
Delicious Night

The man sucked on his cigarette, then immediately billowing smoke filled the room that was only filled by him and the woman who was now bowing down languidly in front of him. "Sign this contract, then don't even think about running away from me again," he said while holding out a piece of paper containing the contract that Emily had previously asked for. The girl grabbed the paper and read it carefully. She couldn't do anything else but accept the situation. "Yeah--" "One thing is for sure, don't ever expect more from me. Especially ... love. Because, even if you beg, it won't happen,” he continued as he walked away carrying the contract that the woman had signed. Emily never thought she would be reunited with Jonathan Oliver, the man she had spent a hot night with due to a mistake. Now, she has made another mistake which resulted in him being trapped in a loveless relationship.

Alkaffy_21 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


They arrived at an apartment building where Rosela lived. However, Emily had to explain her situation to her best friend so she wouldn't worry.

"Couldn't you give me some time for me and my best friend?" she persuaded.

"What if you ran away?"

"I won't, I swear."

"I won't believe it."

"So you're still going to wait for me here?"

"Yes, of course."

"Erm … Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt," interjected Rion the assistant.

He was actually afraid to interrupt the boss, but if he didn't act soon, there might be another big problem.

"What is it?!"

"Ms. Miranda has been in constant contact, she said that the board of directors meeting this time could not be postponed any longer," he explained.

Jonathan frowned. If it wasn't because there was an important meeting today, maybe he would have followed Emily all day.

"Okay, let's go to the office."

Emily was overjoyed. Finally, ehe could also breathe a sigh of relief for a moment.

"Don't be happy just yet, my men will come to watch over you," he continued.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Anyway, when I get home later, you should be home."


"Your phone can't turn off. When I called, they answered immediately."

Emily took a deep breath . "Yes. Is there another problem?"


Emily cursed inside.'s authoritarian nature. Jonathan has exceeded the limits of her patience, but unfortunately, she can only obey as a pet of her master.

Jonathan ordered several of his aides to come along, while he and Rion headed back to the office.

"You just wait in the lobby," she ordered Jonathan's aide.

"Sorry, can't, Miss."

"Jeez, please. I'm not running, really."

"We're just doing our job. We hope that you will understand and cooperate."

Emily massaged her forehead, it was useless even to whine, those people wouldn't listen to her orders.

Their position is actually the same, only the treatment is different. They were both underlings of Jonathan. What could she really expect?

"Fine, but you'll just have to wait outside. I'm worried that my friend is uncomfortable."

"Yes, Miss."

They arrived at Rosela's apartment. At Emily's request, the aides stood waiting in the doorway.

Knock knock ...

It didn't take long for someone to open the door. Rosela was so surprised when she saw her best friend's arrival, she immediately hugged Emily without realizing that someone else was watching her.

However, when she realized that Rosela could only freeze, speechless. "Emily, who are they?" She whispered.

"Come on in first, let me tell you the story inside."

"With them?!"

Emily shook her head slowly. "Don't worry, they're waiting outside." She immediately closed the apartment door tightly, then pulled Rosela, who was still confused, to sit down.

Emily began to tell her story, even about the one night stand incident which she had kept tightly closed to her best friend.

Of course Rosela was shocked, especially since the person who was now facing her best friend was not an ordinary person.

"Th-then what can I do for you, Emily?"

"Everything will be settled if I can compensate, but it's quite a lot, Rose."

"How much, anyway? I-I have savings. Who knows enough?"

"No, Rose. Isn't your mother in need of chemotherapy?"

"How many? I'll try to find a loan."

Emily took something out of her bag. A piece of paper detailing the cost of repairing the car she damaged.

"Good grief! Is this number serious?"

"He said so, when I tried to call to make sure, they said it really cost that much."

Emily took a deep breath. "What else can we do?"

"This is all my fault, Emily ... gosh, what should I do now?" Rosela hugged her best friend. She knew very well that the life of a mistress is not easy.

Previously, Rosela had enjoyed that world until she finally met Steven and decided to stop and enjoy a normal life.

However, who would have thought that now her best friend had to be trapped in that world because of her mistake? Rosela cried over her stupidity that night. If she had known something like this would happen, maybe she would have just gone home that night after breaking up with Steven.

"It's okay, Rose ... please don't cry anymore."

"I was wrong, Emily. Let me be the one responsible, please tell Jonathan."

"Don't you want to live a normal life, Rose? Better yet, use the rest of your savings to open a business, so you don't go back to prostitution like before."

"Then, how about you, Mily?"

"I have no other way, Rose. If you want to help me, please find out where my uncle and aunt are, can I?"

Roselle nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll try to help."

"Ah, then … if William comes and looks for me, just say you do n't know anything."

"Why don't we just ask William for help, Mil?"

"You think William can freely use his money? You know how Aunt Rosita is so tight watching over William."

"Yeah, a bit of a shock to find out that your office actually belongs to the Richmond Group. So, why hasn't Aunt Rosita bothered you for a year now?"

"I don't know, Rose. I am very disappointed in him."

They were engrossed in telling many things, especially planning the strategies and steps they would take to find a way out of Emily's problem. I was so engrossed, Emily didn't realize that her cell phone was constantly vibrating, dozens of messages and missed calls filled her cell phone notifications. Until finally, someone knocked on the door.

"Wait a minute, Rose."

Emily opened the door, one of the aides immediately approached her and gave her her cell phone.

"He's calling you, Miss."

Emily grabbed the phone and brought it closer to start talking. However, not to mention he said hello, Jonathan immediately bombarded her with a million questions.

"Hey! Is your phone just a display? Why didn't you read my message? How dare you ignore all my messages and calls? Since then, what have you been doing, huh?!"

Emily's head was immediately dizzy. Apparently, this is how it is when dealing with people who have mental problems. As Sarah said, it's scary.

In fact, she felt that they had not been separated for an hour yet, but Jonathan was reluctant to give him time to breathe freely.

"Why are you silent? Are you mute now? Answer!"

"How can I answer if you've been talking all this time?!"

"Okay. Answer quickly."

"Sorry, I was preoccupied with chatting, so I didn't pay attention to the cellphone."

"Next time, if you return to ignoring messages and calls from me, don't blame me for coming alone to drag you home," he threatened.

"Yes, sorry."

"Instead, hurry up and call me honey."

"Can't I just do that at home later?" she whispered.


Emily tried to relax her veins of embarrassment, she couldn't keep persuading someone as stubborn as Jonathan.


"Do like a cat, be cute."

"Honey," she repeated again in a mocking tone.

Seeing Emily acting out of habit, Rosela couldn't help but laugh.

"Actually, it's still not enough, but we'll continue tonight."

Jonathan hung up the call immediately, he could only smile faintly when he heard Emily's voice again acting cute on the phone earlier.

On the other hand, several pairs of eyes could only stare curiously. How could the lion beast suddenly act out of the ordinary?

The meeting had to be delayed for a while because Jonathan was worried that Emily would not answer his message. Seeing Jonathan smiling like that gave them great hope in their hearts, hoping that today's meeting would go smoothly without the usual tension.

However, Jonathan immediately returned to his original nature, especially when he unconsciously saw one of his subordinates breathe a sigh of relief.

"You think this is a playground to be able to smile freely like that?" he asked with a sharp look.

"S-sorry, sir."

"I'll give you 30 minutes to show the best results, otherwise ... don't expect to sleep well tonight."

"F-all right, sir."

The atmosphere became tense again, especially when, one by one, the meeting agenda started. Jonathan flipped through the papers of his men's reports—Rion a while ago.

"The Richmonds, huh?" he muttered.

He handed the file back to Rion, without saying much, the assistant knew very well what he should do next.