
Deity Chat: I Can Trade With God's

Humanity was on the verge of extinction after the portal appeared but some people started awakening supernatural and soon the tide turned different. Humans started overpowering otherworldly creatures. And as humanity stabilized, the hunter profession started rising. After 100 years, a boy named Ethan who had lost his parents during a rift and got an ugly scar on his face was cursing the god. The gods heard his prayer and the next day when he woke up he found an unknown app, filled with weirdos on his phone, the "Deity Chat" | • | Howdy readers, English is not my first language, so expect some grammatical mistakes. Anyways, have a good day. And the updates will be twice a week as I am busy with other works

SomethingCringe · Realistis
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7 Chs

Borrowing A Weapon

(A/N: I am really sorry, I accidentally deleted this chapter and am reuploading it)

As the chaos settled and the passengers regrouped, Ethan's mind raced with thoughts on how to defeat the werewolf.

He knew that hiding and formulating a plan would be crucial for their survival.

Spotting a space beneath one of the bus seats, Ethan gestured for the girl to stay quiet and follow his lead.

They crouched down, their hearts pounding, as they watched the werewolf sniffing the air and searching for its next target.

Ethan's mind worked quickly, considering their limited resources and the monster's strengths. He remembered the trade shop app on his phone.

Even though Ethan thought it was fake, he still decided to gamble.

Carefully and silently, he retrieved his phone from his pocket, keeping it low to avoid catching the attention of the werewolf.

He opened the app and navigated to the weapons section once again.

<Dagger of the Whispering Shadows>

-1000 DC


'Where the hell will I get 1000 DC from? There isn't even an option to exchange the many for DC.' His mind was panicking, thinking of a way.

Just a he was about to give up and leave the rest in destiny's hands. His eyes spotted the 'Chat' option.

Maybe he could talk to them about his situation and they would give him the weapon?

As he clicked the option a hologram of an old man with a white beard appeared. From the looks, he was about seventy.

"What is a mortal doing here?" The old man exclaimed as he stroked his beard.

He was confused to see a mortal in gods chat.

"Huh...?" Ethan was confused... No, hella confused. He didn't recall his phone having the hologram option.

And what are the old geese in front of him talking about? Mortal? Here?

Hearing the footsteps of the werewolf, he got out of his daze and hurriedly said. "C-c-can you lend me the daggers? I... I am in a hurry. Please."

'Has he gone completely nuts?' the girl thought to herself seeing the man talking to the seat.

"Sorry boy, but I can't, it's against my business policies." He said as he let out a big scroll. All the policies were written in the scroll.

'What the hell would I do with this?' He thought as he held the scroll.

"I-is there any other way?"

"Well, if you could give me something equal to the value of the daggers, I would give it to you." The man said stroking his beard. He was amused seeing a mortal after thousands of years.

'What could I give him? Yes!'

"What do you think about his watch?" He hurriedly said.

"Hmm... Let me check."

"Do it quickly!

As Ethan turned his head, his heart skipped a beat. The werewolf stood mere feet away from him, its eyes fixated on him and the girl.

The scent of blood and fear filled the air, making Ethan's palms sweat.

Fear gripped him, but he couldn't afford to let it paralyze him. He had to protect himself and the girl.

And just as the monster linked at him, he heard a voice.

"Only for an hour."


The monster leaning forward to attack Ethan was preceded by the dagger that suddenly appeared in Ethan's hand.

The monster dropped to the ground, dead.


His heart was raising fast, thanks to the dagger appearing in his hands at the right time or...

He gulped hard thinking. He looked at the girl who was still shaking.

Ethan's mind raced as he witnessed the chaos outside the bus. The werewolves were wreaking havoc, tearing through the helpless civilians and spreading terror everywhere. He knew that staying on the bus was no longer an option.

"We need to get out of here," Ethan said urgently, grabbing the girl's hand and pulling her towards the bus's rear exit. He knew they had to find a safer place, away from the monstrous creatures.

They managed to open the emergency exit, and without hesitation, they jumped out onto the side of the road.

The sounds of screams and howls filled the air as they landed on the grassy verge, the impact jolting their bodies.

Ethan glanced around, scanning for a potential escape route or a place to hide.

He noticed a dilapidated cabin a short distance away, partially obscured by the dense foliage. It seemed like their best chance for temporary shelter.

"We need to make a run for that cabin," Ethan said, his voice filled with determination. The girl nodded, her fear etched on her face, but she trusted Ethan to lead the way.

They sprinted towards the cabin, their footsteps muffled by the chaos unfolding around them. As they reached the cabin, Ethan pushed open the creaking door, and they hurried inside, seeking refuge from the horrors outside.

The interior of the cabin was dimly lit, with dust-covered furniture and a musty smell that permeated the air. It appeared to be abandoned for quite some time.

Ethan quickly closed and locked the door behind them, hoping it would buy them some time and keep the werewolves at bay.

He scanned the cabin for any signs of danger, listening intently for any approaching footsteps or growls.

Satisfied that they were temporarily safe, Ethan turned his attention to the girl, concern evident in his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine care.

The girl nodded, her trembling beginning to subside as the adrenaline started to fade. "Th-thank you for saving me again," she said, her voice shaky but grateful.

Ethan gave her a reassuring smile, his mind already contemplating their next move. "We're in this together," he said, trying to boost her spirits. "We'll find a way to get out of here and find help."

He then looked out from the window, it was the same horror as before. 'Will they even come?' he thought as he greeted his teeth.

He was referring to the Moon Shadow guild. In the first place, this should not have happened. They should have already evacuated before the rift even opened.

This also happened back then, when Ethan's family was on vacation. "They are doing this again. Just for some fame they are letting the innocent die?"

"How many more would die before they arrive?" His voice was filled with disgust and hate for those moon shadow bastards.

As Ethan's determination surged through his veins, he recalled the combat training he had received during his childhood aspirations of becoming a hunter.

Though it was limited, it gave him a basic understanding of fighting techniques and strategies.

Taking a deep breath, Ethan steeled himself and made a plan. He knew that facing the werewolves head-on was dangerous, but he couldn't stand by while innocent people suffered the same fate as his parents.

With newfound purpose, Ethan turned to the girl and said, "Stay here and keep yourself hidden. I'll take care of the werewolves. If anything happens, find a way to escape and seek help."

The girl nodded, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and trust. She understood that Ethan was their best hope for survival.

Leaving the safety of the cabin, Ethan emerged into the chaos outside.

The sounds of growls and screams echoed through the night as the werewolves continued their rampage.

Ethan focused on one target at a time, using his knowledge of the creatures' vulnerabilities.

He aimed for their vital spots, avoiding their razor-sharp claws and powerful bites.

His combat training allowed him to move swiftly, dodging their attacks and striking back with calculated precision. Although barely.

Though outnumbered and facing supernatural adversaries, Ethan's determination and rage-fueled his every move.

He fought with the memories of his lost parents and the lives that hung in the balance.

His movements became fluid and confident as he honed his skills in the heat of battle.

He used the environment to his advantage, taking cover behind obstacles and striking when the werewolves least expected it.

As Ethan fought, the tide of the battle slowly shifted. One by one, the werewolves fell under his relentless assault.

His attacks were swift and deadly, and with each fallen foe, his confidence grew.

Time seemed to blur as Ethan fought with unwavering resolve, his mind focused solely on his mission to protect the innocent. The cries of the werewolves mixed with the sounds of his exertion, creating a symphony of chaos and determination.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last werewolf standing succumbed to Ethan's relentless assault. It let out a final howl before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

Breathing heavily, covered in sweat and dirt, Ethan stood amidst the aftermath of the battle. Silence settled over the once-chaotic scene, broken only by the distant sounds of sirens approaching.

Ethan's heart was heavy with both relief and sorrow. He had managed to save some lives, but the cost of the encounter weighed heavily on him. The memory of his parents' demise resurfaced, reminding him of the pain and loss that violence brings.

But he could not shake off the uneasiness that he was feeling.


Ethan was sent flying twenty meters across the street.

The pressure there grew as the D-rank BloodFang appeared.