

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasi
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100 Chs


In just less than two minutes, Bethany eyes was becoming blurry because of the excessive tears coming out of her eyes.

"Bethany, what happened, why are you crying?" asked Savarus as he quickly walked to her and hug her shivering body.

"Please do tell me I'm not imagining things, Savarus?" said Bethany as she raise her blurry eyes to look at him.

"It's me Bethany so please stop crying, I'm completely fine" said Savarus as he hug her more tightly.

'What have I done, I don't know my little action was going to affect her this way, why show concern for someone you don't know much about' said Savarus in his mind as he try to coax her.

On seeing face and knowing she was not imagining it, she burst out into more tears as she hugged him with same intensity.

"Please don't ever give throw away your life so carelessly, if you think you don't have anyone to live for, then please live for me, live for the sake that I love you" said Bethany.

"Bethany I'm sorry, I don't wish to hurt you in anyway, I never knew you would be affected by it this way" said Savarus as he wiped the tears off her cheek and raise her head up so he can look at her face.

Upon seeing her teary eyes, Savarus didn't know what came over him as he he gently place his lip on hers and gave her a kiss.

Bethany responded back with the same feeling as she kissed him back.

After having calm herself down with the help of Savarus, she turned to look at him properly to check if there was any visible injuries on him.

"How come, how were you able to survive the fall and how come you are unscathed, how were you able to climb back up that quickly?" asked Bethany in shocked as she looked at Savarus up and down.

"I guess you were right by saying everyone has a purpose in life and won't leave except fulfilling it, when I slipped off the cliff, I thought I was going to die but luckily there was a tree branch which I hang on to before climbing back up" said Savarus

"What do you mean by climbing back up, how is that possible?" asked Bethany in disbelief.

"Haven't you heard about the words, mountain climbing" said Savarus.

"Please don't ever risk your life just to test out a theory of mine okay?" said Bethany as she rest her head on his shoulder.

"I won't" replied Savarus. "To tell you the true, this feeling of having someone care for me is a completely new feeling for me, I mostly do things in a nonchalant manner all because there isn't anyone to face the consequences of my actions, but I do wish to change that because I don't want to ever see you hurting" said Savarus.

"You are a good man with some dark secret Savarus, I know it's hard trusting someone with secrets, but I want to you to know that you don't always have to carry the burden all by yourself" said Bethany as she looked at his eyes.

"Bethany I do have something to ask you, if I was to die, how would you feel?" asked Savarus.

"Please don't say something like that, please don't die, live life to the fullest" said Bethany while shaking her head because of the words of Savarus.

'It's funny how you said I should live life to the fullest when I don't even know if there would ever be a fullest for me in this life' said Savarus to himself. 'but I do promise to follow my heart and do whatever will bring me happiness'.

"Bethany there is something I have been meaning to ask you, if I was to propose to you and ask your hand in marriage, would you accept?" asked Savarus.

On hearing his words, Bethany quickly adverted her eyes from him and hid her face so he wouldn't see the hint of red on her cheek.

"It's really not my choice entirely, you first have to talk with my dad and if he agrees then I would give you my answer" said Bethany in shyness.

"What if your dad doesn't agree, then what would your answer be, would you still be with me despite the rejection of your father?" asked Savarus.

"I don't know" said Bethany. 'I pray it should never come to that' said Bethany in her mind.

"I think we should get going right now before your dad start thinking that I kidnap you, it's getting late" said Savarus while laughing as he raise Bethany off the ground.

They both walked back to the carriage which was waiting now for the past two hours.

The moment they drove back to the Bucadox clan, Bethany walked out of the carriage and was about entering inside the clan, but just when she was about to pass through the gate, she turned back and walked to meet Savarus who was out of the carriage looking at her.

When she got close to him, she hugged him and gave him a kiss not caring that they were out in the open before turning to go inside.

'Please live for me' said Bethany in her mind as she pass through the gate and got inside the clan.

Savarus stood there for a while while thinking of what Bethany just did, although it wasn't the first time they have kiss, but this was the first time they have kiss publicly.

With a smile in his face, he got inside the carriage and head straight to his house.

The guards who were present at the gate couldn't stop themselves from gossiping about what just happened with one another.

"Never did I think that the miss would be interested in the man who fought against the clan leader, not only fight but won against him" said the guards to themselves as they continue their duties.

Thanks for reading, please vote and add this book to library so I can write more chapters. Thanks once again

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