

Does love hurt or it makes your heart flutter? Teresita, a 25-year-old always asked these questions every time she finished reading her books or watched dramas on television. She wished to meet her prince charming and felt love like the characters in the story. Not until she vanished from the city library to the unknown world where she will meet her lover.

Whiteangel_27 · perkotaan
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33 Chs

Chapter 25

"I want to thank you." Bok A said while bowing her head.

"It's our responsibility to help you." Min Yun said.

When we arrived at the new place in Sachi town, Bok A and her siblings like it so much. It is more bigger and safe than their nipa hut.

"I know we cannot easily move on about what happened to our father, but at least you gave us a chance to live a comfortable life. I only dream about this, but I never even thought that my father would die for us to experience this comfortable life.

"It is not a coincidence." I said. I don't want her to think that way.

She wiped her tears and smiled. " I know I asked too much. But can you please give my father a proper funeral?"

"Of course, we can do that." Min Yun exclaimed.

She cried again. " I owe you everything. Thank you very much."

I hugged her tight. I wanted her to feel that someone is willing to help her even if she is low life.

"From time to time we will be visiting you. Take care of yourself and your siblings."

She nodded. " I will. "

"We cannot stay longer because we still need to investigate who killed your father. We will just give you updates if we have a lead." Min Yun explained.

"I understand. I trust you. I hope that someday we will find justice for my father."


"Goodbye. " Bok A said and wave her hands. Even her siblings wave their hands.

We ride on the horse, same position as when we arrived at Kipatchi town.

It was already dawn and we haven't sleep yet. Min Yun and Ji han looked tired. I looked tired as well but I was more concern about these two.

"Maybe you should sleep when we arrived at the palace. You cannot think if you haven't sleep." I said.

"Are you sleepy? You can lean on my back." Min Yun suggested.

"No. I'm not sleepy yet." I said but the truth is I am really sleepy.

"We had a long day. It is impossible for you not to be sleepy. " Ji han said.

"You looked sleepy too." I replied.

"We are." then he laughed.

I smiled too. I need to stop myself from sleeping. It would be bothersome for Ji han and Min Yun if I will sleep.

I don't want them to be worried about me. They have too many cases to solve. Too many things to handle.

" Let's just talk until we arrive." I said but that's the last thing I said before my eyes closed."


Min Yun's pov

"She fell asleep." Ji han laughed.

I smiled. "She cannot survive for 24 hour no sleeping."

"Can we just rest for a while? I'm sleepy too." he yawned.

"We cannot do it here in the forest."

"I really want my bed now." he yawned again.

" You can have it later. Have a day off."

"How about you?"

"I can sleep a little then go back to office again."

"Can't you have your day off as well?"

"You know I cannot do that. Bok A and her siblings trust us a lot. We are their only hope."

"I know but what about you? "

"I can handle myself. I can have my day off if this case will be solve."

"Are you going to give a proper funeral for that man?"

"I can do it tomorrow. But I want to do it in Sachi town."

"We will go back here tomorrow again?"

"I will just go back. You can have your day off


"You know I cannot leave you."

"It doesn't matter to me. Take a rest."

" I-jun can be with you. I'm sure she will come."

"I want her to rest. You know that she is still healing. She had a long travel and she cannot have it tomorrow."

"You know how stubborn she is."

"That's why you shouldn't tell her."

He nodded. After that conversation we became quiet. I am sleepy too but we cannot stop here in a dark forest.

After 1 hour of travelling, we arrived at the palace. I let Ji han go home for him to rest.

"How about I-jun?"

"I can bring her in the quarter."

"You want me to help you?"

"I can manage. Just go home."

He nodded and followed what I have said.

I-jun is still sleeping. I don't want to wake her up because I know how tired she is.

I put her on my back and carry her until we arrive in her quarter. I opened the door and silently enter the room. I slowly put her on the bed and put a blanket on her body.

I didn't move for a while. I stared at her angelic face. She slept quietly like a baby. I remember someone again who sleep like this.

I sighed and smiled bitterly. When can I move on? How can I forget my past?


I thought she will wake up but I think she is dreaming. I stared at her face again. She has a thick eyebrow, rosy cheeks, pointed nose, red lips and white flawless skin. Her perfect feature will surely let the men drooled for her. But maybe they knew I am her cousin that's why no one dared to get near her. Especially now that everyone knew that the king will marry her.

On the other part of my heart, I wanted to stop their plan. I don't like the idea that I-jun will sacrifice herself just to save the king. But looking at her, she is really determined to help the king.

I stayed looking at her for few minutes. I decided to stand up and to go to my quarter but I stopped when she held my hand.

"hmmmm... just stay." she whispered.

I was a bit shock on what she said. I didn't even expect that she wanted me to sleep in her quarter. I was hesitant first because what will the people think of me? That I am starting to like her? But on the other hand I am her cousin. Though it is not good to sleep together especially with the opposite sex.

"Stay..." she whispered again and held my hand tightly.

The bed is not that small. It can occupy two persons. I am really sleepy too and I feel like my quarter is too far away.

I silently lie on her bed. She is still holding my hand. When my back touched the bed. I easily fall asleep. That's the last thing I remember.


I-jun's pov

I am half awake but I couldn't open my eyes. I was really tired since yesterday. I can stay in my quarter for the whole day but I cannot do that since I need to help Min Yun to prepare for Bok A's father funeral.

I grabbed ny pillow on the left side but I got confuse because that pillow is hard. I tried to smell it as well and it smell like a man. I tried to touch it but it feels odd because my pillow will never have a muscle.


I opened my eyes and gasped when I saw Min Yun quietly sleeping.

I put my hands on my mouth to stop myself from shouting.

Why is he here? How can we sleep on the same bed?

Isn't a great sin in their time to sleep with their opposite sex even if they are relative?

My reaction changed when I stared at him while sleeping. He looked tired, maybe that was the reason why he was here sleeping.

Oh wait!

Did I sleep when we are travelling?

That means????

Min Yun carried me?

I slapped myself on that thought. How can I do that? Min Yun was already tired and yet I let him carry me? I made a great mistake. I was suppose to be a big help but instead I was a burden to him.

I pity him. It was not my intention to sleep while travelling. Maybe I was to heavy while leaning on his back?

"Why are you staring at me?"

My eyes opened wider because I am shock and I can feel the redness of my cheeks.

"I'm sorry." I exclaimed and get out of my bed faster.

He chuckled. I looked at him. "Why are you laughing?"

"You looked scared." he said.

"Who wouldn't?"

" I'm sorry if I scared you, it's not my intention."

"Why are you here? Why you didn't wake me up when we arrived?"

"You were so sleepy that don't even realized that we arrived. I wanted to wake you up but you couldn't."

"I'm sorry. "

"That's the reason why I am here. Aside from that...." he paused.

"What?" why I feel like something awful happened yesterday?

"I was about to go out but...."

"But???" why he kept on pausing??? I can really feel that I did something awful.

"You held my hand. You said that I should stay. "

"I did?" that is really embarassing.

He nodded.

I put my palm on my face because of frustration. I couldn't believe that I did that. Especially to a man! I never did that all my life!

"That's when I decided to sleep here. It felt like my quarter is too far away that's why I stayed here."

"I'm sorry" I couldn't say anything because I was so embarass.

"It doesn't matter to me. I had a good sleep." He smiled.

I blushed. I have never imagine that I will end up sleeping with someone. I just only read it in the book but never in my wildest dream that I could experience that. And I did the first move!!! without noticing and even remembering that I did the first move.

"Let me prepare some breakfast." I said to divert the topic.

"You don't have to worry. I will be going to my quarter now to change my clothes. I need to go to the office."

"Are you going to start solving the case?"

He nodded.

"Can I help?"

"Ji han is on his day off, you can have it too."

"But I am not working."

"You are working with the king."

Oh shoot! I almost forgot.

"Do not tell the king what had happened yesterday. I don't want him to worry about it."

I nodded.

" I will still go to the office. I hope I can see you there." I insisted.

"I need to go now."

When Min Yun opened the door, I saw the King's face looking shock when he saw Min Yun in my quarter.