down, crossed his legs and emptied his head of thoughts. Before long, his breathing became even as he entered cultivation state to others' surprise.

''Fuck, this kid can sense Qi!'' An envious, angry shout and a heavy bang came from the random cell.

''AAAAAAAAAHHH!'' An annoying, piercing shriek came from the same cell moments later.

''Fuck you!''

''Shut up!''

''Wardens, shut this bitch up!''

''Shoot, the kid's not distracted. He's like a rock.''


''It's warden! Tony's screwed.''

''He was blinded with envy.''


''Poor Tony...''

The prison was certainly...lively to say the least, but Ren didn't care. He diligently cultivated, the determination to enter the outer sect burning in his heart fiercer than ever.

* * * * * * * * * *

Nero suddenly detected faint killing intent locked on him. Turning his head, he noticed a mysterious robed figure in the crowd. Before he could react, the figure was gone, leaving him feeling chilled.

* * * * * * * * * *

'I can't personally get involved.' Carmine tried his best to calm his seething heart. He followed the resonance of the ring and found the culprit.


Of course, he knew his identity. 'He's Avi's dog. I knew he was involved in a lot of shady things, but who could have imagined he was such a filthy beast?! Heeeh, no, I should calm down. I can't act rashly. Avi might already know about my and Sara's relationship. That's why...her big sister was targetted. YOU BITCH! YOU FORCED MY HAND!' He howled in his mind as he mixed with the crowd with bloodshot eyes.

The following day...

''WHAT?!'' Nero stood up with an ashen face.''Come again?''

Grid nervously repeated. ''B, boss, Krull issued life and death challenge against you. It will be held this afternoon.''

''WHEN DID I EVER OFFEND HIM? WHAT'S GOING ON?!'' Nero howled as he smashed his fist against the wall.

If life and death duel was issued against someone on the same cultivation level, the other side couldn't refuse, otherwise, they would be kicked out from the sect.

Nero was going crazy in anger, unable to recall when he had ever offended the challenger.

Krull had been at the 1st stage of Qi Condensation for quite a long time. He had already mastered few skills and could put up a fight even against 2nd stage Qi condensation experts. Meanwhile, Nero had just advanced. His realm wasn't even stabilized yet and he hadn't learned any skills. Accepting was a suicide, but declining was even worse than death!

''Investigate, GO!'' Nero howled. Bowing, Grid quickly scrambled away in fear.

Suddenly, Grid's desperate scream like that of a pig being butchered rang.

Nero's expression changed. He stormed out of his room.

He froze, noticing a small group of outer disciples waiting for him at his door. Grid's bloody corpse lied on the ground, at their feet...

''A small gift from us, senior brothers.'' The fierce-looking outer disciple laughed at him in disdain, while others sneered mockingly.

''Let's go. We're wasting our time talking to a corpse.''

''He's still breathing, though...''

''Not for a long, little buddy, not for long, hahaha~''

Nero slumped down on hard ground, his body trembling. The bloody heads of his gang were lying on the ground, 'staring' at him with their now emotionless eyes.

* * * * * * * * * *

''Mistress, you have to help me!'' Nero was lying at Avi's feet, begging in tears.

Avi's face was twisted, her narrowed eyes radiating coldness.

''Who did you offend? What did you do?!'' Instead of standing on his side, Avi erupted and kicked him heavily, giving him not light injuries.

''Mercy, please! Mistress, it's not my fault. I didn't do anything!'' Nero screamed like a beaten dog.

''Useless!'' Avi kicked him one final time, her mind anxiously churning. She was paranoic, feeling someone was targetting her.

''Don't let me find who you are!'' She growled in anger.

* * * * * * * * * *

''What are you dawdling for? The fight's about to start. Hurry up, don't you want to see your enemy beaten to death? Hahaha~'' Fatty laughed unrestrainedly.

The cloaked Ren was still shocked as he dumbly followed him. 'This damn fatty was an inner disciple! Good God!' He still couldn't believe his ears.

Apparently, fatty Ruka had been accepted as inner disciple right after joining the sect. Such occasions were incredibly rare, as the disciples had to crawl their way up and possess sufficient power to become inner disciples, but as fatty was immediately taken in as a direct disciple by the Inner court elder, his status exceeded that of outer disciples.

When he asked him, what he was doing in the servant disciple's dining place, fatty embarrassedly replied, that as he had recently joined the sect, he didn't have any points, and food cost a lot of points in the inner sect...

Even if fatty wasn't on the same power level as people of his status, it was as easy as flipping his hand for him to free a servant disciple like Ren from imprisonment. ''Haha, you're still looking at me like that? I owed you one. Now we're even. There's no need for you to mull over it. Come, let's have fun.''

''O, ok.'' Ren nodded, finally accepting the truth.

''But, are you sure you want to return there after watching the battle?'' The fatty asked him worriedly.

''Yeah, the heaven and earth energies are richer in the outer sect. That old formation doesn't have much power. I prefer to cultivate there without distractions.'' Ren assured him.

''O, ok then. You're a weird one. I heard they don't serve food well there.'' Fatty mumbled the last part with a frown, which made Ren smile.

''Look, the battle's about to start.'' The fatty laughed as the duo approached the crowd, gathered around the martial ring built on the pedestal.

Ren's eyes shone as he noticed the disheveled figure standing on the arena. A small grin formed on his lips as he stared at the hateful man surrounded by a dark aura.

Who could it be, except for Nero?

'It's a pity. It'd be so much better if I had the chance to kill him myself.' Ren lamented. For the first time, he regretted plotting against his enemies. He would have preferred a more direct approach, but it was also fine this way. The sooner they were gone, the better. The dead couldn't create trouble for him.

Being able to destroy someone without personally staining one's hand was also a special feeling. Killing with a borrowed knife was a thing, but only for clever people. Ren wasn't particularly clever, but he had a special perception, which allowed him to calculate impossible.

Today, Ren's second greatest enemy, who had made his life miserable was about to fall from the results of his scheme. Smiling, Ren stood by fatty's side, ready to enjoy the show.

Thanks to fatty, he wouldn't be missing such a special occasion.

He wanted to see the dying struggle of the man, who liked to see everyone but himself suffer. Unbeknownst to himself, Ren's personality was slowly molding, becoming fitting for the power-hungry cultivation world...

Another unplanned chapter, hurray!

It has a record number of 4,5 k words...

UNfortunately, I had to rewrite some parts, which I accidentally lost, but wrote incredibly well on my first attempt, resulting in some average wordplay. Sigh...it's still ok, I guess.

Anyways, I want to hear your opinions, what do you think about the story so far? Is it too weird to see wuxia character slaughtering his enemies through wits and not his personal power?

silverwolfcubcreators' thoughts
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