

My name is Fu yun.i died of my fellow sect brother's and sister's greed.we entered a spatial realm together along with other sect peoples ..and as fate would have

it ,we entered the core of the realm very easily. along the way we aquired no cultivation method of sort as we hoped to ...but we got humongous amount of spirit

stones.we all divided it and put it in our spatial rings ..but for me i had a very unique mind space bu birth which nobody knew of ..i stored my share of everything

there .actually i was the sect master's daughter of a certain supersect ..as such i had first chance to journey into many such spatial realms and have many normal

ranked to leggendary ranked cultivation scroll and almost all rare resources necessery to cultivate in my mind space.but in this journey things went downhill.as soon

as we reached the core of this spatial realm ...we noticed an orb of unknown red colour crystal floating in air. the red wasa ominous kind of red omitting a balefull

aura all aaround it ..as such none dared to approach it .I had the highest cultivation among the group so i proceeded first . as soon as i appeared within its

balefull aura range strange creatures started spewing within its aura range ....i started fighitng but noticed that these creatures are ...although unknown to me ..

is not very stong .this kept on going after 10 15 minutei noticed the balefull aura reducing .this prompted me to get closer to that orb.closer i got ...stronger the

monsters kept getting but also the aura kept reducing at a fast pace . after i finished the monster waves ..i touched theh orb and soon a violent mental attack ensued

out of the orb.My mind along with my mind space gopt dragged in the orb i could tell..the attck affected everyone and a clamor rose ...it is a treasure of legendary

rank....it has its own will. we must have it. I started fighting that will in my mind space .as fate would have it ..i found out that its will power surge was

momentary ...because its mental maturity was not even of a 15 year old kid.so the battle should have ended fast but i suddenly felt a sharp pain in my body ...as soon

as checked my body condition with my minds eye i saw my own teammates swords piercing my body from all direction.before i even had a chance to recover i was dead

physically .i knew i was dying fast ..and i would have to hold on to the last thread of hope . i decided ..rather than killing the orbs mind i will devour it.Normally

none would do so coz doing so will force one's mind and soul to be boud by the orb .but in my case i have no choice ...the orb is demonic ...it is unknown what it

can do it is unknown what would happen to me after i absorb the orb's will but one thing is for sure ....i will live on in this orb. so i did it . i hurriedly

employed [sour reversing sutra] and both mine and the orbs will began to merge.i slowly felt the memories of the orb seeping into me .....it was a memory of an

entirely different world ..there was this sytem for everyone and skills ...classes ...and of course dungeons .this orb is a demonic type dungeon core.once upon a time

it was a famed dungeon in that worlds dark continent....but the self proclaimed light faction warmongers waged wars onto the dark faction continent for its resources.

they defeated and conquired this dungeon and wanted to destroy this dungeon core .but at that time the dungeon guide demon pixie sacrificed its own life to open a

spatial distortion and sent the core to this dimension.the distortion is still open right around this orb but only those with space dao attunement could feel it or

i can sense it as i am the orb now i can sense it .i did not even think twice before jumping through the spatial distortion.although i was sad that i died and i wont

even get to see my mama and papa ever probably ....but there is a chance to unlock an avatar body later i might come back. for now staying one moment more means more

chance to fall into the hands of fellow cultivators.and i dont wanna serve anyone i dont love.the jump was rockey.i felt my mind blanked out .i donno how long i was

out but when i woke up i used my mana sense and mana vision immediately .damn i am within some ruines . i tried to open my stats window but all i saw is a bunch of

#@*$*@$$@.is the system broken ??that cant be ..the saystem is equivalent to world law here .it cant be broken.then i tried to meditated and soon the reason for this

came to my mind the thing is because of my energy within mew is in complete chaos.fist the demonic core when in cultivation world tried and gatherd demonic qi insted

of demonic mana and its mana absorbpstion skill did change to qi absorption. now that it is back to mana infused world it is trying to ingest mana again this is

putting huge pressure onto the core and making chaos within its energy circuits.i started thinking...this cant go on .. absorbing mana and converting it to useful

things is what dungeons are good at.they absorb the fallen enemies energy and absorb their body but not their soul unless they are demonic dungeons .which is my case.

thats why demonic dungeons are despised throughout the land .suddenly i rembered my mind space ....i hurriedly checked .everything was neatly stacked there down to

every spirit stone..i started shifting though all the scrolles i had down to every last detail .the ranking of scrolls on cultivation technique or attack or defense

technique goes by several ranks -normal<rare<epic<mythic<legendary.even though i came from a super sect i could not practice my sects legendary rank cultivation method

[nine desolation heavenly art] coz desolate energy was not compatible to me.so i do know what that scroll says and its contents .i highly doubt it will be effective

here either.i kept checking my stash of scrolles and found my only salvation finally. an epic rank scroll-[Titan Demon Body refining sutra] . if aapplied on human body

it absorbs any and all kind of energy like a demonic titan and refines the fleshly body.so theoratically if applied on a dungeon core ...it will absorb the rampant

energies within the core and will also increase the cores intergrity.i got right to it .i willed the scroll to open up and then absorbed the Titan demon pathway wthin

any living being.and then started chanting the sutra in my mind .i kept going on ....after some time i finally felt the energies within me espond to the chant .i kept

going vigorously and after unknown amount of time the energy started swimming around the path way along with the humming chant.i woke up when all my chaotic energies

were absorbed and settled down.iopened status then-

Name-Fu Yun


Race-Demonic dungeon core

Core integrity-150/150

Mana storage-50/500

Mana generation-50/hour

start dungeon ?? yes /no

i decided to press no for now . i am a demonic dungeon.i will start this whole dungeon business after i grow a bit stronger .For now i wanna practice the titan

demon body refining method and increase my mana capacity , mana regen and core integrity to a level decent enough that i can take things easy .so i drew out all

the lowest grade spirit stones i had and put them all around my core and started cultivating .after unknown amount of time passed ...ding ...commensing evolution

i felt my body cracking . and changing.using mana sense i noticed that my size has increased from thumbnail size marbel to a foot radious globe and its color

previously was scarlet red, now it is flesh red in colour..i saw the notification...ding ..demonic dungeon core evolved to demonic titan dungeon core.i kept going

and soon after i got another breeakthrough. i was stunned. evolving one level is equivalent to mastering one stage in the [Tital Demon body refining sutra]...which

has altogether 13 level. body cultivation naturallly takes time but why is it so fast in this case ?? i kept going and soon again another breakthrough.the size

of the core did not increase but all the aspects of it like integrity has increased.by the time i was at level 9 all the low rank spirit stones have turned to dust.

i was astounded so many times that i have nothing to say.my core integrity has increased off the charts although my mana storage and mana regen did not increase

that much .so i decided to max this [titan demon body refining sutra] all the way to level-13 while this good fortune lasts and took out mid ranked spirit stones.

soon after i reallly maxed out !!! yey to my good luck .my stats became like below

Name-Fu Yun


Race-Demonic dungeon core

Core integrity-75000000000000/75000000000000

Mana storage-59500000/500000000

Mana generation-500000/hour

start dungeon ?? yes /no

well now . after maxing the body refining sutra my next target was to start the dungeon building for the first time .

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