

The world began to change once the calendar ended.

Never in a million years did I believe that I would be in a world that had powers, or people considered super human, or even hear us being referred to as Gods. That day came to fruition not so long ago on Dec. 21 2012, the end of the Aztec calendar new Gods we're being born around the world. The end of the calendar was supposed to signify the end of the old world and the birth of a new, but instead of that the world created new superior beings. New Gods! It was a huge phenomenon that science couldn't fully explain. When the clock struck 12:00 am on Dec. 21 people all across the world were collapsing from the pain of their bodies being burned from the inside out. The excruciating pain that was being projected on the new Gods were sending them straight to the hospital. The hospital staff dumbfounded about everything that is going on, the higher ups reported their findings to their respective governments. That's when the problems began and the Aztec prophecy started to take its shape, and slowly started baring its fangs to us. It's new prey.

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