
Partax Evergreen - Part 2

Eiro looked at Lognir and shrugged, "I didn't tell you to come here. I understand why, but complain to Solomon instead of me."

"I have complained to Solomon, trust my word," Lognir sighed, before turning to Partax, "This man... can he be trusted? That Shimour nearly slaid you, and this one invaded the Academy. Neither seem as though they should stay."

"Is that a command from Solomon, or just your own opinion?" Eiro questioned, and Lognir replied quickly, "It is my opinion. But please answer. If you can promise that these people will not cause problems, then they shall stay. Otherwise, I will suggest to Solomon to forbid them from coming here."

Hearing what Lognir was saying, Armodeus quickly stepped forward, "That won't be necessary. As for the ones that will still come, they are indeed a bit unique in their personalities, but they won't cause you any problems..."

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