

"What do you wanna eat today Sammy?"

"I would like to have a heart of yours" Sammy replied Season with wide smile and he showed to Sammy that like he is trying to smashed his heart out of his body and gave his hand to sammy and said

"It's all yours my dear"

They both laughed and order as usual they eat always that is muffin with strawberry drink.

"Why you wanna go that college actually?

Season asked, "You know I love arts a lot and in our town we don't have art college ,this is the main reason"

"Yeah I know that but why not other city except that one which seems weird, I don't even heard of that city name before."

Sammy speak slowely "Ahh, Its not about city its about school....I will tell you about that later,and.....maybe you can come with me....maybe"

Season seems confused ".....but you were taking me with you when you first move there and I will be back weren't you?

Sammy with heavy voice " Sorry, you can't come with me now, I will come to take you when time will come."

Season Sadly "Okay"

"You don't have to worry about me, you know I am the best to arranged in newely environment....."

Season with surprised look "What..?I didn't and I won't expect that, I've met you when you were 13,after that time I haven't seen you talking with any one....and you only l.."

before finishing season his words Sammy rudely said "you don't know much about me so I told you that I can do that means I do"

Season looks much sad because of Sammy's words it hurts him she had never spoken with him like this in whole 5 years.

He thought "I have known her for 5 years how could she tell me that I dont know her??Am I dreaming or what?...."Grabbing his hair and start thinking hardly if there was anything that he missed in the past.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, please try to understand me"Season said and left the cafeteria.

She took the cab and gone.

After that season quickly took the another cab and followed her but he saw her until she cross the bridge of Seti river and after that unknowly there was no any cab before him in a sec cab driver asked him

"Little young man, whom you're following when there is no one from the start do you want me to drive faster and reach to them?

Season was more surprised when driver said that and told him to drop there and said that "oh I apologise I thought I saw someone there but that was mistake."

He get off there and look around the road side area,bridge area but there was no any sign of being Sammy there.

He get back to cafe and order strong iced coffee to cool down his body temperature.

In a few moments he saw season again across the road and that time he quickly run towards her and asked "where have you been?? I saw you were going somewhere and sorry to say...that I ...I have followed you .....but....I didn't catch you....you ....you disappeared after the bridge...What is...what is happening??"

Season said aggressively "Please, let's talk later"

After few days Sammy came to visit Season, she was already prepared to leave . After seeing her Season seems so sad but he controlled himself and said goodbye to each other. In their whole 5 years of friendship they were a parted first time they both were in tears. Infact they loved each other but can't express because the fear of losing friendship.