
DEMON: Three of me

Penulis: ZombiePat
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A 18 year old young man dies in car accident and goes through the wheel of reincarnation, he reincarnates in one of the three million universes as a five year old demon. of course he doesn't retain his memories because of the rules set up by all gods. on the day of his birthday the demon empire his attacked by the humans on their own continent to wipe them out. when our protagonist is escaping through a damaged portal he is sent to the human continent on the other side of the world by accident, he ends up falling in a large cave and lands on a pure soul stone head first where he loses conscious.

Chapter 1Intro

Universe four of the Omni verse, on the world of Texdathra, a world with three giant continents.

On the continent of demons also known as the land of sin, a new life was arriving. In the great house wolf a woman was in labor, her screams could be heard from outside the door.

A man kept on shuddering on every scream as if he was the one on the receiving end. The man had black hair, a black beard, and red eyes… in other words he was an intimidating man, but right now he looked like he was on the verge of defeat …but suddenly the sound of a baby crying was heard.

Hearing this, the man stood up and charged into the room.

"Where is my child?!"

Suddenly a cup came fly at the speed of sound towards the man and hit his head.

"Jeffad shut the hell up." Said a middle looking woman, her brows furrowed.

"Sorry mama." The man said in a timid and hushed tone.

"Now get over here and say hello to your new son, and please give him a name, your wife fell asleep at the last moment."

"…I see." With that the man walked forward and took the child from his mother.

"He has bits of is mother's hair." Jeffad said with a passionate smile.

In the demon Empire, nobles were known as families. This was because it was normal for one to marry in their own family… in fact it was abnormal for one to marry outside their family, but it was still allowed.

This was because demons wished to preserve their blood line, and it also helped with the fertility rate. Normally a demon had a very low chance to conceive this was because of their long lifespan, and rank in nature.

Demons usually live for over 1 000 years and that is just for a low ranking demon, and as for a demon deity they would live over 200 000 years, of course demon deities were very low in numbers.

In the all of the demon empire, an empire with a population of more than 20 million demons, there existed only 13 demon deities.

Enough with the explanations back to the story.

Within house wolf a great party was in progress, the man named Jeffad was extremely happy after the birth of his third child, he had invited all the high ranking demons in the empire.

"...So Jeffad I heard its boy, you are quite lucky this time." A giant 2 meter man spoke with a jolly smile on his face.

"…Hahahaha, you heard right my friend, I have more than 90 boys now, I'm very happy. hahahaha come drink."

"Don't joke around Jeffad, you know that we from the gorilla house don't handle being drunk very well." The man said with a wryly smile.

Suddenly a female voice came from behind the giant man "shut up and drink I will pay for the damage!"

"Mama! You now will have to rebuild the all house again, right?" Jeffad said with a worried expression.

"Don't worry, Jeff you will stay with me." She said with bright smile.

"Was that an order?" Jeffad asked in a fearful tone.

Jeff's mom laughed for a while before saying with an evil grin "It was."

Be for the two could talk any further the giant door opened, and from within came a beautiful white haired woman and in her hands was a the baby from before.

"Jeffad hurry and go up their!" Sainva, Jeffad's mom said.

Jeffad hurried up the stairs and held his wife's hand. They both walked down the stairs and then stopped at the heart of the party.

A man in a wonderful looking suit came forward asked "Sir Jeffad, so what is the name of our new soldier."

The crowd was set ablaze with laughter, the reason being the wolf house was the largest army force in the all demon empire with more than 900 thousand troops at their fingertip, and all being royal to only the family head.

As for Jeffad? He was the 167th born of the 43rd in the family, his age was 549 years, but he was still ranked as the 20th strongest in the entire family, a spot worthy of being proud of.

The man who had spoken to him was the Emperors emissary. Most of the demons here were only emissaries with a few exceptions and the family members.

Jeffad began to laugh as well including his wife besides, with a large smile on his face he shouted the name of his son for all the demons in the hall to listen "His name is Saiken!"

The demons in the hall all smiled with knowing smiles this was because the name had a lather lame meaning behind it, the name meant snowing night.

Jeffad was known for his bad naming sense, this was because he had also named his platoon a rather embarrassing name.

After that the party went off well, but of course many demons chose to leave (flee) after seeing the giant man start to drink.

"Sandar can you stop drinking you are freaking the other guests out." Jeffad said with a fearful tone.

"No! Sainva said I could drink!" the giant man spoke with a little annoyance in is tone.

"But you are already transforming!" Jeffad said while taking a few steps back.

The giant man started growing in size, two horns came out from his shoulders, and hair started to erupt from his body.

He went from a gentle looking giant to a giant demonic gorilla. "Screw this." With that Jeffad left the hall.


In another universe: known as universe seven on the world known as Earth, a young man from Africa was on a bus heading to school, the man looked to be 18 and was dressed in a school uniform.

The man had headsets on and was looking at his phone. He was so caught up with what was happening on the phone that he didn't notice that the people around him were standing and looking outside their windows.

Suddenly the sound of squeaking tires and a sudden impact sent the man fly into the window screen, braking his neck and instantly killing him.

"What the hell!" the young man screamed.

From his body a bluish translucent body came out, this was the young man's soul. When he looked around he saw six to seven more people or souls in this case, he reached out a hand to the nearest soul to ask a question but stopped after hearing a series of words.


New souls detected.

Sending to limbo.


"Wait what."

When the soothing female voice stopped everything turned black for the brown skinned young man.



Welcome to the wheel of reincarnation.

Processing soul.

Karma: 30.000+

Soul #1168220820002

Is eligible for life form reincarnation.

Searching for suitable life form.

Searching complete: sending soul #1168220820002 to universe four in the form of Beast demon.

Wiping memories… complete. Good bye


"He has bits of his mother's hair."


Four years after the birth of Saiken, he had grown up quite a bit, he now looked like a 10 year old human child this was because as a demon his growth rate was twice that of a human.

On this day he would be sent out into the forest for his first kill, this was required to gauge his strength.

Early in the morning he was being instructed on how he would be ranked by his cousin/instructor.

"You got it? Right?"

"I think so."

The process for the ranking went according to what kind of monster he killed, and in this forest, a forest privately owned by the wolf family contained 14 types of monster, with 4 of them being powerful, and the lest being weak and only served as food for the powerful and sometimes as game for some young soldiers in the family, of course you couldn't hunt as much as one wanted there was a ticket system in the wolf family army.

Just then a giant 2.5 meters tall wolf came jogging to where Saiken was.

Saiken pov

"It's time, and turn into your other form, hunting as a humanoid is much tougher."

"Yes grandpa."

"Here you will call me master, understood." The giant wolf said without moving its mouth.

"Yes gran-… Master." The little boy stood straight in front of the giant wolf.

"Hehehehe don't worry child you will be fine."

With a nod Saiken started transforming into his wolf form, after 10 seconds the brown skinned boy was gone and what was left was a one meter tall black wolf with white patches of fur.

"Come, your brothers and sisters are waiting."

The giant wolf turned around and started jogging. Saiken silently followed.

After a few minutes we arrived at the end of the estate, and waiting for us was a large group of young wolves.

More than 50 wolves were waiting.

"Took you long enough." A young wolf with brown hair said.

His name was Soyan he was my mother's, sister's son. He and I didn't start off well. When we first met I bumped into him and spilled his drink, after that he always tried to start a fight with me.

"Now, now stop with-"

Suddenly a messenger came running, he looked flustered. When he stopped in front of master he whispered in his ear, after a moment master looked at us and said "Training canceled, you dismissed."

He turn around and walked away with a gloomy expression.


Somewhere in the demon empire fifteen people were sitting around a golden table, this were the top nobles of the empire.

The golden double doors at the end of the room were opened wide and a man wearing red robes came in.

All the demons stood up and did a small bow.

The man gestured and "sit we have important thing to discuss… the humans have begun there invasion, can someone tell me how they got on the island without being detected?"

A thin but well-built man stood up his name was Raven a representative of the Griffin family.

"My lord we discovered ten teleportation pads on the eastern coasts, but… they were deserted. In the condition we found them in, it looks like they have been plotting this for more than a year." The man named raven said.

"You are saying we had humans on this continent for a YEAR!?" the man in red robes suddenly started emitting heat.

After calming down the man said "Sir Wolf have you found any clues?"

A man with a splendid beard stood up and said "The scent led as here, or to be more specific on the outskates of the gates."

"This is just-"

Before the man could finish his sentence a large explosion was heard, the all meeting room was shaking.

"What in the?"

Suddenly a guard rushed through the doors and screamed "The gate has been breached!!"

"WHAT?! Boy are you sure!" the man in robes stood up, fury written on his face.

The guard quickly went to his knees and answered "Y-yes your majesty, we have also Identified the enemy as humans."

"Kill them, kill them all!!" the man stood up and left the room.


Outside of the city millions of humans started to appear. At the front of this massive army a man in a splendid golden armor walked forward and on his shoulder was a pure white lance.

"Finally we can get rid of these beasts."

Another man walked out of the crowd, and shouted "Get in you formation, the attack will begin shortly."

Far behind these two, a massive white formation the size of two football fields was glowing, and after every ten seconds thousands of soldiers would appear.

"Sir the demons have begun to move should we use it?" a soldier came to report to an elderly looking man.

The man nodded and waved his hand as if to shoo away a fly.

Back to the front of the formation a group of white armored people appeared, they were in a square formation and at the center of their formation was a young girl.

The leader of the group shouted "stop!"

She was a beautiful woman with long blond hair tied in a loose ponytail, and wearing a silver armor that tried to hide her attractive curves, and failed miserably.

The woman then stepped back and walked towards the young girl, she looked to be ten years in age, and the little girl was adorable, with big golden eyes, a face healthily chubby, a nice golden-like skin tone.

"Kate are you ready?" the woman in the white armor said.

"yes." The little girl named Kate said.

"Go ahead then." The female knight said while stepping back.

Kate took a deep breath and closed her eyes, are face looked like she was pushing something within her to come out, after a second Kate's face started to change complexion from the natural golden hue to a deep red.

Suddenly her skin exploded with light, the shot up to the sky and then stopped as if the light had hit a barrier, the light spread into the form of a giant spherical dome that enclosed the entire demon capital.

This was the humans tramp card, a magic that would strengthen light and weaken the darkness, it also had the effect of disrupting teleportation. The humans had long waited for this moment, to completely destroy the demons.

But why? Simple because of fear; humans were afraid of everything that wasn't them, they had chased the elves from their continent, and maybe after this they would target them.

To them demons were like wolves living next to a flock of sheep. This scared them to their wits.

So they decide that it was better to attack first with all there might and eradicate or demons before they could ever attack.


Meanwhile in the wolf estate, all the family members who were not meant for fighting were leaving through teleportation doors located in different parts of the estate. these gates were a one man at a time use so the process was quite slow.

Saiken was with the other kids and a few untrained teens.

"Out of my way." Soyan said and pushed Saiken to the side.

"Go ahead, there are other people waiting on the other side so you won't get lost." A guard standing next to the teleportation door said.

Soyan nodded and walked through the door.

Saiken walked forward and looked at the black abyss in front of him.

"Don't worry, you will be fine." The guard said with a smile.

Saiken took in a deep breath and walked through the door with his eyes closed. A sudden floating feeling came over him, he opened his eyes… only to see Soyan getting stabbed by a silver sword.

Fear came over him, he looked behind him, and what he saw was the door he came through he tried to go back but was stopped after seeing the door close. Looking in front the door was also slowly closing.

Saiken looked around only to see darkness. That short hesitation had led to him being stuck in the middle of a folded dimension.

"H-hello!?" Saiken screamed in the empty void, his voice going forward never to be heard again.

Suddenly the feeling of floating was replace by falling, in an instance he was spat out of the other dimension, and back to his, but… he was still falling.

Saiken had teleported into a large straight tunnel that went straight down. Realizing this Saiken screamed on the top of his lungs.

Suddenly a thought came to mind. Saiken's claws grew longer, and he extended them to the grab wall to slow his fast descend.

Too bad, after a few meters of falling through the tunnel it got wider and eventually turned into a large cave. With no were to hold on to Saiken plummeted head first.


With his head wide open like a watermelon, blood flowed out.

Surprisingly he wasn't dead. This was because of his bloodline, as a demon and most of all, as a wolf.

His head was slowly healing.

The rock he had landed on and was lying on had cracked, and from within a gentle blue light was emitting. The light had a life like feeling to it, as if it could heal souls and strengthen them.

The stone was called a pure soul stone. A stone that could revitalize souls, but alas, the stone only worked on humans and other pure beings.

It could never work on demons, no matter how good or heroic they were. That's why the demons would sell most of them to the elves or the beastmen. The rest being used for lighting, energy and as such.

But… right now the stone's energy was slowly sipping into Saiken, as if awakening his human part.

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