
Straight out of a Fanta Sea!

An: Hello! This is my second attempt at an original novel, so if you spot any mistakes, then there's really no excuse cause I got all 5's on my AP English courses. Must be my chronic retardation my sister spoke of... Anyways, enjoy!.


Yea, if you haven't noticed, I like the sea. Like, a lot a lot. But not too much, that would be weird. I've pretty much-done everything there was to be done with the ocean that any teenage boy with slightly overbearing parents would allow. Snorkeling? Did that last week. Seafood? Love that shit. Sandcastles? You're looking at a veteran sandcastle builder who casually enjoys Minecraft. Sealife? I watch National Geographics in my free time.

Simply put: I liked the sea.

With such love as I did for all things marine-related, there was no way I would stay in little Seaside, Washington for the rest of my life. I could see myself eventually moving away, getting a degree in Marine Biology, traveling the world in the name of pioneering the unknown depths of the dark abyss we call the ocean. I wouldn't mind getting a family along the way as well... Not that I needed it! Just saying. With fingers crossed.

But that future was long gone, just like the sunken boat that left me no chance of reaching back to civilization.

My day started out normal enough. I was sleeping all snug and cozy in my bed, enjoying the warmth of my comforters. All was good and just with the world. That was until my baby brother punched my face and said, "Wake up Potty!"

Groaning, I summoned all the patience of the world, just like how those monks did and replied to my cur of a brother in a civilized manner.

"Mom! I saw Zach watching Cocomelon on his Ipad after ten" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"NO! Mommy, HE's lying! I promised I didn't! Promise!"

Running out of the room, I watched my brother dash downstairs to try and convince mom of his innocence. Being the youngest and, in my opinion, the spoiled of all the siblings, he might've gotten away with it.

If I hadn't shown my parents how to look at the Screen Time on apple devices, that is. Hehe. Take that, you brat.

With a sigh, I got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. I patted both cheeks - a habit I picked up from some cartoon. I swept some of my hair back before firing imaginary bullets from my finger guns.

I smiled. "Looking sharp as always, Johnson."

After using brushing his teeth, I changed out into one of the T-shirts and basketball shorts that laid on the ground. Taking a quick sniff at both articles of clothing, I gave them a somewhat approving glance. They would work.

Running down the stairs, I made sure to skip a step between each stride. Mom complained that someday I would tumble down the stairs because of it.

Noticing that both Zach and mom were probably long gone by now, I decided a cup of milk, granola bar, and banana would suffice for breakfast. Usually, I would've eaten a bowl of lucky charms while watching some video or anime to pass the time, but a quick glance at my watch told me that zero period would start in fifteen minutes.

With a yawn, I drained the rest of the milk before shoving the banana in my mouth. Shoving the chocolate deluxe - granola bar in my backpack - wait, screw that. The box was already getting empty, might as well just take them all. I picked up the box of granola bars and dumped them inside my backpack. It was a running joke in the family that I was addicted to granola bars. Sue me for loving some nuts.

Walking by the stairways to the front door, I stopped momentarily to look at one of the family portraits. It was probably around five or six years ago because Zach was still wearing diapers in it. There I was, holding Zach in my arms as I crouched in front of my parents, a Santa hat on my head. Next to me, my older brother Harry had his hand raised behind my head to make bunny ears.

'Hmmm, I should probably text Harry that he still owes me twenty bucks.'

With that, I walked out of the house. Taking the bike out of the shed, I pedaled down the street. I passed through the suburbs before taking a left on the street road.

Just then, several military humvees drove by the road, moving further up north.

'Huh, didn't know there was a military base nearby.'

Ah, high school. Nothing like a good, 'old,' dilapidated mishmash of buildings with rusted fences to house a bunch of hormonal teenagers. Biking through the swarm of people that cluster like a school of fish near the entrance of the school building, I saw our mascot, Shelly the seashell, greeting the students with a wave. Hmm, was Tony Derrusso the mascot now?

As I chained the bike to the bike rack, a strange feeling of vertigo rose in me as if I was spun around too much. I could feel the bile rise up my throat.

"Morning, Peter." A familiar voice greeted me.

Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Please don't let it be Alex. Please don't let it be Alex.

Turning to face the now recognizable face of Alexandra 'Alex' Chapman. I gave a watery smile and a shaking wave before projectile launching my banana-milk mixture into her freckled face.

"PETER 'FUCKIN JOHNSON, YOU DID NOT JUST PUKE ON ME!" shouted the brunette, covered in my barf juice.

Fuck my life.

After I was let out of the nurse's office, I set back to class. Apparently, besides that barf, I was fine. She asked several questions about what I ate for breakfast and so on, concluding that it must be because of my diet. Which I called bull on because I had no problems for the past couple of years before. The nurse offered to call up my parents at the clinic, but I shut that down real quick. I wasn't going to experience the same episode Harry did when they found out he had a bloody nose. No sir, I was not.

Because of the morning incident, they offered both me and Alex's the day off. Me barfing and Alex being barfed on.

Walking straight out of the school doors, I noticed near the bike rack was several wet floor signs surrounding dark blotch painted on the cement.

Up ahead, I noticed Alex on the phone as she stood near the curb. She had her phone up against her wet hair which was pulled back into a ponytail. Looking at her attire, I noticed she was wearing her tennis clothes.

And now she was looking at me, great. Even better, she was stomping towards me. When I say stomp, I mean the type of stomp you see your parents do when they're about to give you an earful.

Oh no. She was up to something.

"Wait! I'm sorry for-" I started, backing up and away from the angry girl, but it was too late.

I felt two arms close around me, bringing me into a hug.

Hold up a minute, let me explain. To those who don't know the she-demon, freckled, soul-eating, witch that was Alexandra Heather Chapman, she was a lot of things. Team captain of the girl's tennis team, former student(for the summer) at the Sacred Heart Tennis academy, and proud Valorant no-lifer.

Oh yeah, she was also my best friend.

To make a long story short, my parents were friends with her parents and they decided, 'Gee, wouldn't it be a great idea if we were neighbors, too?!' And for the majority of my life, we've been stuck together for almost everything. First broken bone? A dumpster joyride down a hill courtesy of Alex. First concussion? I'll admit that it might've been my fault that she was hit in the head by a hammer taped to a tetherball. Sue me, I was going through a Thor phrase.

Anyways back to the present.

There was no good reason why she would be hugging me now of all times, besides for nefarious and insidious reasons.

"Do you smell that, Johnson? That's your barf. Take a deep sniff of it, you dipshit."

I groaned under the vile smell that assaulted my nose worse than a botched drone attack in the Middle East. "It warms my heart, Chapman, it really does. But don't you think we should get a room before doing the deed?"

She scoffed. The audacity of this bitch! "Please, as if you want to hit this when I literally smell like something that came out of your closet. Wait, I take that back, you probably would, considering the closet is in your room."

Breaking free from her hug, I feigned mock-indignation. "I beg your pardon, madam, but have you seen 'your' room, gamer girl? Case closed."

Alex crossed her arms. "I remember your mom saying that your room and I quote, 'a cesspool of socks and underwear.'"

"La la la la, la de da, la..." I sang out, covering both ears. Was I being childish? Yes. Did I enjoy the look of pure annoyance that came across Alex's face? Absolutely.

She rolled her eyes. "Peter, to make up for ruining my day, you're going to let me hitch a ride on your bike for...Hmm, let's say a month?"

"A month!" I shouted. "I'll have to wait after school for at least an hour for you to finish practice. Not to mention how fat you got."

I felt a smack on the back of my head for that one. Looking back, I saw her glare at me. "Well suck it up bud, you're doing it. No if's or but's or I'll tell your folks what happened to the lawnmower."

Horrified, I pointed at her. "You would break the truce! We made a pact, you wouldn't dare. They would know you were involved as well."

Alex had a smug grin. "I know, I could live with it. But you can't because you have to live with your parents."

Alex walked over to my bike and sat on the backseat. "I need to stop by the grocery store for some stuff, so get to it, Johnson."

Grumbling a yes, I made sure to display my ill will as being treated as a chauffeur. I'd bet she'll enjoy the bumpy roads on the back of my bike!

Taking right at the stop sign, I pedaled up a slight incline towards downtown Seaside. As I was busy putting the pedal to the medal, Miss soulless was nonchalantly scrolling through Instagram, ignoring my plight. What I'd do for a Fanta right now.

I felt Alex tapping my shoulder. "Hey Peter, have you seen the news recently?"

"No, not really." Besides the occasional news video regarding some celebrity that randomly popped up in my recommendations on Youtube, I was basically living under a rock.

"Well, there was - Peter stop!" she shouted into my ear, gripping tightly onto my shoulders.

Instinctually, I slammed the brakes on my bike, steering the wheel to the right as I stopped quickly. The tires made a squeaking noise as they rubbed hard against the asphalt road.

"What is it?" I asked, slightly out of breath from the sudden shock.

I could feel Alex's body tremble slightly as she pointed across the woods ahead. "Look over there - the town's on fire."

It was then that I could pick up the sound of a police siren blare. In the distance, I saw a familiar police cruiser speeding away from the town.

"Isn't that sheriff Harde? Why isn't he helping the town?" asked Alex confused. "I'm going to try calling my parents."

Suddenly, something slammed into the side of the police car, toppling it as it turned multiple times into the conifer trees next to the road.

Alex and I were both stunned into silence as we slowly lowered our phones. Something had just one-shoted a moving car.

Under the glaring sun, it was evident what stood before them. The thing was slightly taller than the average person, resembling the unholy and diabolical cross between a hairless bat and a gorilla that starved itself. Its body was lithe and grotesque, the arms bending upward due to its immense size. The head, eyeless and bare, flexed open to reveal a fleshy skin that came with a row of sharp teeth.

Looking at Alex, I saw that she was about to scream. Quickly, I clamped my hand down on her mouth tightly. Scared she slowly turned her head to me as tears began to well up in her eyes.

"Stay back! Oh god, please help me!" shouted someone from the car. At the sound, the creature forward at tremendous speeds, digging into the car as it ate its screaming prey.

Wait a minute. The screams, the blaring sirens. No way that thing could see, so did that mean it could hear really well? No time to waste. Quickly taking out my phone, I made sure to silence all sounds on it before typing something down. Lifting the phone up to Alex's face, who was now giving my shoulder a death grip, she read the message. 'I think that creature can hear really well. Turn off your phone.'

With a shaky hand, Alex moved the phone slowly out of her skirt pocket.

*Ring* *Ring*

In fright, Alex dropped her phone as it continued to ring loudly in the quiet forest. The creature suddenly perked up, turning its head in our direction.

"Fuck!" I whispered out. Without looking back, I began furiously pedaling away from the phone. It was at this time that Alex chose to wrap both arms around my neck and press her chest against my back. If it was any other time, he would've been enthusiastic. But not when a freaking Boogey monster was on hot on their tail!

The girl then whispered into my ear: "Three more of those things are following us!"

What do I do? Fuck! I watched horror movies, c'mon brain, think! All you think about is the ocean and sea- wait a goddamn moment! The sea!

Pedaling harder, I took left towards the Miller's house. If I was right, they were France on their honeymoon. How lucky of them. Up a block ahead, I could see the Miller's fancy beach house. And next to it was a dock with their new boat.

"Take out my phone," I whispered gruffly.

"What?" Alex asked.

"My phone, pocket," I replied back curtly.

I could her hand go into my pocket as it pedaled, gingerly taking my phone out. Taking a deep breath, I decided this was a good time as any to expose my true self to the world.

"Here's the plan, we're going to the Miller's boat. But we're going to use my phone as a distraction. The lock is 475836, go into files under homework and then biology-anatomy. Pick the first video, but don't play it. Make sure to turn the volume up. Play the video and throw it away when I say so. You got that?"

I couldn't see her face, but I imagined that she nodded. Once we hit the sandy beach right in front of the Miller's dock. I whispered: "Now!"

Some people say your life flashes before your eyes right before you die. If that held any meaning then in some way, it probably did that day. The phone followed a parabolic arc high in the air. Dang, Alex wasn't the team captain for the girl's varsity tennis team for nothing; she had a good arm. And as Alex and I jumped off the bike ran through the sand to the docks, I could hear the faint sounds of a Japanese girl squealing in delight.

Glancing over at Alex, I saw her face was sweaty and anxious. If she had any indication of what she just played on my phone, she didn't show it.

Running to the docks, I could hear the sound of the tree's tumbling getting closer and closer.

Without a word, I pointed at the stern line that tethered the boat to the dock. Seeing my gesture, she worked on untying the boat. I worked on the bow line before hopping in myself. Looking at the helm, I took a moment to remember stuff about these types of boats.

Suddenly, the Japanese voices were cut short. Fuck! They were here.

Running to the right side of the helm, I found a panel. Bingo, the batteries. Seeing the four switches, each labeled for each of the port or starboard motors and their emergency switches, I decided to turn all four switches because this definitely counted as an emergency. Without further a due, he lowered both motors into the water.

"Peter, where did those creatures go?" asked Alex next to me. She was right, it was too quiet.

"Maybe they left us alone?" I suggested hopefully. Still not assured of it, I decided to leave shore anyways because no way am I going back to the woods. Pulling both levers down, the boat rocketed forward through the water as the motor loudly churned the water.

It was at that moment that a large cluster of those creatures burst through the woods and made a beeline towards the ocean.

I watched as they struggled to swim towards us, only to give up as they headed back on the beach.

"We're safe," I whispered, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Alex fell onto her knees on the deck, her hands rubbing her eyes as she bawled. Not knowing what to do, I crouched down beside her. Not knowing what to do with a crying girl, I just sat next to her. Apparently, I didn't need to do anything because Alex suddenly hugged me, using my shoulder as a tissue for her tears. Awkwardly, I slowly brought my arms around her giving the crying girl an experimental squeeze. Seeing that she wasn't going to stop crying soon, I decided to just sit there.

Watching as the Seaside, Washington burned.