
Deep Reset

WARNING !!! R+18 Mature Content will be listed. Following triggers. BDSM, FFM, MMF, Tentacles Every fantasy creature with a human in some way shape or form. Symbiotes, and Just different stuff....You have been warned...Its LITRPG also so ENJOY! And now... Now with that. Said let's get. To the. Story. This story is for a mature audience and will include sexual situations with Fantasy monsters. You have been warned. This story is about a Symbiote who teams up with a Priestess in a unique world where anything can happen. The Epitaph of The End In the digital abyss, I conversed with an angel, Offered a choice, my fate at stake. "Paradise or reincarnation?" he asked, I chose trust over trickery's embrace. The celestial beings, surprised by my wit, Their brows raised in disbelief. A laugh escaped the angel's lips, Acknowledging my unconventional belief. From nothingness to a humble bacterium, I journeyed through existence's span. Consumed by darkness, I traveled the stars, Crashing on a world, my journey began. Feeding on the first, I took its form, A shape-shifting slime, yet aware of my norm. Different from the consumed, my essence transformed, An epitaph of a rebirth, in a world reborn.

ELE_Reed · Fantasi
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8 Chs

A Coy Interaction

Aria found solace amidst the gentle rustle of hay and the comforting presence of the stable animals. As she leaned against the sturdy frame of a creature unlike any she had seen before, her tears flowed freely, unchecked by the gaze of any judgmental eyes.

Nestled against her was a Moozea, a remarkable hybrid with a patterned coat that seemed to blend the elegance of stripes with the earthy hues of a field. Its eyes, large and expressive, conveyed a sense of understanding and comfort, as if it could sense Aria's troubles and offered silent reassurance in return.

In her tears, Aria was approached by a young woman with dark black hair, her face adorned with streaks of grime from her day's work. Despite the weariness etched upon her features, there was a quiet strength in her presence, and her proud bearing spoke of resilience and determination.

"Hello," the woman greeted Aria, her voice warm and welcoming. Despite the tears still lingering in her eyes, Aria managed a small nod in response. "Forgive me, Priestess," the woman continued, "I did not notice it was you. I am happy that you took time to pray over my Moozea before they go to slaughter tomorrow."

Aria offered a faint smile of gratitude, touched by the woman's words. "No need for apologies," she replied softly. "It was my pleasure to offer my blessings."

As Aleska welcomed her, Aria nodded in gratitude, appreciating the warmth in the young woman's voice. Yet, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered beneath her calm exterior. She knew her tears weren't shed for the Moozea, but she welcomed the excuse it provided.

"My name is Aria," she replied, withholding any further details about her background. Aleska's curious glance didn't go unnoticed, but Aria brushed it off, not wanting to delve into explanations.

Aleska's offer of assistance was genuine, and Aria found solace in knowing she had someone to turn to if needed. However, the mention of Granpa's eccentricities piqued her curiosity, leaving her wondering why her family was not like most. So she always assumed other families were better. Shaking those thoughts away.

Aria nodded, acknowledging Aleska's words as she followed her out of the stable. The evening air was cool and crisp, carrying with it the scent of hay and animals. As they walked, Aria observed the other Moozea being led into the barn, their mixed expressions of fear and resignation mirroring her life and existence. She wanted to cry again as she thought about how easily this world is so similar to the world they live in. Food to the slaughter in the end.

Aleska's voice broke through her thoughts, her tone cheerful despite the somber task ahead. "Come on, girls and little fellas who we can't make into bulls, get on in the barn. Tomorrow's a big day for some of you. We're going off to slaughter!"

As Aleska affectionately addressed the weak-looking Moozea, a small bull named Peep, its pitiful groan tugged at Aria's heartstrings. She watched as Aleska reassured the animal, promising it safety from the impending slaughter.

The pitiful groan that escaped Peep seemed to tug at her heartstrings, and she watched as Aleska reassured him with gentle words.

"Awww, No, of course not little Peep, you won't be going to slaughter tomorrow. You are one of the producers we have!" Aleska's voice was filled with compassion as she led Peep into the stable. However, her words were soon contradicted by the arrival of an elderly man, who seemed to have a different agenda.

"Damn Eska, what I dun told you gal, about lying, even to the animals that's about to die. Especially in front of a Priestess," the man scolded, his tone stern and disapproving. Aria observed him closely, noting the tan skin and the slow, deliberate movements that spoke of age and wisdom.

"Of course, we're taking little Peep's ass to slaughter tomorrow," the man continued, his words cutting through the air like a knife. Peep let out another groan as if sensing the impending doom that awaited him. The man's next words were even more chilling, revealing the harsh reality of their situation.

"You damn right we are LP, Your ass didn't make it as a bull, and that spell to have you convert milk backfired. Even turning you into steaks is losing me money. I am just killing your ass on principle now," the man declared, his voice laced with bitterness and resignation.

As Aleska finished securing everything in the stable, she offered a quick apology for her grandfather's behavior. Aria nodded understandingly, letting go of any lingering frustration. Despite the old man's harsh words, Aria couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity in his presence. His weathered face and slow movements reminded her of someone who had once watched over her in her childhood, a rare memory of warmth and protection.

With a faint smile, Aria bid farewell to the stable and its occupants, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. It had been a long time since she had felt such a connection to her past, and it filled her with a quiet sense of comfort. As she made her way back to her room, she resolved not to let the slime or whatever the hell this thing was to give her any attitude like before. She had let her emotions get the best of her earlier, and she wasn't about to let it happen again.


In the hushed stillness of the night, an ethereal essence, unseen to mortal eyes, drifted through the air of the bustling inn. A delicate blend of pink and red hues shimmered like a spectral veil as it prowled the corridors, its purpose inscrutable yet palpable. It was searching, seeking out its quarry with an almost instinctual determination.

In a secluded corner of the inn, hidden from prying eyes, the Hidden Imp sensed the approaching presence. A flicker of confusion crossed its invisible form before the essence struck, enveloping the imp in a radiant light that seemed to sear through its invisibility. With a subdued acknowledgment, the imp's glazed eyes betrayed the reception of a message, a silent communication with its mistress.

Undeterred by the impending night, the ethereal essence continued its quest, navigating the labyrinthine passages until it reached its destination: a modest chamber occupied by an elderly Catheo and his diminutive gnome wife. The couple lay nestled together in slumber, their forms small yet exuding a quiet strength born of years shared.

With a subtle whisper, the essence coalesced into words of a curious blend, a symphony of pink and red that danced upon the air. It was a language unheard by mortal ears, an ancient tongue steeped in mystique and power. And as the whispered words brushed against the Catheo's ears, a shiver rippled through his sleeping form, stirring him from his rest.

With a sudden start, the Catheo awoke, his eyes wide with bewilderment as a startled meow escaped his lips. 

In the grip of a sudden surge, he fought for air, his chest tight and constricted. His wife, startled awake by his gasps, could do nothing but watch, her concern mounting as she realized his distress. Hastening to seek aid, she left him struggling, the world around him blurring as his body convulsed with unseen forces.

With a sudden, violent wrenching, his clothing tore apart, unable to contain the burgeoning mass beneath. His frame expanded, muscles swelling and rippling, transforming him into a towering figure of raw power. His once-concealed fur erupted across his now-enlarged form, save for a singular, engorged appendage, standing erect as a monument to his metamorphosis.

He moved forward, his movements primal and fierce, his snarls echoing through the room like the growls of a predatory beast.

As chaos erupted within the inn, the snarling imp, once invisible yet now vulnerable, found itself ensnared by the enraged gaze of the Catheon. In a swift and savage display of primal dominance, the transformed monster lunged forward, its massive form dwarfing the imp as it was mercilessly devoured whole. With a predatory instinct honed by centuries of evolution, the Catheon wasted no time in dispatching its prey, swallowing the imp in one gulp, the act a testament to its newfound power.

As the panic spread like wildfire, guests fled from their rooms in a frenzy of fear and confusion. Meanwhile, the monstrous Catheon stumbled forth from its chamber, driven by an insatiable urge to mate, its senses ablaze with the scent of potential rivals. In its frenzied state, only the presence of another enraged Catheo female could hope to quell its primal desires, a truth that left the inn's occupants bewildered and unnerved.

As chaos gripped the inn, Aria stumbled upon the scene of devastation, her heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. Bodies lay strewn across the floor, injured and in pain, their desperate cries for help echoing through the bar area. With trembling hands and a voice thick with emotion, Aria began to cast her healing spells, one by one, reciting the ancient chants that called forth the soothing green aura of healing.

But the task was overwhelming, each spell draining her strength as she fought against the tide of panic and despair. Images of her friends lost to a brutal goblin attack mere days before, haunted her mind, their screams echoing in her ears as she struggled to save those before her.

As Aria worked tirelessly to tend to the wounded, the sounds of destruction from above grew louder, the monster wreaking havoc with each thunderous roar. With a sinking feeling in her chest, Aria realized that the creature's rampage may indeed be fueled by the malevolent influence of the imp, its presence twisting and warping the once peaceful inn into a nightmare.

Her hands trembling, her breath coming in ragged gasps, Aria fought to push aside the memories of her recent trauma, focusing instead on the task at hand. But as the chaos threatened to overwhelm her, a deafening roar tore through the air, causing her to freeze in terror.

With eyes wide with horror, Aria watched as the monstrous beast descended the stairs, its gaze fixed upon her with a hunger that sent chills down her spine. Paralyzed by fear, she stood rooted to the spot, unable to move as the creature charged forward, its massive form bearing down upon her with terrifying speed.

But just as the beast was upon her, a sudden movement caught her eye, and she felt herself being pulled out of harm's way by a crimson and ebony tentacle. Startled and disoriented, Aria found herself face to face with a gelatinous creature, its form no larger than a watermelon yet radiating an aura of fierce determination.

"Darnit, Priestess, snap the fuck out of it!" the creature exclaimed, its voice surprisingly firm despite its gelatinous form. Aria blinked in shock, her mind reeling from the sudden turn of events.

"You...you saved me," she managed to stammer, her gratitude mingled with confusion. But before she could utter another word, the beast above them let out a furious roar, its attention now turned back toward them with a renewed sense of aggression.

With a sinking feeling in her heart, Aria realized that their ordeal was far from over. With the monster bearing down upon them and the imp's influence still lurking in the shadows, they faced a perilous battle for survival unlike any they had ever known.