
Demon king squad

The demon king squad, the title given to the most efficient and powerful squad of the country. Jeremy, a 17 year old boy sent to the facility of special forces development program, will a weak kid survive the hardships of training or will he succumb and die?

DJerry · Peperangan
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2 Chs

First day in Special force development center

Date 25 July 1999

Time:0400 hours

The sound of the alarm woke Jeremy up, not your usual alarm though, this one was made specifically to ensure you wake up when it sounds,he sluggishly got out of bed and wore his shoes. sighing he walked out of the dorm and went to the Fall in ground (holy ground) he stood in his squad, there are a total of 9 squads A-I.

He is in SQ:E, each squad consist of fifty recruits the whole center having 450 recruits, standing in rolls and columns also known as standing in threes.

Standing in the cold the recruits were waiting impatiently for the next thing to do as this was there first day here.

Twenty minutes in, a voice so clear and loud penetrated the whole yard, recruits I'm INSPR 50 by name John, the recruits waited to hear another name but heard none, Just john? No last name? That's what all the recruits where thinking especially Jeremy he was dumbfounded.

That's just strange but not as strange as why they were called early in the morning to stand in the cold, as if reading his mind INSPR 50 John spoke again. You guys haven't been given the timetable yet so you don't know why you are called here by this time.

I'll tell you as long as you are here, everyday you'll be called here for this activity, and what is this activity you might wonder it is called The 3km long jogging. Sounds of surprise filled the air. That's impossible murmured some recruits well we shall move squad by squad starting with SQ:A, B follow till I all of you must sing the morah songs .

Date: 25 July 1999

Time: 1600hrs

The alarm sounded again only this time it was for breakfast, Jeremy could barely get out of bed his legs still hurts from the 3km jogging but he needs to eat. His eyes nearly fell out, what's this he is seeing? Is this supposed to be breakfast?

God how is he suppose to eat this, as head dropped his plate on the counter he was served his breakfast. Beans the most watered beans possible and 2 slices of bread. He closed his eyes as he ate his mostly tasteless breakfast, it was so unpleasant he didn't want to Remember it.

After the most horrible breakfast ever he had a quick shower, he was barely out of the shower when the alarm sounded again, everyone started running to the holy ground to fall in. As they were running out he was running in, he had to change and fast too.

His heart sank when he finally ran out of the dorm to see that late comers where kneeling down he quietly joined them, getting punished on the first day isn't going to look nice, just then he looked and behold kneeling beside him is one of the most beautiful girl he has ever and will ever see.

Brown eyes black piercing eyes, she is the book meaning of black beauty wait wasn't he in trouble? He shook her out of his brain. Just then a man known as SGT80 Philip walked over to them, so you guys are too big to come out when the alarm is sounded, I admire you guys what a really bold act.

They each received ten slaps across the face ouch, the other late comers endured but Jeremy couldn't tears streamed down his face as he walked over to his SQ .


A fancy car drove in and a man well dressed stepped out of it, as soon as he came out INSPR 50 John called out, parade, attention, we came to attention.

A pose where you stood still you legs joined with the foots forming a V shape, and you are not allowed to move for any reason except you are given at ease, the man has an aura of command and strength about him,he walked up to the small podium in the holy ground and climbed on it.

I am ACP 001 Amoudo Aloko popularly known As AA, something about how he said AA made me think we are not allowed to call him AA. He continued by welcoming us to SFDC and that we should be grateful that we are here, his speech drag on and all I can think about is how my legs are killing me.

He continued talking, I know you have notice how we all have numbers in our names, I'll explain. Your number determines if you are a senior or junior, put simply it's your ranking, take mine for example 001 it means I am the highest ranked person in here also I am your commandant.

Wow! I definitely wasn't expecting this, but okay.

Moving on you shall and must respect your seniors as discipline is the bedrock of this foundation,He ended his speech saying our timetable will be pasted that evening. Another attention was called and his compliment given to him as he enter his car and left.

We were dismissed and left to roam around the compound to know places and people in what they called local knowledge, I was walking around the center when I bumped into her the same girl that we were punished together .

H…H..hey I stammered hello she replied, why'd I have to stammer, never the less I'm Jeremy oh !!was all she said and left, I letter found out her name is Amina.

Date: 23 July 1999

Time 2000hrs

I think I'm getting used to the sound of the alarm now it didn't startle me as it sounded again, as usual we walked out to the holy ground lined up in threes and waited.

INSPR 50 John came and read out the foundation rules

1: All recruits must participate in all activities

2: you shall responded to the alarm anytime it is sounded

3:you must obey the lights out by 1000hrs

Note: you can raise your number by performing well in activities

Note: you can raise your number by performing well in activities.

After reading us the rules we sang the national anthem am were dismissed to go and rest for the day. Back in the dorm I couldn't sleep I though about my family sleep slowly creeping in my eyes closed as darkness fell over my subconscious.