

In the enchanting kingdom of Elysium, a ceaseless battle wages between the malevolent demon tribe and the realm's wise rulers. To protect the kingdom, a council forms a group of seven elite warriors, destined to bring lasting peace. However, this elite warriors soon became corrupted by power and blinded from their main goal making matters worst. But everything changes when a boy "Kazuto kurogane" gets summoned by the gods, Chosen to stop the corrupt Heroes and hopefully bring peace back to Elysium once again.

Okunola_Champion · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Demon x Heroes volume 1 chapter 12

Kazuto Kurogane, and his comrades, the goddess who transported him to this new world, and Lyra, a female Demi Human he valiantly rescued from the clutches of enslavement, finally set foot in the majestic capital city after enduring a grueling two-day journey by carriage. Their purpose: to take part in the imminent tournament that holds the promise of both glory and peril.

The tournament registration center was a grand edifice, its grandeur complemented by the echoing sounds of bustling activity. Sunlight streamed through tall arched windows, casting intricate patterns across the polished marble floor. The air buzzed with the clinking of armor and the hushed murmur of contestants discussing strategies. Amidst the sea of faces stood Kazuto, his expression a blend of determination and curiosity. His companions, the enigmatic goddess, and Lyra, a warrior with a fiery spirit, flanked him.

Aldrich Stormbringer, a towering figure clad in resplendent silver armor, seemed a living embodiment of a tempest. His deep voice rumbled like distant thunder as he sneered at Darius Ironclad, his rival in arms. "Ironclad, your words are as dull as your swordplay. Are you here to entertain or to fight?"

Darius's response was a growl, his fists clenching as his own temper flared. "If I wanted entertainment, I'd have visited the tavern. But here, I'm only interested in testing my mettle on the battlefield."

Aldrich's laughter was a booming roar. "Testing your mettle, you say? Let's see how well that rusty blade of yours fares when faced with true steel."

Darius's eyes flashed with defiance. "It's seen more battles than your polished armor, Stormbringer. Don't mistake arrogance for skill."

suddenly a voice cut through the rising tension like a blade. "Enough of this. We're not here to bicker like children. Save your energy for the tournament."

The calm figure who intervened, named Alaric, spoke with authority. "Aldrich, Darius, we're all contenders here. Save your disagreements for the arena, where they will be settled."

Beside him, a woman named Liana, her voice gentle yet firm, added, "Remember why you're here. We share a common goal."

Another contestant, a woman with an air of authority, stepped forward. "Gentlemen, we stand on the threshold of a momentous event. Let us not tarnish it with petty quarrels. There are greater challenges ahead."

The goddess observed the scene with a mixture of disappointment and amusement, her celestial features betraying none of her thoughts. Meanwhile, Kazuto's shoulders lifted in an almost imperceptible shrug, his gaze remaining fixed on his goal. Unperturbed, he resumed his stride, determined to focus on what lay ahead.

Inside the registration center, a heavy wooden counter separated Kazuto from the receptionist, a stern-faced woman with a parchment-strewn desk. The conversation between them was earnest and intense, as rules were discussed, guidelines outlined, and expectations set. The registration process was a meticulous ordeal, each detail etched into memory. Kazuto's demeanor shifted from casual curiosity to a composed seriousness that matched the weight of the situation.

Amid the formalities, Lyra's anxiety was palpable. Her wide, inquisitive eyes remained fixed on Kazuto, her lips parting as if to voice her concerns, but hesitating each time. The goddess, perceptive as ever, intercepted Lyra's unspoken words, her melodic voice a soothing balm. With a gentle touch to Lyra's shoulder, she reassured her that Kazuto possessed an inner strength that transcended the battlefield. The exchange between the two women carried an air of camaraderie and understanding that ran deeper than mere words.

Kazuto's eyes held determination as he addressed the receptionist. "I understand the rules. This tournament is about testing one's mettle, and I'm here to do just that."

The receptionist, her gaze unwavering, responded with a nod. "Your conviction is evident. Remember, this is more than just a contest. Lives hang in the balance."

Lyra's voice trembled with worry as she addressed Kazuto. "Please, be careful out there. Promise me you'll come back."

Kazuto's gaze softened as he met her eyes. "I promise, Lyra. I'll return, victorious."

The goddess's voice carried a serene assurance. "Lyra, trust in his strength. Kazuto is no ordinary man."

After the Kazuto seperaated from his comrades and headed for the contestants waiting room while Lyra and the goddess went to find some seats in the audience.

In the opulent royal VIP seat within the sprawling arena, Elysium, the second Princess of the kingdom, lounged in decadent splendor. Her gown shimmered like moonlight on water, and her raven hair cascaded down her back like a silken waterfall. A glass of deep red wine rested in her hand, the rich liquid swirled by her idle contemplation. Seraphina's beauty was undeniable, but a darkness lay beneath her enchanting facade.

Her lips curved into a beguiling smile, her eyes glinting with mischief as they surveyed the arena below. The contestants, to her, were like pawns on a grand chessboard. "Ah, the contenders have gathered," she purred, her voice a sultry melody that held a hint of danger. "A kaleidoscope of strength and ambition."

She leaned forward, her words caressed by a seductive tone. "But what use is strength if it isn't tested? What purpose does ambition serve without a suitable canvas?" Her words carried an unsettling allure, hinting at her corrupt intentions, casting a chilling shadow over the upcoming events. Her desires, concealed behind a veil of charm, were as treacherous as they were enticing.

Seraphina's fingers traced the rim of her wine glass as she continued, her voice dripping with honeyed manipulation. "Contestants, warriors, heroes... so eager to prove themselves. I wonder, which among you will catch my eye?"