
Eth, A World of Swords and Magic

In a large crater laid Simon with Lily in his arms. While his clothing was ripped with only his dirty white pants intact, there were no wounds on his body. Lily was also unharmed, only stressed from the spherical energy ball.

Simon opened his eyes and within a second, Simon felt everything around him. The life and the environment that surrounded him, everything within his range was seen. Which was why Simon was confused, everything was different from normal.

The animals were similar in appearance, some larger than most and some feeling more powerful than others. There were even some animals who were breathing fire and others spitting acid on large amounts.

Simon after shaking his head, looked down to Lily who was still sleeping. She played with her hair before he carried her into his arms. He then looked to the west and began walking as there was a small population in that area.

"Well, i'm pretty sure i'm not in Kansas anymore." Simon chuckled.

As the two walked down the plains with the occasional tree or two, Simon soon approached a small city. There were a few thousand humans and from sensing the buildings and the clothing, Simon found that this world was indeed a new world. Not because the world looked old but because there were beastmen, humanoid beings who also had animal features as well as elves.

These beings were being sold as slaves and from reading the memories of a citizen, this was quite normal as any race could be sold into slavery. There was even magic which solidified Simon's thought about this world being a new one.

The world was called Eth and there were quite a few races, humans, elves and beastmen being a few of them. There were also dwarves and devils which had many subspecies such as vampires, demons or succubus. This was pretty interesting to Simon as he never thought he would actually enter a new world.

"Simon?" Lily whispered as she started waking up.

"Morning sunshine." Simon said as he set her down giving her the information telepathically.

"So… new world huh." Lily said as she stared out into the city, having better eyesight after becoming a demigod.

Simon looked at Lily who now had light blue hair and icy blue eyes. "Did you ever find out if you have any special powers?"

Lily looked at her hands for a second before the surrounding air became cold, then in the palm of her hands appeared a ice crystal. She played with it for a second before sending it flying to a tree which started to freeze once it hit.

"Ice, cool." Simon joked and Lily chuckled with a smile.

"What about you Simon?" Lily asked as she remembered the power and speed Simon displayed when fighting the other demigods.

"I don't know. My telekinesis abilities most likely came from the power I was born with. My body is strong, probably stronger than the strong demigod." Simon said as he didn't know any of their names.

Simon never bothered to learn their names as he never knew when one of them might die. The emotions would only make him unfocused and could even become a factor in his death.

"My speed was also pretty fast as I could keep track of all of them easily. I just couldn't use my telekinesis or telepathy on them as they had some kind of energy field around them. Only after beating them up a little did the energy field weaken enough for me to enter their minds." Simon explained.

"Maybe you have super healing?" Lily wondered.

"Maybe, but I noticed all of the demigods had an accelerated healing rate. Mine is just a tad faster." Simon said before he saw Lily raise an eyebrow. "Ok, maybe a lot faster."

Lily smiled when Simon said this. "Yes, a lot faster. I saw your skin get ripped and cut, yet they healed an instant after being made."

"Yeah, but enough about me. What do you think we should do now? We're free from the government, free from those scientists and free from our world, literally." Simon said with a enthusiasm.

"Well, we could always make a home for ourselves." Lily said as she stared at the city.

That was one of the things that Simon had promised to give to Lily after escaping the facility. He would build her a home and together they would live happily. Only now things were different as there were demigods out in this world. This made Simon frown as he felt responsible for them and anything that they did as they would be confused. Their only memories were of himself and some aspects of their life.

Lily noticed this and smiled as she gently caressed Simon's cheek. This calmed Simon's frustrated mind as he decided on what he would do.

"We're going to build a home, then find the other demigods so we can be one big giant family. It was our second goal, right." Simon said as he pulled Lily closer.

"Yes." Lily smiled and nodded before she tilted her head to the side. "So how are we going to find them? This world has got to be as big as earth since the gravity is about the same."

Simon nodded in agreement but he already had a plan in mind. "We're going to be adventurers."

Lily looked at him before a small smirk appeared. "A dream of yours?"

Simon blushed before he sighed and nodded. "Yes, it's been a dream of mine before…. Well you know."

Both Simon and Lily were silent for a while before he continued explaining his plan. "This world has an adventurers guild that's basically an information hub and a service group. Anyone gives a quest to the adventurers guild, an adventurer finishes the quest and get paid. Many adventurers travel around the world and apparently this city is the midpoint between other nations. We can work and earn some money while he listen to any rumors on the other demigods."

Lily nodded in agreement. "Well, this world can't possibly have people as strong as the demigods right?"

"Not from what I can tell from the memories I had seen." Simon answered before he sighed. "But we can't be too safe, you never know what could happen in a world filled with magic."

"Magic huh….." Lily whispered before turning over to Simon.

"So how do we register as Adventurers?" Lily asked as she didn't have any mental abilities.

"Well that's the easy part." Simon said before he sighed. "We're just going to have to get some money from some bad guys first."

A few minutes later, Simon and Lily were in the adventurers guild with a sack of gold. They had entered the city and had beaten some thugs and taken their silvers and coppers. Coppers were basically the same as cents and silver were worth about a dollar. A gold coin on the other hand was worth about one hundred dollars. In total, the thugs had about fifty silver coins and a few coppers.

The price to register was about ten silver so now that they had that covered, they walked up to the register. The two found that many people kept staring at them for some reason but ignored it as the receptionist. The woman had brown hair and eyes and wore a blue and brown uniform that the other receptionists wore.

"Welcome to Crossroad City's Adventurers Guild. My name is Julie, how may I assist you today?" The receptionist lady said in a strained voice.

"Yeah, can you tell me everyone is staring at us?" Simon asked in confusion.

The receptionist lady named Julie answered rather quickly. "Because you're half naked and the girl beside you is quite the looker. Now how may I help you."

Simon saw that Lily and him were somehow bothering the girl which made him curious as to why they were irritating her.

Taking a quick peek into the girl's outer layered thoughts, Simon heard the girl chant. "A normal day is a good day."

It seemed like this girl didn't like anything that was different from a normal day. Seeing this, Simon decided to try and pacify her.

"We were attacked by some wolves and my clothes were ripped apart. The clothing store wasn't open yet so we decided to come here first." Simon explained as the shop was indeed closed as the owner was out eating lunch.

Julie sighed before she nodded. "Alright, so you're here to register then?"

"Yes." Simon answered.

"Ok, that'll be twenty silver. Just write down your name and age or if you can't read and write, I can do it for you." Julie said.

"Thank you but we should be alright." Simon said as he started filling in both Lily and his own name.

As for their age, Simon decided to set their age to seventeen as no one would believe that they were only twelve and ten. After Simon finished filling in the sheet, they two demigods were given a card with the letter E on the upper right corner.

"You are currently rank E which is the lowest rank but you can always take a quest one rank higher but if you fail, you can't take a higher ranked quest for another month. By taking on quests and accomplishing the task, you can earn coins with a little of the profit going to the guild. Once a month you may apply to get a higher rank and with higher ranks, you will be able to take on higher ranked quests." Julie explained and Lily nodded, Simon already knowing due to him entering the minds of the other adventurers.

"Alright, come back to me if you have any other questions of if you wish to take on a quest on the quest board. Please but on some clothes before you do though." Julie said with a sigh and Simon chuckled as he walked out along with Lily.

"So, clothes now?" Lilu smiled and Simon sighed, not because of embarrassment but because he didn't want to get a lot of attention.

"Yep, time to get some new pants." Simon said.

Walking down the streets with people pointing at him, Simon and Lily entered the now open clothing store. After a few minutes, both Simon and Lily was dressed differently. Simon was now wearing black boots and pants along with a white shirt and trench coat. As for Lily, she wore brown pants with long boots that went up to her knee. As for her upper body, she now wore a blue dress shirt with frills at the end of the sleeves and bottom of the shirt.

"Cute." Simon said with a smile.

"I know." Lily smiled back.

As the two walked around the city, they booked a room in a cheap inn and left back to the guild to take on a quest. They no longer had any coins left which meant that they needed to work. It was either that or take the coins and erase the thugs memories again.

"Which one should we take?" Lily asked Simon as there were quite a few E rank quests.

Simon looked over some of them before he saw the goblin quest. They were apparently small green humanoid beings who kidnapped women and killed any other beings. They repopulated quickly and were monsters who needed to be killed.

"Let's take this one, it's a D rank quest which means we can take it." Simon said as he had heard they could take a quest one rank higher. "I need to learn how to control my power so this works out well."

Simon did need to control his power as he felt he could destroy the world if he wasn't careful with his power. Walking took great concentration for Simon to not break the ground, he didn't want to imagine fighting a normal human.

"Oh, is your power still growing?" Lily asked as she noticed Simon had been acting more and more careful.

"Yes, it's almost unbelievable. I don't know what that serum did to my body but it changed me, a lot more than all of the other demigods." Simon said as he clenched his fist a couple of times.

Lily nodded and after they grabbed the quest, they walked to the receptionist. "We'd like to take this quest."

Julie looked at the paper for a second before he raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Many novice adventurers take on these quests and end up dying."

"We can handle it." Simon said.

Julie sighed before she sighed the quest to go under Simon and Lily. "Kill the goblins located in a cave on Mt. Gust. It's north of this city about a few days worth of travel. After you kill the goblins, bring me their left ear for the kill confirmation. You'll need to write a report on what happened after you complete the quest so remember details ok."

Simon nodded and was about to turn away until he remembered a question he had. "When does this guild close for the day?"

"Midnight. Why do you ask?" Julie asked in confusion.

"We'll be back before then." Simon said and before Julie could say anything, the duo left the building.

"They're going to die aren't they." Julie said as she sighed. "Just great, another group of adventurers who are going to die."

Thinking about the girl named Lily who was with Simon, Julie subconsciously compared their bodies before becoming irritated. "Damn genetics!"

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