
Delicious Night

The man sucked on his cigarette, then immediately billowing smoke filled the room that was only filled by him and the woman who was now bowing down languidly in front of him. "Sign this contract, then don't even think about running away from me again," he said while holding out a piece of paper containing the contract that Emily had previously asked for. The girl grabbed the paper and read it carefully. She couldn't do anything else but accept the situation. "Yeah--" "One thing is for sure, don't ever expect more from me. Especially ... love. Because, even if you beg, it won't happen,” he continued as he walked away carrying the contract that the woman had signed. Emily never thought she would be reunited with Jonathan Oliver, the man she had spent a hot night with due to a mistake. Now, she has made another mistake which resulted in him being trapped in a loveless relationship.

Alkaffy_21 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


William parked his car in a hurry. He immediately got down and ran to the room where Fransiska was. William wanted to make sure for himself this time.

He still believes that the man who spoke on the phone earlier was just Emily's order, just like when he first rejected him when he confessed his love for the first time.

Right now he has to fix the problem first, then find a way so that Emily can pull Emily back into his arms, even though it won't be easy, because now she doesn't know where Emily is.

His steps stopped when he heard Fransiska talking to someone who was already familiar. His hands clenched in anger, all her plans fell apart and what Emily said meant it was true.

William barged in, making Fransiska and the middle-aged woman gasp. "William!"

He immediately approached Fransiska, looking at her cynically. "So it's true that Emily said, you've leaked this matter secretly?!"

"Will, don't blame others. Fransiska is only doing her job," defended Rosita.

"So, only Emily and I didn't know that Mami already knew the truth?"

"Yeah, just the two of you. We just want to see if she is fit to work in our office or just to rely on your connections."

"Mom, even Emily doesn't know this office is ours. She worked hard during that one year, didn't she?"

"Not really. I saw and watched her work, nothing special."


"Will, stop playing with that temptress' child."

"Stop, Mom! Don't get Emily involved in a silly argument between Mother and Aunt Alana. Besides, Daddy himself said that mom just misunderstood."

"That old man could just be bluffing, you wouldn't understand!"


"Please think about something much more urgent right now, William!"

Rosita gave her son a sinister look, while William still wanted to try to persuade his mother to open up more to Emily.

"Several of Aunt Rosita's businesses have had problems with the main investor, Will," explained Fransiska.


"You know who's the problem?" she asked.

William shook his head slowly. "Who?"

"The child teases, Emily."

William gasped, he couldn't believe it. "How could it be?!"

"Even her mother was a tease, now her children are also following in her footsteps."

"W-what do you mean, Mom?! Don't keep scolding Emily!"

Rosita approached her son, glaring at her with annoyance. "Stop loving bad women like Emily, Willie. Did you know that she's now Jonathan Oliver's mistress?"

"N-no way, Mom!"

"That's right, Will. Emily came with Jonathan earlier. I'm not lying, in fact there were many witnesses."

William feels his world is collapsing, trying to deny and find out the truth. However, somehow he was even more afraid if what his mother said was true.

"Realize, Will. Now it's time for you to look for a woman. I am prepared to strengthen our business now. Mommy, please, please just do this once or our family is really destroyed."

"Enough, Mom!"

"Think about it carefully. I hope you are wise and won't be selfish.

Rosita asked Fransiska to leave, leaving William alone to think more clearly.

William looked at his cellphone screen, there was a photo of Emily that he took secretly when they went on an excursion together.

One incoming message from Emily. He quickly opened it, hoping that Emily would clarify that everything he had heard was just bullshit.

His eyes widened in disbelief. A photo was sent from Emily's number, it was clear there, the woman of her dreams was fast asleep in the arms of a familiar face—Jonathan Oliver.

"Damn it!" he said.

His chest tightened uncontrollably, realizing the fact that his waiting had been in vain. His heart seemed to be torn apart by something, again he swallowed disappointed for the umpteenth time.

Do I have to give up loving you, Mil—he thought.


Emily immediately put on her clothes, a maid helped her get ready because Jonathan was waiting to have dinner together.

"Master said, wear a thick jacket, Miss."

"What for?"

"Tonight Master invites Miss to eat in the garden, wear a jacket so you don't catch a cold."


The maid helped her dry hair then styled it to make it look pretty. She could only smile wryly, she was like a concubine who dressed up beautifully to please her master.

Emily walked towards the garden, accompanied by her maid and an aide who was ready to escort them to their destination. Even though she was thin, Emily noticed something odd about the aide. There was a bruise near the corner of her eyes.

She wanted to ask, but for what? It seemed their job was quite tough, maybe they just had another mission and got injured—she thought.

In the garden, Jonathan is playing with his wine. Emily walked slowly over to him, the maid immediately left the two of them.

"Sit down."

"Thank you."

"Eat the soup. He said it can increase stamina."

"And you?"

"I'll watch my pet eat, that's enough."

Emily pursed her lips. "You freak!"

"Thank you." Jonathan grinned, making Emily even more annoyed.

He held back his laughter, especially when he got a spark of anger from his woman's sharp gaze.

"Hurry and eat. I will feed you so that you grow up healthy, but don't overdo it, because I like cats not pigs."

Emily stared sarcastically at the man who was now engrossed in teasing her, but what made her feel irritated was that she could only obey like a bull whose nose was being pushed.

She tried to enjoy her food, replenishing the energy that had been drained this afternoon while serving Jonathan, who was like a madman while enjoying his body.

She didn't pay attention to Jonathan. The most important thing for her right now was to be able to eat well and be full. Who knew that tonight that perverted man would change again—she thought.

It was undeniable, Emily began to feel comfortable with all the services she received at this mansion. It would be hypocritical if she dismissed it, because of which a woman would not feel happy when served wholeheartedly even without any basis of love in it.

"After eating, you really look like a pig."

"Beautiful pig, I'm fine."

Jonathan chuckled at Emily, who was now getting used to being bullied. "Okay my pig, come with me."

While living in the mansion, Emily had not had time to go around because she felt that she was being watched by all the maids, so she decided to stay quiet in her room to enjoy the beauty of nature from behind the window.

Jonathan led him through a large garden which, when viewed from the balcony of his room, looked like a large labyrinth.

Actually, she was curious why Jonathan made such a big labyrinth garden. Then, she now wondered what the man had brought her there for.

"W-we want to go there?" she asked.

"Maybe next time."

"Then, where are we going?"

"Just go with it and don't talk too much."

They're back. Continuing the journey, towards a large fountain which is now filled with beautiful lights.

"It's so beautiful," she muttered as the colorful lights twinkled like stars.

The sound of something falling into the fountain startled Emily. "What's that?"

"The cell phone fell," Jonathan answered lightly.

"What?! Quickly grab it, why are you silent... ah, I forgot. Maybe such a small thing is worthless to you."

Jonathan grinned. "It's not, but it might be very valuable to you."

"It means?"

"What I dropped was your cell phone, not mine."

Emily widened her eyes, she tried to peek above the surface to make sure he wasn't kidding her with his usual crazy jokes.

"That's my phone!"

"Of course. I told you, it's your cell phone."

"You really are too much!"

"That's just a little payback for you. That way, you will no longer be able to get in touch, let alone intend to betray me secretly."

"Meaning … who?"

Jonathan took Emily's hand roughly, then tilted his head so they met each other's eyes.

"How was your meeting this afternoon? Pleasant?"

She gasped. How could he know? When she and her aides agreed to remain silent for the sake of each other's safety?

"Is the declaration of love so romantic, huh?"

Not! This is dangerous—she thought.