
Desired class shift

"Kiyotaka no longer wanted to be a part of his class due to the hatred he received, so he sought a way to change classes." "This will be my first fanfic, and English is not my native language. I was just bored, so I decided to create my little story." "I do not own Cote or the cover; all credits go to their rightful owners."

Tyche_wise · Komik
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14 Chs

Pool Challenges - Volleyball Game and Clash of Egos

It was the weekend, and as I finished preparing my modest breakfast, I couldn't help but think about the need to find someone to teach me how to cook. It's not that my food was bad, but I was limited to preparing simple dishes I found online. I wanted to expand my culinary repertoire and add more variety to my cooking. Of course, I had enough points to avoid cooking for the rest of my time at school, but improving my cooking skills could be quite useful.

While finishing washing the dishes, I pondered on what to do today. I could spend the day in my room, hang out with the Ayanokouji group, or go to the library, where I was sure to find Hiyori. As I contemplated my options, my phone started ringing. I checked to see who it was, and it was Shibata. After seeing the caller, I answered the call.

Shibata: Hey, Ayanokouji, you're free now, right? - he asked, assuming I had nothing else to do. Well, he's not wrong; I don't have plans right now.

Ayanokouji: Yes, I'm free at the moment. - I replied.

Shibata: Great, my man! Let me tell you, your boring weekend is over because you're joining us to go to the pool - he said with enthusiasm.

Ayanokouji: The pool?

Shibata: Yes, the pool. Almost the entire class is going since we all need a break after those two special exams. The whole class agreed to go to the pool today, and that's why I called you. What do you say? - he said. I see, I suppose most of them were stressed, and now they want to relax. Well, since almost everyone is going, I guess I'll join as well. Not like I have anything else to do.

Ayanokouji: I see. Then I'll join you guys.

Shibata: Good thing you agreed right away, or else I'd have to go with Kanzaki and drag her out of her room - he said. It seems like you didn't have many options other than accepting. We'll leave at 10, don't be late - he told me before hanging up.

Well, I guess I have plans now. I check the time, and it's 7:30; I still have time, so I'll prepare the basics and then read the book Hiyori recommended.

As I leave my room, I glance at the clock; it's 9:45. I take the elevator, patiently waiting for it to descend while listening to a familiar and soothing piece of music: "Swan Lake," composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Opus 20. I quite enjoy this piece. It's a pinnacle of classical theater and one of the most recognized compositions by the Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Composed between 1875 and 1876, it has been influenced by composers like Beethoven and Mendelssohn, as well as other artists from the 19th century. The modern orchestration, combined with Tchaikovsky's unique interpretation, has made "Swan Lake" known and appreciated to this day. This piece masterfully captures deep human emotions through its poetic and emotionally stimulating melody, making it highly relevant for today's audience.

Lost in the music, I hadn't noticed that the elevator had already descended. I calmly exit, and to my right, someone calls my name.

Shibata: Ayanokouji, you're the last one to arrive. What took you so long? - he asks.

Amikura: You're silly, Shibata-kun. Yesterday we said we'd meet at 10, and there are still 10 minutes left until the agreed time. Ayanokouji-kun arrived early - she says.

Shibata: Ah, I guess you're right. Sorry, Ayanokouji. I'm just excited - he says with a smile.

Amikura: Excited? Don't tell me you're excited to see us in swimsuits. Are you a pervert, Shibata-kun? - says Amikura, covering her chest with both hands. Although by her tone and smile, it's clear she's teasing Shibata.

Shibata: N-no, that's not true. I just want to swim and have fun with everyone - he says, stuttering.

Amikura: Sure, that's it. Then why are you nervous? - she asks with a mischievous smile.

Shibata: I told you it's not that - he says with a weaker voice. Then he looks at Kanzaki, who is to his right - Kanzaki, help me out here - he says, seeking assistance.

Kanzaki: Sigh, Shibata, you've been Amikura's partner for almost a year, and you still don't realize that she's joking most of the time - she tells him.

Shibata: Eh?

Ichinose: That's why, Mako-chan always teases you, Shibata-kun. You're an easy target - she says. It seems like it's a common occurrence.

Ichinose: Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun - she greets me with a warm smile.

Ayanokouji: Good morning, Ichinose. Good morning to all of you too - I greet them.

Kanzaki: Good morning, Ayanokouji.

Amikura: Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun. Are you excited to see cute girls in swimsuits? - she says, trying to tease.

Shibata: Good morning, Ayanokouji.

After the greetings, we leave the dorms to head towards the pool. As we walk, Ichinose calls me; she's on my left.

Ichinose: Ayanokouji-kun, are you excited about going to the pool today? - she asks.

Ayanokouji: Honestly, yes. It's been a few months since the last time I went to the pool - I reply.

Ichinose: You're right; I guess we've all been busy with special exams and midterms. I'm excited to go to the pool again with everyone; they deserve a break after all the effort they've put in - she says with a smile shining more than usual in the morning sun. After that, we continue talking about different topics until we arrive and separate to change.

Kanzaki, Shibata, and I leave the changing rooms to head to the pool. While waiting for the girls to finish changing, I couldn't help but notice that the place was quite crowded, from first-year students to third-year students.

Kanzaki: It's pretty crowded today - she remarks.

Shibata: Yeah, I can see students from all classes around here. It seems like they had the same plans as us - he says, looking around.

Amikura: Hey, guys, sorry for the delay - she says - wow, it's quite crowded - she adds after noticing her surroundings.

Ichinose: It seems like the others also wanted to have fun like us - Ichinose says.

Amikura: So, guys, what do you think of our swimsuits? - she asks

Kanzaki: "They're fine," he said dryly.

Amikura: "Come on, Kanzaki-kun, that's too simple. You won't get a girlfriend if you don't know how to compliment a woman," she said. "And you, Shibata-kun, what do you think?"

Shibata: "I think they look very good," he said, with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Amikura: "Well, a bit better than Kanzaki-kun. And now, Ayanokouji-kun, don't disappoint me," she said. I took a moment to think about my response.

Ayanokouji: "It looks great on you and accentuates all your best features. The purple color complements your hair perfectly and makes your appearance truly dazzling. You've really chosen a swimsuit that highlights your unique style and beautiful figure," I replied honestly.

Ayanokouji: "Ichinose, you simply look stunning in that swimsuit. It fits your well-endowed figure perfectly and enhances all your standout attributes. The soft colors and floral designs make your appearance truly charming and feminine."

After sincerely complimenting them, they looked at me for a moment before averting their gaze.

Amikura: "Th-thank you, Ayanokouji-kun," she said shyly.

Ichinose: "Th-thank you, Ayanokouji-kun," she responded nervously. Seeing their reactions, I could tell I did quite well, all thanks to Internet-sensei.

Shibata: "Ayanokouji, brother, no, master, teach me your wisdom," he said, bowing.

After that, we walked towards the pool, greeting our classmates who were already there. Amikura went to talk to Minamikata and Kobashi, while Shibata ran towards the pool to swim, leaving Kanzaki, Ichinose, and me.

Ichinose was about to talk to me about something when a volleyball came towards her at an incredible speed. The volleyball was approaching rapidly, but my reflexes reacted instantly. I pulled Ichinose towards my chest to protect her and then extended my hand to intercept the ball in mid-air. The sound of the impact resonated in the air as I safely stopped the ball.

Crowd: "Wow! Amazing!"

Random: "That was impressive! Did you see how fast he reacted?"

Kanzaki: "Ichinose, Ayanokouji, are you okay?" he asked with a bit of concern.

Ayanokouji: "I'm fine. And you, Ichinose, are you okay?" I asked while still holding her against my chest.

Ichinose: "I-I'm fine, thank you, Ayanokouji-kun. If it weren't for you, I don't know what would have happened," she replied with flushed cheeks.

Ichinose: "Oh no, your hand is red. You should take care of it. Do you need any medical attention?"

Ayanokouji: "Don't worry, Ichinose. It's just a minor bruise. I don't need medical attention, but thanks for caring," I responded.

Nagumo (approaching with a sarcastic smile): "Well, well, it seems my volleyball reached you. I apologize, Honami; I almost hurt you with an 'accident'," he apologized, but clearly, from his attitude, I could tell it was done on purpose.

Ichinose: "It's okay, Nagumo-senpai. It was an accident, and it didn't lead to anything serious, thanks to Ayanokouji-kun."

Nagumo: "I see. Now that the problem is resolved, Ayanokouji, we need more people to play. Want to join?" he asked, clearly having other intentions with that invitation.

Ayanokouji: "No, thanks for inviting me, but I'll have to decline."

Nagumo: "You don't have to reject me so quickly, you know?" He then turns to Shibata, who arrived a moment ago due to the previous incident. "Shibata, do you want to play with us too? Kanzaki and Ayanokouji are invited. We could have a good match, don't you think?" he asks Shibata, knowing he is easily influenced and likely to accept.

Shibata: "That would be great, Kanzaki. Ayanokouji, let's play with Nagumo-senpai; it'll be fun," he says excitedly.

Nagumo: "Yes, and it'll be more fun if we bet on something, don't you think?"

Kanzaki: "Bet?"

Nagumo: "Yes, we can bet points. What about 1 million points? It's not a large sum for 6 people; I think it's a good amount."

Kanzaki: "But in our team, there are only 3. What about the others?"

Nagumo: "That's very simple, Kanzaki. Just..." Before he can finish, someone interrupts him.

Ryuuen: "That sounds like fun. Let me join the fun," Ryuuen appears with a twisted smile.

Kanzaki: "Ryuuen," she says, getting on alert.

Shibata: "Ryuuen," he adds.

Nagumo: "Ryuuen, huh? Do you want to join their team?" he asks.

Ryuuen: "Yes, and I also want to increase the bet to 3 million. What do you think?" he asks Nagumo.

Nagumo: "3 million, are you sure you can afford it?" he questions.

Ryuuen: "That doesn't matter. After all, it won't be me who loses," he says with total confidence.

Nagumo: "You're very confident, Ryuuen. You better not regret it later. With that said, I accept the bet," Ryuuen increases the bet without caring about our opinion.

Ryuuen: "You guys better not be a burden. I'll kick your asses if you don't help," he says, pointing at us.

Kanzaki: "Why did you increase the bet without asking us?" she asks, annoyed.

Ryuuen: "Who cares? I increased it because I know I'll win," he responds. After that, he starts walking towards the court where Nagumo and his lackeys are already present. Kanzaki and Shibata also start moving, and seeing that I have no other options, I follow them.

Ichinose: "Good luck, Ayanokouji-kun," she encourages me.

Upon arriving at the court, I realize that Nagumo is substituting all his players with others who have better physical fitness than the previous ones. I suppose it won't be an easy match. I look at my team; besides Ryuuen, there's Ichizaki and the giant Yamada. I guess we have good chances of winning. I position myself at the back right, and Ryuuen is on my left.

Ryuuen: "Hey, monster, you better not hold back. I'll beat you if you do," he asks, as if Ryuuen forgot about the rooftop incident.

Ayanokouji: "I already said that, didn't I? I don't plan on holding back anymore," I reply. Ryuuen looks at me for a moment before looking forward to start the match. Our team serves first.

It's very sunny today... I sigh, it's really hot.


The sun shines brightly over the volleyball court located next to the public pool as spectators settle into the stands to witness the exciting match. Ayanokouji's team, composed of Kanzaki, Yamada, Ichizaki, Ryuuen, Shibata, and Ayanokouji, takes their position at one end of the court, ready to face Nagumo's team.

The Ayanokouji team takes the initiative as they begin the serve, showcasing their dominance right from the start. Ryuuen and Ayanokouji coordinate seamlessly, executing precise passes and powerful spikes that leave Nagumo's defense with no options. Yamada, with his imposing presence at the net, blocks the opposing team's attack attempts, while Shibata and Kanzaki exert effort in defense and strategic plays. The game is underway, and the Ayanokouji team is determined to maintain control with their skillful plays.

The game unfolds with unparalleled intensity. Ayanokouji, with his agility and ability to read the game, makes unstoppable spikes that score points for his team. Yamada showcases his skill in blocking, denying any chance of attack to Nagumo's team. Ryuuen moves across the court with speed and precision, making precise passes to keep the game in motion.

Nagumo's team struggles to respond, but each attempt is blocked or defended with mastery by Ayanokouji's team. The coordination among Ayanokouji's players is exceptional, allowing them to maintain control of the game at all times.

Spectators can't contain their enthusiasm at the level of play they're witnessing. The stands fill with applause and cheers every time Ayanokouji's team scores a point. The excitement in the air is palpable, and the game becomes an unforgettable sports spectacle.

During the thrilling match, Ayanokouji prepares for a powerful spike. He carefully observes Nagumo's defense, seeking an opportunity to score a decisive point. With absolute concentration, he jumps into the air and hits the ball with impressive force.

The ball, propelled by the power of Ayanokouji's spike, cuts through the air at great speed. However, in an unexpected twist of fate, the trajectory deviates slightly, and the ball hits Nagumo directly in the face.

The sound of impact resonates on the court, followed by a moment of stunned silence. Spectators hold their breath as they watch the scene unfold. Nagumo, bewildered by the unexpected hit, staggers backward, holding his face with an expression of surprise and pain.

Ayanokouji quickly approaches Nagumo, though his gesture of apology seems more superficial than genuine. With a monotone voice, he says, "I'm sorry, it was an accident. It wasn't my intention to hit you so hard." However, in his cold and serene gaze, one can perceive that the apology lacks sincerity and that the situation doesn't truly concern him.

Meanwhile, Ayanokouji's team and Nagumo's players watch the scene with different reactions. Some show concern and approach Nagumo to see if he's okay, while others can't help but smirk at seeing Nagumo receive an unexpected blow.

The referee, aware of the situation, momentarily stops the game to allow Nagumo to recover. Spectators murmur among themselves, commenting on the incident and Ayanokouji's apparent lack of concern.

Once Nagumo recovers and the game resumes, the incident becomes a footnote in the match. However, the impact of Ayanokouji's spike on Nagumo's face doesn't go unnoticed. With an expression of irritation and hatred towards Ayanokouji, Nagumo realizes that this incident will have a significant impact on his reputation, and he won't be able to easily ignore this affront.

As the match reaches its climax, Ayanokouji's team continues to demonstrate their superiority on the court. With powerful spikes and impenetrable blocks, they secure a decisive victory over Nagumo's team.

Finally, with Ayanokouji's spectacular last spike, Nagumo's team is defeated. The crowd erupts in a deafening ovation, recognizing the absolute dominance of Ayanokouji's team in the match.

The volleyball match has left everyone impressed, both players and spectators. Ayanokouji's team, with their outstanding talent and skill, proved their superiority in every aspect of the game and achieved a crushing victory over Nagumo's team. This victory will be engraved in the memory of all present as an example of teamwork and sporting excellence.

After the conclusion of the match, Nagumo fulfilled the financial agreement, and Ryuuen proceeded to distribute the agreed-upon sum equally among the participants. Following that, Nagumo left the premises. Subsequently, the day unfolded without notable incidents. I took the opportunity to immerse myself in the pool and engage in pleasant conversations with my peers, who were impressed by my performance in volleyball. Overall, it was a pleasant day where everyone could relax and release tensions. In summary, an extremely enjoyable day that I look forward to repeating in the future.

As the day approached its end, our time at the pool also came to a close. We left the place and headed back towards the dormitories. However, I separated from my peers, informing them that I had an unresolved matter to attend to. While gazing at the sun, which had not yet set, I took out my phone under the pretense of sending a message, but the real reason was to capture a selfie. I was certain that I was being followed. Upon reviewing the photo, I identified four individuals, likely second or third-year students. The question of why they were following me dissipated as I recalled the incident with Nagumo. With the certainty that I was being followed, I headed towards the seashore, a place where I knew there were no surveillance cameras, and waited for my pursuers.

While waiting on the tranquil seashore, I reflected on the possible reasons behind this pursuit. The shadows of the evening lengthened, and the gentle whisper of the waves provided a serene backdrop to the situation. The sea breeze caressed my face as I observed the four individuals cautiously approaching.

Upon arrival, malevolence was evident in their faces, with intense gazes and gestures exuding palpable hostility. Without delay, I took the initiative: "Why are you following me?" I inquired directly. A brief silence preceded the defiant response from the most serious-looking individual: "Guess why, first-year." His tone suggested provocation, urging me to guess their intentions. "I'm not a mind reader," I calmly replied, "so I'll need you to tell me."

At that moment, another member of the group, with a twisted smile, interjected: "Well, I guess I'll tell you. We're here to teach you a lesson." His malicious expression made it clear that their intentions went beyond a simple conversation. "Before we begin, it would be wise for you to hand over all your points. It could make this 'lesson' less painful for you," he added with a veiled threat in his tone.

"And if I refuse," I responded calmly.

"Well, then we'll have to be a little tougher on you. Don't blame us; we gave you the option to make it easier, but you refused. What a shame," he replied with an indifferent expression.

"You know that this is harassment, right? You could get expelled for this," I questioned them.

"Yeah, we know, but guess what, there are no cameras here, so no one will know what's about to happen now," he responded with total confidence as he approached me slowly.

Faced with the looming threat, I remained calm and quickly assessed my options. The atmosphere became tense, and although I could feel the imminent violence, I decided to maintain my composure.

"You really shouldn't go down this path. There are other ways to solve problems without resorting to violence," I expressed calmly, seeking to find a peaceful way out of the situation.

However, their mocking laughter and determination in their faces indicated that they were determined to take things to the extreme. Violence seemed inevitable, and my ability to persuade them was reaching its limit.

Without wasting a moment, the four assailants lunged at Ayanokouji, who dodged their attacks with astonishing ease. Despite the desperate punches and kicks they attempted to land, none of them could reach their target. Meanwhile, Ayanokouji maintained his impassive face as usual, showing no signs of effort or concern.

Faced with the ambush from the four attackers, Ayanokouji, with his cunning and keen observation, began to identify the martial arts skills of each opponent as the fight unfolded. As the attacks intensified, the movement patterns revealed their individual disciplines.

The two practitioners of boxing advanced with fast punches and traditional techniques. Ayanokouji quickly noticed the precise and compact nature of their strikes, identifying the influence of boxing. With calculated movements, he dodged and neutralized their attacks, using his agility to counter each move.

The individual versed in taekwondo deployed agile and high kicks in an attempt to unbalance Ayanokouji. Observing the fluidity and height of the kicks, Ayanokouji accurately deduced the nature of taekwondo. His response was precise, blocking and evading with mastery, countering with skillful movements that left his opponent perplexed.

The last one, experienced in street fighting, attempted less conventional tactics, seeking an advantage in chaos. Ayanokouji, alert to every movement, noticed the aggressiveness and unpredictability in their tactics, indicating the influence of street fighting. He responded with a mix of defense and counterattacks, dismantling his opponent's strategies.

As the fight continued, Ayanokouji adjusted his approach, anticipating each move based on the martial arts disciplines he identified. His ability to adapt on the fly and decipher his opponents' tactics demonstrated his sharp understanding of martial arts, allowing him to efficiently neutralize his aggressors.

At a crucial moment in the confrontation, Ayanokouji executed a masterful strike that directly hit his opponent's jaw. However, due to the intensity of the battle, Ayanokouji applied a bit more force than necessary, causing the opponent's jaw to dislocate. "Seems like I went a bit overboard," he commented calmly, as his opponents lost their initial confidence in the face of his skill.

As the fight continued, Ayanokouji adjusted his approach, anticipating each move based on the martial arts disciplines he identified. His ability to adapt on the fly and decipher his opponents' tactics demonstrated his sharp understanding of martial arts, allowing him to efficiently neutralize his aggressors.

"Enough of games," declared Ayanokouji with calmness, making it clear that the confrontation had come to an end. From that moment on, Ayanokouji elevated his speed, agility, and strength to outstanding levels, dominating the remaining three opponents with precise and clean movements. His prowess in martial arts manifested itself impressively, leaving his adversaries with no options. With a series of fluid and calculated movements, Ayanokouji efficiently neutralized every attempt at a counterattack, bringing the fight to an inevitable conclusion. Finally, with astonishing efficiency, he knocked out the three remaining opponents, leaving them on the ground and putting an end to the situation with mastery.

After neutralizing the three remaining opponents, Ayanokouji approached one of them, who lay unconscious on the ground. With a precise gesture, he managed to wake him up gently.

"Wake up," Ayanokouji instructed with coldness.

Once conscious, the opponent looked around with confusion, not fully comprehending the situation. Ayanokouji, without wasting time, showed him the phone with the recorded audio where the assailants had expressed their intention to take away his points and assault him.

"Listen carefully," Ayanokouji said, playing the audio. "If you don't want me to take more drastic measures, when the others wake up, all of you must transfer your points to me. Understood?"

The opponent, now aware of the evidence against him, nodded nervously. Ayanokouji continued to watch the others, who were also regaining consciousness, conveying the same demand with an unwavering gaze. The situation made it clear that Ayanokouji had absolute control and that any resistance would result in serious consequences for the assailants.

As I walked towards the dormitories, I reflected on the unexpected turn of events. The confrontation with Nagumo and his henchmen demonstrated that, even in seemingly calm moments, rivalry and intrigue could arise at any time. My encounter with those harassers reminded me of the importance of staying vigilant and not underestimating anyone.

With firmness in my thoughts, I pondered, "Let Nagumo play as he pleases. But let him understand that if he crosses the limits, I will be the one to expel him and put an end to his pathetic attempt to reign in this academy." With that determined resolve, I continued my way to the dormitories, ready to face any challenge that destiny might decide to throw my way.