
Chapter 5

{Rengoku Mansion, Kitchen 11AM}

"Huh, who the hell are you, kid?" Rengoku Shinjuro said, he didn't mince words, radiating an air of authority. I cleared my throat, mustering every ounce of courage to address the towering figure before me. "Uhmm, well, I happen to be a friend of your son. I've come here to lend a hand with the household duties," I stated, my voice steady but my heart pounding.

The man's eyes bore into mine, sharp as a blade. "A friend who's here to help with chores? What kind of eight-year-old takes up cleaning duty, huh?"

With a hint of defiance, I maintained my gaze. "I've got a knack for it, and it's not as daunting as it may seem," I replied, my determination cutting through my nervousness.

He grunted in response, clearly uninterested in further discussion. "Huh, suit yourself. Just don't get in my way," he grumbled, striding past me to retrieve yet another bottle of alcohol from a cupboard.

I nodded earnestly, gratitude and determination swirling within me. "Thank you, Rengoku-sama," I said, my voice steady, despite the whirlwind of emotions coursing through me. With a newfound sense of purpose, I made my way towards Kyojuro's room, eager to share the good news.

Upon entering, I found Kyojuro engrossed in a stack of books. Among them, I caught a glimpse of a title that piqued my interest - Total Concentration Breathing ."Hey, Kyojuro," I greeted, unable to contain my excitement. "You won't believe it, but your father's agreed to let me stay. The catch is, I'll be taking on some house duties. But, fear not, my friend, for you will be helping me in these ."

I playfully nudged him with my elbow, a shared sense of camaraderie palpable in the room. His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, mirroring my own. "Oh, that's fantastic! Of course, I'll lend a hand. By the way, I just finished reading this book. To kickstart our journey into breathing styles, we'll need to master Total Concentration Breathing. It heightens our physical abilities and lays the foundation for wielding those styles."

The pieces started falling into place. So, that's why I couldn't quite grasp the constellations forms. Total Concentration Breathing was the missing link, I realized. "Alright, Kyojuro. Let's dive into this headfirst. We're destined to become the most formidable demon slayers this world has ever seen," I proclaimed, a surge of determination coursing through my veins.

Kyojuro's eyes gleamed with an unwavering resolve. "Absolutely! Let's get started. Grab some practice swords, and follow me to the backyard. That's where we'll begin our training." His voice echoed with the unmistakable ring of a warrior, ready to embrace the path that awaited us.

{Rengoku Mansion, Backyard 11:30AM}

Under the expansive sky, amidst the tranquil backyard of the Rengoku estate, Kyojuro and I embarked on our training to first master total concentration breathing.

With a determined spirit, Kyojuro and I took our positions on the verdant grass, legs crossed, eyes closed, ready to embark on our rigorous training in mastering Total Concentration Breathing.

As I delved into the exercise, the world around me gradually faded away. The symphony of nature—the birdsong, the rustling leaves—retreated, leaving only the rhythmic cadence of my own breath. Inhale for ten, exhale for twenty, a relentless cycle that became my sole focus. Time seemed to lose its grip, slipping through my fingers like grains of sand.

Then, a gentle touch on my arm shattered the silence. My concentration wavered for the first time in what felt like an eternity. I re-entered reality, greeted by the hues of the setting sun painting the sky. "Hoshi, you need to wake up. The sun is starting to set," Kyojuro's voice broke through.

"Huh, oh, yes, sorry Kyojuro. I was completely engrossed in the exercise," I replied, my tone composed.

Kyojuro's eyes gleamed with understanding. "I know exactly what you mean. It felt like everything else just faded away. How was it for you?"

"It was the same for me. All I could feel was my own breath and heartbeat. I even sensed a surge of strength, though it faded swiftly," I shared.

Kyojuro's expression turned contemplative. "Now that we've mastered Total Concentration Breathing, it's time to integrate it with Flame Breathing. That's when we'll truly unlock its potential and wield it effectively."

As the shadows lengthened and the last rays of the sun bid farewell, we stood side by side, our spirits aflame with determination. Together, we would forge a path as demon slayers, fueled by the potent fusion of breath and fire and in my case the stars themselves.

{Bedroom Rengoku Mansion 8AM}

The morning sun rose, casting a warm glow across the Rengoku estate, signaling the start of a new day. I devoted my morning to cleaning, tidying up the remnants of yesterday's activities. It struck me as peculiar, the number of empty bottles strewn around the house — in the dining room, the living room, and even one in the bathroom.

After a hearty breakfast prepared for the entire Rengoku family, I joined Kyojuro in his room. We gathered the books on Flame Breathing and armed ourselves with steel katanas for practice. There were two books: one on Flame Breathing Forms 1-8, and the other titled Unique Form 9th Form Rengoku. We went outside to the backyard to practice our first ever time flame breathing.

{Backyard Rengoku Mansion 11Am}

Kyojuro explained, "Hoshi, you'll be learning Flame Breathing, but only the first eight forms. The ninth form is a Rengoku family secret, reserved for us alone."

I readily agreed, "That's fine by me."

We focused on the first form, practicing First Form: Unknowing Fire until lunch. After that we continued practicing the first form and at five in the afternoon we moved onto the Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun. We practiced until dinner time and after that we decided to go to bed the exhaustion from using Total Concentration Breathing leaving a deep mark on our bodies.

{Bedroom Rengoku Mansion 12PM}

In the quiet hours of the morning, around three o'clock, I woke up and grabbed a practice sword trying once more to master constellation breathing. My focus settled on the Virgo constellation, observing its graceful movements. With the aid of Total Concentration Breathing, I extended further than ever before in replicating its motions. Yet, despite my efforts, I still fell short. It was clear that total concentration breathing alone couldn't suffice for this technique. The questions lingered: How much stronger would I need to become to wield it effectively? How strong will I be when I can wield effectively?

As dawn approached, I retired to bed, the mysteries of constellation breathing swirling in my thoughts, along with the promise of the power it held once harnessed to its fullest.

Second chapter today and much longer than the other one hope all you like it. Oh yeah nd next chapter it is gonna be a big time skip and the final selection is going to start. So we are going into the action and not stop for a while.

Joanjudocreators' thoughts
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