
Deku: the villain

the story about Me and how I become the greatest villain one day I was getting through a bad day my friends my classmate and my teacher turn on me when they found out about my quirk or rather lack of one but I still don't understand why they bully me for only a genetic lottery in junior high in 3rd year our teacher announce about our choice of career that day was the worst day of my life if you don't count the visit to the doctor my idol said I couldn't be a hero I want to take the advice kac- no Bakugo gave me to jump of a roof and hope for quirk in my another life but I couldn't do that to my mom

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Chapter 9 The Haul (Part 3)

Chapter 9

The Haul (Part 3)

Kai Chisaki wasn't open about much to others, but he was open solely to the boss of the Hassaikai. When he told the boss he was interested in Death Matches but more importantly the participants, the boss was concerned about Chisaki, especially since the young Yakuza was a germa-phobic and there would be a lot of blood, especially in a not-so-clean arena. However, the boss decided to go with Chisaki as a way to see what Chisaki was looking for, since he felt like there was another reason for this.

However, what Kai Chisaki didn't expect was a Quirkless teenager to waltz into the arena, and win a fight without anything resembling a weapon. But he won against the most brutal of fighters, as if Rappa was nothing. And to recruit the man he was looking to recruit too.

As the boss of the Hassaikai and Chisaki left the compound, the same Quirkless teen came running up to them. "Hey, please wait!" The Quirkless teen said.

The boss and Chisaki stopped and looked at the Quirkless teen. "What do you want?" The boss asked.

Chisaki subconsciousness grabbed the rim of his glove, ready to kill the Quirkless teen on the spot when the teen held his hand out to Chisaki. "I know what your Quirk is, so don't bother trying," he said. "I just wanted to talk."

"About what?" The boss asked cautiously, while Chisaki looked at the boss, confused.

"It's about an alliance," the teen told them. "My name is Deku, but don't let that deceive you. I want to form an alliance with the Hassaikai."

"An alliance? With a villain?" Chisaki questioned.

"I heard rumors about a Yakuza gang plotting to make a drug that could erase Quirks." This caught Chisaki off guard and his eyes widened. "Also known as the Shie Hassaikai."

The boss looked at Chisaki. "Didn't I already tell you to stop with that idea?"

"But Boss, it's the only way we can survive!" Chisaki told the Hassaikai's boss. "This kid clearly knows about it, and it's obvious he's interested in it!"

"The moment we do that plan is the moment we abandon gangster chivalry," the boss told Chisaki.


"Now this is interesting…" The Quirkless teen butted in which reminded the two Yakuza about his presence. "Talk about gangster chivalry… normally, chivalry involves the opposite gender, or females. So obviously…" The teen's eyes narrowed at Chisaki. "You're exploiting a female to make these bullets."

"To gather that much from very little information," the boss began. "Means you're intelligent, despite it actually meaning that we abandon honor as Yakuza."

"I'm the brains of the League of Villains," the teenage villain said. "I earned my spot for a reason."

"Tch… I need to use her to make the bullets boss," Chisaki said, trying to convince the boss again. "He also gets this, he's Quirkless himself!"

"You will not use my granddaughter for this plan, Chisaki!" The boss said, raising his voice a little. "This is the last warning."

"Granddaughter?" The Quirkless villain looked at Chisaki. "You're using a little girl?"

"Her Quirk is perfect for this!" Chisaki told the teen, feeling compelled to speak to him for some reason. "Her Quirk can rewind things into a previous state, or to a point where the Quirk Factor is gone! She can rewind people into monkeys if she used her Quirk correctly!"

"So let me get this straight… you're using a little girl and her Quirk for this project?" The teen asked.

"Yes, this was the only way to make the drugs to destroy the Quirks! And then we'd make the cure for it and rule the underworld in the biggest pyramid scheme possible!" Chisaki finished.

"We are not doing this Chisaki!" The boss repeated. "She's a little girl!"

"Boss, this is the only way!" Chisaki retorted to the boss, before they both heard the villain start to chuckle which confused them.

The villain started laughing more violently and smiled under his mask. "If this is the way they're being made, with a Quirk, then an outcome can be made, with the girl being used very little!"

"Huh?" Chisaki and the boss questioned.

"Well, it's a Quirk being used, right?" The villain repeated. "I have the resources to make Artificial Quirks if my latest experiment with my tech works correctly, so if I were to have a blood sample of the girl, I could make an Artificial Quirk that would still work like hers! Assuming my experiment works, that is…"

"R-Really?!" Chisaki asked.

"Of course!" The villain said. "After all…" He looked at them with a sinister sincerity in his eyes. "I work under the mighty All For One."

"All For One?" The boss questioned. "He's alive?"

"All Might might've bashed his face in, which was the initial reason I followed you guys to recruit Chisaki so he could restore his face, but he's still alive and kicking!" The villain said. "I go by Deku for my villain affairs, and I want to form an alliance with the Hassaikai. As such, if you help us out from here on out in our alliance, when Japan's under our rule, you guys get your own fair share to rule. I swear on it."

"You swear?" Chisaki questioned. "Sounds like someone is trying to be convincing."

"On your honor as a Yakuza," Izuku said.

"Risky move," the boss said. "But… fine… I'll think about it. If I say yes, expect to see me here tomorrow with Chisaki."

"At 10:30 PM?" Deku asked.

"Yes," the boss said. "You may refer to me as Don for now. You don't get my name yet, I still don't trust you."

"Fair enough," Deku said.

"Now, we'll see you tomorrow… maybe," Don said, before he and Chisaki left.

When they left Izuku smiled and slightly cheered for himself, proud of his accomplishment that might work but he was certain that they'd join them. He texted Kurogiri and he left for the bar again.

"Did you really do it?" All For One asked while Izuku ate the dinner Kurogiri made for him. "Did you seriously recruit the Hassaikai?!"

"We'll find out tomorrow at 10:30 PM," Izuku told him as he ate at the little island in the bar, Kurogiri polishing a shot glass. He wasn't the only one eating dinner made by Kurogiri, which consisted of fried rice with some chicken to go with it. Everyone recruited to date was in the bar eating dinner, minus Stain who was out on his typical purge, and Rappa who was unconscious and at his home.

"Well this should be interesting to work with the Yakuza," Gentle commented as he finished eating his dinner and wiped his face with a napkin.

"Hopefully they'll be okay and not assholes," Shigaraki added.

"You'll manifest that if you think about it," Izuku told Shigaraki, which made him scowl.

"Yeah right," Shigaraki replied, not believing it one bit.

"Well I still think that this is a pretty nice place to lay low," Mr. Compress said, looking around the bar. "Plus, the food is really good!"

"Thank you," Kurogiri replied, taking a little pleasure in the compliment.

"Well I know something a whoooooole lot better than this dinner," Toga said, before looking at Izuku somewhat drunkenly, which made Izuku choke on his food a little since Toga was beginning to make him scared. But only a little.

"From what I heard about you, I don't think that could be true for the rest of us," Compress said, before he continued eating his dinner.

"Anyways, I learned something very interesting, Sensei," Izuku said to All For One as he turned to look at the TV.

"And what is that?" All For One asked, before everyone heard what sounded like eating noises on the other side of the screen.

"I learned how the Hassaikai were making the bullets that were rumored to be made in the underworld," Izuku said, which caught everyone's attention. "Sadly, it pisses me off a little since they're using a little girl to do it."

A good portion of the still eating members began to gag on their food, Gentle spitting out his tea since he was taking a sip of his tea at the same time. That clearly didn't sit well with any of them.

"A little girl?!" All For One questioned before he coughed a little. "That's nearly inhuman!"

"Key word; nearly," Izuku said. "They're exploiting her Quirk, which can rewind people to a past state. That itself is cool an' all, but using the girl herself to make the bullets isn't nice. So I extended a new part of the offer other than letting them rule their own part of Japan."

"What's this offer then?" Shigaraki asked, everyone looking at Izuku now with great curiosity about this added offer.

"We help make the bullets by cloning the girl's Quirk," Izuku began, "and then put it in a Nomu who will listen to us and Chisaki. That way, we build trust between us and the Hassaikai."

"So should I stop trying to find the boss's phone?" La Brava asked Izuku.

"Yes," Izuku told her, which she nodded and pulled out her laptop and stopped the search.

"Needless to say, this will be a little exciting, having a supply of Quirk Erasing Bullets on our side," All For One said.

"We need them to build trust with us first," Izuku reminded his Uncle. "Otherwise we can kiss those bullets goodbye."

"Yes yes, doesn't mean I'm not excited though." All For One made more eating noises.

"Well, anyways, I'm gonna head home," Izuku told his allies. "Kurogiri, warp me back please."

"Yes," Kurogiri said, before he opened a warp gate to the front door of Izuku's apartment where he lived with his mom, and Izuku left for his home, and Kurogiri closed the portal behind him.

"I wonder what Izuku's family is like…" Toga said randomly.

"Izuku's 'family' is just him and his mother," All For One said, answering Toga's unasked question. "His father walked out on him as soon as he was diagnosed as Quirkless."

Compress looked at All For One's screen and his head tilted to the side. "That's not the whole story, is it?"

All For One went silent. "It isn't. Izuku himself doesn't even know the truth about that bastard."

"Woah, Sensei cussed!" Shigaraki exclaimed, actually surprised. "This is something serious!"

"It is, now drop it," All For One said. "Bring this topic up to Izuku and I will do more than just hurt you."

The League felt the pressure in All For One's words, which meant he wasn't kidding about doing more than hurting them. It actually scared most of them how menacing All For One's words sounded and the aura that followed them.

"O-Okay," Toga squealed in fright, but still really curious.

Everyone eventually went to bed, while All For One began to remember the fall out that actually happened before Inko and Hisashi got divorced. He growled in frustration. "If I ever see that bastard, I'm going to kill him, restored face or not."

The next day, Izuku was with his mom for the day, trying to spend some time with her since he spent a long time with the League and he felt like she needed some love and attention, especially now that his plans were getting too deep to back out of. Needless to say, he was determined more than ever to change the world.

"Izuku, sweetie, you don't need to give me so much attention right now," Inko told her only child as he made her lunch. "Please, let me help you with-"

"Mom, I got this," Izuku told her politely. "You've been doing a lot for me. It's time I did something for you." He looked back at the ham he was chopping with a kitchen knife. "Especially since I'm gonna change the world…"

Inko knew he was still trying to be a hero, but that last bit didn't sit well with her at all. "Izuku, I know you still want to be a hero… but-"

"My mind has been set," Izuku interrupted. "I'll change the way this world sees things. Even if it means I do die in the process somewhere along the way." Izuku accepted that his death was inevitable. He always had. But he was going to change the world first before he died. "I'll at least give the Quirkless some hope, even if just a little."

His mom couldn't help but smile. She hugged her son which caught him a little off guard. "I'll support you all the way Izuku. But just don't overdo it."

Izuku looked at his mom and gave a small smile. "I make no promises."

After they ate lunch, which included ham and some instant mashed potatoes, Izuku was washing the dishes and loading them into the dishwasher before he got a call on his phone, which confused him since he told the League in their group chat they had not to call him today under any circumstances. The only exception was All For One calling him, in which it was serious. Izuku put the plate he had in the dishwasher before drying his hands with a rag, seeing that Itsuka Kendo was the one calling him. He completely forgot they exchanged phone numbers. The Quirkless teen turned to look at the trophy that he 'won', which reminded him that he lost that day, though officially he won.

After a little bit of mental work, he picked up the phone and answered the call. "Hey," Izuku said, not exactly knowing what to say.

"Hey…" Came Kendo's voice on the other side of the line. "Um… if it's not too much to ask… I want to meet up somewhere. It's about the tournament. And bring the trophy too."

Izuku already knew where this was going. 'A rematch?' Izuku thought. 'Fine by me.' "Need a secluded place?" He asked. "Then I recommend Dragobah Municipal Beach. It's secluded and no one is actively gonna want to go there since the place has been trashed."

"Um, sure," Kendo replied. "It's just thirty minutes by bullet train… I think I got enough money to get there and back."

"Alright, see you in forty minutes," Izuku said, before he hung up without any hesitation. He looked at his phone and sighed. "I wonder what this is gonna be about," he said randomly, before finishing up the dishes and excusing himself from the house for a minute, then proceeding towards Dragobah.

When he got there he waited ten minutes, before growing a bit bored and pulled out his phone and started to sing to himself while listening to a song since it helped him sing a bit better while he waited.

He finished a song when he felt that he wasn't alone, before looking behind him and seeing Kendo in a trench coat jacket to block out the cold air, while also wearing ear muffs. Izuku went silent as he looked at her.

She looked at him before looking to the side, until she looked at him again and gestured to the trophy. "Can I… Can I see the trophy?"

This caught him off guard but he assumed she was gonna put it somewhere and they were gonna duke it out before the winner would take it home. As such, he gave it to her and she held it in her hands, looking over it.

What he didn't expect was what actually happened.

Suddenly she broke it in half which startled him, before she crushed it and threw it into one of the piles of trash. Izuku was left speechless as he stared at the gold painted foil for what was the trophy. "Wh-What?!" Izuku finally said.

"Sorry, I just felt like you'd want to destroy that thing since it served as a reminder in your house about your 'win'," Kendo said with little emotion as she brushed her hair to the side. Izuku looked at her like she was insane, before realizing that she herself didn't feel right with leaving him have the trophy. She didn't want it either, but it confused him why she wanted to destroy it. As Izuku began to think about it, he finally found a reason.

"Did you want to destroy it… to forget about their bet?" Izuku asked Kendo, which made her flinch as she remembered the bet that was almost made back at the tournament. "...it haunted you that much?"

"I…" Kendo looked away, unsure what to say. "...it… it might have…"

"Heh, nice to know I wasn't the only one who disliked it," Izuku said, before a sudden breeze came and blew through the trash, making the metallic rusty trash whistle. As Izuku's cost fluttered, he looked at Kendo and realized she clearly wasn't doing well with the cold right now, before he hummed. "You look cold."

"Well no duh, dumbass," Kendo retorted, a little irritated.

"Don't be like that," Izuku said before he had some of his Nanos show up and light themselves on fire and made a small little fire that he then pulled out an old chair and sat down by.

Kendo was surprised. "B-But… but you're…"

"Quirkless?" Izuku finished with the questioning tone in his voice. "Maybe. But that doesn't prevent me from making tech now does it?"

"This is technology?!" Kendo questioned as she looked at the flames that weren't even fueled by anything, other than the tech they originated as.

"It's really complex," Izuku stated. "A support guru would understand this, but since you are more of a martial arts person, this wouldn't exactly be the easiest to explain."

"Because I'm all brawn? Is that it?" Kendo questioned.

"No, it's just really hard to explain without having to make this sound like a lecture," Izuku replied. He stood up and the flame followed him. "Come on, I'll take you to the station. Unless you want to spar."

"Maybe a different time…" Kendo said while holding her shoulders and shaking.

Izuku was silent before the flames lightly surrounded her so it looked like her cost was glowing but not setting it on fire. "There," Izuku said as Kendo warmed up.

"W-Woah…" She mumbled, impressed. "These… these things are amazing."

"Thanks," Izuku said, taking a little pride in the comment.

They began to walk to the station, before Kendo began to try to start a conversation. "Um… hey…" She looked at Izuku who had his hands in his pockets, a scarf he wore covering his mouth. "So… about the tournament…" Izuku looked at her now and she looked away, nervously. "I'm… I'm sorry for not just taking the win." Izuku looked away now. "I-I mean, I-I know I did the right thing, it's just-"

"You know that it hurt me mentally," Izuku finished.

Kendo was silent and was blushing a little. "Y-Yeah… and… I do want a rematch. This time… no rules will stop us until one of us is unconscious or surrenders."

"Fine by me," Izuku said. "But just know, I'm not the same as I was back then."

"I didn't think you were," Kendo said with a small smile.

They arrived at the station, and Kendo began to leave before Izuku thought it was his turn to ask a question. "Before you go…" Izuku said suddenly as he looked her in the eyes. "...tell me, why didn't you have more friends on your contacts?" He felt something was wrong about that. Seriously wrong.

Kendo was silent before giving him a smile and closing her eyes. "I just got my phone back then, so I didn't add everyone yet. That's it." She walked away and waved bye and left to go home, but Izuku sighed.

"...that wasn't the truth."

10:30 PM came, and Izuku was waiting with All For One and Kurogiri at the place where Izuku and the Hassaikai left before the 10:30 PM mark would come.

"They're not here…" Kurogiri said.

"Well no duh," Izuku retorted. "Just give them a moment…"

The other two were growing impatient, but Izuku knew they were impatient to begin with. And Sensei was in a bad mood for some reason too.

Eventually, they almost left when they heard footsteps and Izuku turned to see Don and Chisaki back with a little girl who looked albino with her white hair and red eyes, topped with a little horn on her forehead, who clung to Don's leg. Izuku smiled.

"We accept the alliance between us the Shie Hassaikai… and the League of Villains."