
Destined To Forget You

Alyx, The Queen of Neveda is cursed and driven out of her land by her fiance. Her curse is that anyone that comes close to her in terms of forming a relationship with her would inevitably lose their memory. And those who have known her, would not remember. She finds herself on earth and takes up the identity of Quinn Theodore, a mysterious bartender who does nothing but serve people drinks and runs home at the end of her shift. Cold and reserved, she keeps to herself, never moving on from her tragic past. Then welcome Ethan Maxwell, her boss, always looking for the next girl to lay with. Every worker in his club had felt his touch except for Quinn, making moves on her; she resists him. The sexual relationship they shared was slowly shifting as they saw similarities in each other and to Quinn's dismay, his feelings started showing. She pushes him away and quits her job, staying out of contact with everyone. He goes looking for her only to discover that this bartender is not as ordinary as she seems. But he had already fallen in love with her. But he was destined to forget her.

The_Masked_Dancer · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: A Queen Is Exiled

"I do not understand you. I think that we should have a large party. something to shock everyone if you understand me," Queen Alyx spoke to her advisor on the massive celebration she was supposed to have for the Victory of a war she had previously won. The advisor looked at her as if she were a child wishing for all the unicorns in the world but he had no other choice but to pay attention to what the Queen demanded.

"Would you like anything else, my lady?" she gives the thoughts and then shakes her head.

"no no Gustav I do not need anything anymore!! thank you so much for your assistance, you can leave now." she pushes him away and he simply complies.

Alyx went to her room thinking of the recent events that had happened, it had been a rough war and a lot of people had died but at last, she came out victorious as usual. But she was scared at a particular moment when she thought she lost her fiance, now that he was all right and healing properly there was nothing to be afraid of anymore. In fact, she will go see him this instant and give him something to think of.

She travels all the way down the stairs looking for Where the Light-blonde man could have gone to. Unfortunately for her, he never stayed in one place and he was always fond of moving around even when he was not supposed to. She checks every Nook and Cranny of the palace before finally coming to rest it on the door frame of his room. She gives it three gentle taps and when there is no answer she opens it by herself she sees her fiance just about wearing clothes, the towel had dropped to the floor and she had a beautiful view of his tushie,

"Oh my!! I didn't know you were planning to surprise me this way!" and she gives it a hard slap, he cringes at her actions but he doesn't really mind since he is used to it. After spending three years with Alyx, experience told him that his booty was not his booty anymore but it was hers.

"Correction my Queen, you walked in on me and that is highly inappropriate for someone of your status." he quickly wrapped his arms around her and snuggled his head on her neck, "or have you just come to take something for me?" she growls as he flirts with her nonstop. She pushes him away and composes herself trying to straighten her extravagance and exclusive dress,

"No, I just wanted to check up on you to make sure you are doing better. I see that your scars are healing properly," she examines the wounds before landing on the softness of his bed, "I'm so sorry I had to drag you into this. I did not expect the war to be that drastic but apparently it seems that not everybody wants me on the throne." she's deep in thought for a moment before his body drops beside hers. He turns his gaze to her and he does them a favor by turning her chins to his Direction,

"I do not see why they will not want you on the throne, you are a good Queen for all I know, do not let it get to you. And whoever who wishes to bring you down we will just deal with them like we did with the late King Bazar," he encourages her the best way he could and this puts a smile on her face,

"Yes you are right and as long as you're with me I'll be able to fight anyone and everyone just to make sure that our Kingdom is safe." her fingers glide to his cheek and she gently caresses them, "when are we getting married my love? I cannot wait for everyone to call me your wife officially, and people would call you the King Neveda.'' she wraps her arms around him and pushes her skin into this, he takes in her ash-like scent that had the little hint of Cherry to it. He smiles and the embrace feels like a warm campfire.

His fingers slide down her gentle body and he begins to caress her in delicate places. Moans begin to escape from her and he does not hold back any longer, he takes her there and then, rough and passionate they make love until they're tired. Well actually until she is tired and she falls asleep.

Alyx wakes up to the destruction of her Kingdom, they had taken away almost everything, and everything inside was set ablaze. She did her best to stop the enemy troops from pouring in but she could not hold all of them back without having to transform into her demon form. But then again a demon form had been restricted by some kind of magic that she had no idea someone had access to. I felt like she had been betrayed. Well, she had been betrayed and it was by someone she never expected to break her heart this way.

She eyes rest on her fiance fighting against her men and soon he's fighting her, he does not give her any room to breathe and she is forced out of a kingdom running for her life, unfortunately, she does not go as far as the entrance of the palace until she is hit with a magical aura and the essence burns her body like fire. Her appearance does not change and neither does her energy but what does change is how people began to see her, in short, they could not even remember who she was. Not even Gustav that she had known for the better part of her years. He looked at her like a complete stranger and all of them began to revolt against her.

Swiftly without hesitation, not understanding what a magic trick her fiance had played, but whatever it was it had turned her own people against her and she was forced to leave her Kingdom. But it doesn't stop them from chasing after her, all of her men begin to hunt her down and before she is killed she stumbles upon a magical object and she's instantly teleported to another realm.

Broken and rejected, the queen of Neveda does her best to survive in this new world but as she's walking across the street not paying any attention to traffic signs, she is hit by a vehicle. The lights bright up her scared orbs and she does not have enough time to evade and the vehicle goes straight into her body, sending her into an empty Abyss.