
Delinquent King

After three years of not accepting a single student, Helios Academy opens its doors once again attracting many geniuses from all over the world. With the appearance of the legendary golden child, both good and evil forces approach Hyeseong city causing disarray to society. Will Leon, who is always involved in major incidents be able to defend against the looming danger threatening the very existence of humanity itself?

Lady_HaruHaru · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 14: Survival of the Fittest (5)

In the next morning, Leon and Sasha searched for fruits to take with them before for the next journey. This island was dangerous, the two knew that although this area is quite quiet, it didn't mean that they wouldn't accidentally run into a demonic beast. They needed to leave this area as soon as possible. 

Luckily for them, there was quite an abundance of fruit in the area, although it was only berries, they were at least edible and would not poison them. After all, beggars can't be choosers right? "It seems we are quite lucky. These berries are edible!" Sasha said in a relieved voice, "it seems that Helios Academy has some conscience." 

"Don't say it like that. The academy has never been lacking in conscience!" Leon quickly defended. Sash frowns, "don't be so quick to defend your favorite academy."

Don't think that she doesn't know what they did in the past three years! Even Sasha, who lived like a caveman, knew that not a single person got successfully admitted into the Academy in the past three years. At that time, the public was so shocked. There were many angry complaints being thrown towards Helios Academy because of the trouble that the alumni caused. Therefore, Leon's justification was completely untrustworthy. In Sasha's eyes, Helios Academy was a monster academy which had no pity for the poor applicants. 

She always wondered why Leon favoured this black academy so much. Perhaps she would never know the reason. Only Leon himself knew. 

After the two filled their small sacks with berries, they safely stored the sack in the spatial storage jewellery the academy had provided them with. They then proceeded to head back to where Alana was. By the time they arrived, Alana was already standing by a tree waiting for them. When, saw Leon and Sasha walking towards her, she was secretly relieved because when she woke up to see no one there, she thought that she'd been left behind. It was a good thing that she did not run off to try and look for them.

Leon, who didn't know of Alana's thoughts, smiled at her, 

"It seems that you're already awake."

Alana nodded her head slightly, "are we leaving so soon?"

"Yes. Although it's safe right now. It definitely won't be for long. We should leave as soon as possible before danger comes to find us."

Alana had no problems with Leon's decision. After all, who wants to stay in such a dangerous place such as this. And since it was Leon who said so, then it must be right! 

After packing, the three set off and went further into the forest. The further they went, the more demonic beasts they encountered. "We're in a very bad situation, boss." Sasha whispered as quietly as possible fearing that her voice would be heard by the roaming monsters.

Three were hidden among the steep rocks, so for now they weren't discovered. However, that didn't mean it was safe to stay there. Hiding behind the rocks wasn't exactly safe. After contemplating, Leon made up her mind. She signaled Sasha and Alana. The three of them carefully traveled down the rocks, controlling their breathing patterns. Alana had a difficult time controlling her breathing pattern, nonetheless, she persevered until they finally reached the ground. 

Alana sighed in relief, collapsing onto the ground. "That was too nerve wracking!" 

Sasha peered at Alana with disdain, "That was nerve wracking? What a weakling."

Alana's eyebrow twitched, she glared at Sasha. "Shut up! You weren't any better than me!" 

"Yeah, yeah." Rolling her eyes, Sasha turned to Leon ignoring Alana. "Boss, I don't think we're in the clear yet. We should get out of this area as soon as possible."

"Mm. Let's go then." Leon replied in agreement.

Having been completely ignored, Alana got up her feet raising her voice at Sasha as she walked towards them. "Hey! Don't ignore me!" Startling both Sasha and Leon, Sasha glared at the offender. This idiot! She'll attract the attention of the demonic beasts! 

Alana didn't catch what Sasha's glare was, she only thought that she was challenging her, which added fuel to the fire. "How dare you call me a weakling when you haven't even awakened!"

"Ugh, shut up already! You're too loud!" Sasha whispered as quietly as possible with a panicked expression. Alana couldn't hear her properly, her voice became even louder. "I really hate low class people like you who think that you're above everyone when you're really–" 

The roar of a demon beast interrupted Alana. Soon after, the other demon beasts' attention shifted towards their direction. The word 'shit' popped up in their minds. They were found! 

"RUN!" Leon didn't have time to think about lowering her voice. The three of them made a run for it. 

'Damn it!' 

Leon continuously searched for an escape route while running away from the torrent of demonic beasts. 

'Where is it?!' Just when she was getting irritated, Sasha called out to her. "Boss! Over there!"

Leon's sight lands on a slope, a glint flashed across her eyes. Lifting Alana up into her arms again, she chases after Sasha. "Ah!" Alana, who had been carried for the second time since they met, protested against Leon. "Put me down!!" 

Leon's mind was completely focused on escaping, so she didn't hear Alana's complaints. They slid down the slope with ease. The demonic beast stopped in their tracks, daring not to chase any further. Leon, Sasha, and Alana were completely unaware of the danger they just ran into.

After finally shaking off the demonic beasts' pursuit, Leon and Sasha finally slowed down. Alana screamed at Leon, her face dyed red, "put me down!" 

"Oh! My bad." Leon gently puts Alana down, after being put down, Alana slapped Leon in the face, shocking Sasha. Leon's shocked eyes gazed at Alana in bewilderment. Sasha's veins popped, she strided towards Alana grabbing her by the shirt. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"He touched me without my permission!" And it wasn't the first time! 

Sasha didn't think there was anything wrong with it, she sneered at her in disdain, "If it wasn't for the fact that you're dead weight, who'd wanna carry you?" 

"What did you say?!"

"You heard me! How dare you slap him for such a stupid reason? He was trying to save your life!" 

Alana still had an indignant expression on her face. She still felt that what Leon did was disrespectful, the least he could have done was ask for her permission! 

Sasha saw the stubborn and unrelenting expression on Alana's face. Her expression darkened, she turned to Leon, "Boss! We should just leave this thankless brat to fend for herself! She obviously doesn't feel guilty for her actions!" 

"Wait a minute Sasha…" 

Alana's face began to pale, are they going to abandon her..? In This island filled with terrifying monsters?

Sasha and Leon didn't noticed Alana's expression change argued with each other.

"You can't say something like that." 

"Why not? She a liability!"

"It doesn't matter if she's a liability, I can't just abandon her!"

"Really now… are you kidding me?! She's a burden that's going to get both of us killed!" 

"But still…"

Sasha glowered at Leon, "do you want to pass the exam or do you want to save this brat?! Choose one!" 

"But," Leon hesitated for a moment before continuing, "she's weak."

That last sentence brought Alana back to reality. 

'She's weak.' Those two words echoed in her mind like a recorder. An unwanted memory resurfaced in her head.

–You're weak.

Cold green eyes staring down at her, the voice as cold as ice. 

A shiver went down her spine. She desperately looks at Sasha who had already let her go. "I'm not weak!" Her eyes had a hint of desperation. Sasha only rolled her eyes before fiercely glaring at her. "Did I hear that wrong? You're not weak? Then why do you keep slowing us down?"

"I-I" her voice grew timid at Sasha's fierce interrogation. Leon tried to interrupt, however, Sasha didn't give her the chance to utter a word. "If you're not weak, then why don't you use that damn ability you're so proud of? Instead of looking down on others, why don't you take a look at yourself?!" 

"Sasha!" Leon grabbed her shoulder, warning her with a stern voice. "That's enough!"


Sasha's words were cut off by the tremors on the ground. Leon immediately became alerted. As she turned, her expression was anything but good. Before she could even react, a monstrous fist thrusted towards them.

Boom! The surroundings of the forest shattered to pieces.
