
Death Note: The New Kira

Yamishi Yagami, a young talented student renowned for his intellect, runs into a Shinigami on his way home from school. The Shinigami looks to Yamashi with a look of intrigue... "Are you as bored as I am?" "Yes" Little does Yamashi know that this shinigami has just found his new Kira *Warning: includes scenes with sex, torture and violence. You have been warned.* Support me here: https://www.patreon.com/dipforthechips

dipforthechips · Komik
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64 Chs

Police Investigation?!!

'It works just as expected' everything was happening as it had been written, the boss had gotten up and was now acting out the final moments of his life.

"It's time to leave ryuk"

"Hehe, got it" Ryuk understood and followed behind Yamishi.


"Director Masato! There's been a murder in the Kita Ward."

Director Masato, a muscular and slightly old man known as Tokyo's top investigator, looked up and was met by a tall but scrawny young man.

"Huh... So what they happen every day, get someone else to work on it, im busy with a case."

"But Sir director, this one may interest you, it's about that gang you've been looking at recently."

The old man looked up, with a look of intrigue "And what exactly has happened?"

"They're boss seems to have committed suicide right before calling the police and telling them where they were hiding out."

"Strange... Ok, let's head out to the scene immediately"

The two men quickly got their equipment and rushed out of the office.


When Masato got out from his car he immediately saw that the whole building had been blocked off by police tape and police were patrolling the area.

That's when his eyes met with a familiar figure.

"Wow, long time no see Daiki"

A white-haired old man turned around and was met by a hand on the shoulder.

"Ah, good to see you again Masato"

The two men came in for a firm handshake.

"I hear you were working on finding these guys, but what a surprise that their boss would rat em out then kill himself."

"Yea it took me by surprise when I heard"

Daiki turned his neck to look behind himself and said "If you think that's surprising wait till you see what actually happened." A look of concern briefly swept across Daiki's face as he said this.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's probably better if I just show you" These words were then followed by him leading the duo into the office building. They walked up the stairs and past multiple crates of weapons, narcotics and other illegal items. once they reached the end of the hallway they went up the stairs and were met by blood everywhere over the walls.

"What the fu.k happened here"

"We believe he may have been associated with a Tokyo Kira cult, just look at the walls"

Masato noticed straight away... Across every wall it was written in blood for them to see...


Although they had all seen a lot of action in their days, it hadn't prepared them for this exact moment.

Not only was there blood everywhere, but the man had cut himself up into tiny pieces.

"Daiki... Although the Kira followers are considered crazy... Isn't this too much? Maybe he went insane? No that's unlikely, he has no family or medical history of any mental illness."

They all felt slightly sick after looking at this but soon regained their composure.

"Sir, I agree with you. After all the Kira cults haven't done anything this crazy since I was a little kid."

There was complete silence for a second as they all thought about what had happened, but nothing really came to mind.

Finally Masato broke the silence "Hey kid, go get my evidence bags and tools from the car."

"Yes sir, right away" The young man quickly walked back down the stairs and out to the car. Once he reached the car he began to hunch over, and let out all his breakfast. He wasn't ready for something like that, but nevertheless, he got the evidence bags and tools for his senior.


Meanwhile, in Itabashi High School, a young Yamishi Yagami was being annoyed once again by classmates.

"So, yamashi... I heard you were going out with Amane today. is it true?"

"What? What are you thinking? it's nothing like that. I simply didn't want to be mean so I invited her out to get some coffee." Yamashi was acting kind and having a laugh with his so-called "Friends" when this was brought up. This was a perfect opportunity so he acted on it. He replied like he was slightly embarrassed, but didn't go over the top to ensure maximum believability.

"Wow, Yamishi your so lucky!! I'm so envious!"

"It's nothing to be envious about, were just having coffee"

In reality, Yamishi still couldn't care less about how anyone other than himself felt, this was just an alias and reflected nothing apart from the geniuses of his real self.

The rest of the day went on as any normal day would. Nothing interesting happened apart from Yamishi getting all As for his maths test and the same for his science. But even to him, it wasn't all that interesting. After all, what can be better than the death note...

*Kekeke* "Yamishi, that's the same look Light had"


The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of the original owner, i.e. a god of death.


Authors Note: Hey readers, I've been getting a lot of wonderful comments which mean a lot to me so thanks!! If you want, leave a review of the novel that would really help out. Finally don't worry im not dead, just needed to do school work. Thanks again!!