
Death March Danmachi

Haru is your everyday 12 year old, nothing special about him. Until one day on a playground a large delivery truck comes out from nowhere and Haru wakes up in an anime world he’s not familiar with. More shocking it the system he awakens with! “Wait I have three meteor rains?” *ROAR* Seeing the large black dragon with only one menacing eye in the distance, coming slowly towards him, Haru panicked! “This is off script you bitch!” Will Haru survive? . . . 1.) this fic is the ‘anime’ version of Danmachi! 2.) MC doesn’t step foot into the dungeon often at all, only when asked due to emergency! 3.) MC is young, 12 to be exact. And cute as a button, the little brother you wish to protect sort, and incredibly innocent yet mischievous at the same time. 4.) MC is extremely OP, he has the death march through a parallel world UI and system (tweeked a bit) if you’ve ever seen that anime. 5.) No harem and I don’t know about romance, this is more of a slice of life/ wholesome journey type story. 6.) MC is an Orphan so when he gets to know and trust someone he grows close and caring, so even if you dislike a character in Danmachi, don’t expect me to care if you rant because my MC treats them well. 7.) Speaking of treating them well, most major characters in the show will be in this fic, and Haru treats everyone with kindness as much as he can, because in a world where you can be anything, he chooses to be kind. . . . cover is not mine, if owner wishes it removed contact me with proof and it will be removed immediately.

Shadow_of_death · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Ch11. Devils Regrets


It seemed word had spread like wildfire and before lunchtime a massive line had formed.

Many of Orarios rich and affluent gods had sent their crippled adventurers above level two, many even appearing themselves in hopes of meeting the boy who could heal limbs.

Not just limbs but other things it would appear after that strange visit from the Checht girl, Airmid was her name.

She had rushed to the clinic as soon as she heard to see if the rumors were true and to see if there was any side effects from his 'healing'.

What Airmid discovered was so much more, the limbs that were healed were perfected, superior to the rest of the body to the point the power from their Falna circulated even better in those parts.

This shocked everyone to the core, especially as Haru mentioned he could 'heal' the whole body but had only been targeting the limbs or injuries.

It wasn't long before a few gods started making plans for the boy, he was a golden goose that stoked the greed of everyone.

However less then an hour from close a new rumor spread that dwarfed even Haru's healing abilities…

The northern forest had been completely destroyed in an AOE magic attack and the remnants of black dragon scales and bones had been found… belonging to none other then the One Eyed Black Dragon.

This shook the entire city as celebrations broke out not just in Orario, but all over the world that the news had reached.

Many could breath easy knowing that, that monster wouldn't suddenly swoop down from above and raze the city to the ground.

Thanks to that news no one came to the shop in the last hour letting Haru relax after a long day.

So many tears and hugging, so many proclamations of undying love and loyalty towards him. People are scary.

Haru however was more worried about that forest, it's where he appeared and where he made that dragon go night-night.

Hopefully no one would be able to figure out it was him… no one should be able too…. Right?





"Haru?" Bete walked into the shop and noticed Haru in his small form sitting behind the counter mumbling to himself, only too look up upon being called out to by Bete.

"Yes, what's wrong? You look like you had to eat a lemon?" Haru noticed the wronged look on Betes face.

"Loki got word that Oranos is sending us and a few other families to confirm a rumor, I'm going to be gone for a few days." Bete walked up and ruffled Haru's hair as the boy suddenly froze up.

"You ok?" Bete got worried at Haru's sudden action, it was odd.

"No im fine, just remembered something I'd like to forget." Bete noticed a sad look on Haru's face…

Taking a deep breath, Bete spoke up "about vidar and the others…" Bete looked visibly shaken as the old memories flooded back, "After you all left the city I tried to find out where you all went, but the tracks went cold.."

Bete clenched his hands as her face flashed in his mind. "I lost everyone twice, but I have you back, so it's not all bad I guess." Bete pulled a small box out of his small satchel and held it out to Haru.

Haru looked upon the old box and reached out to it. "This is a gift, something from my old clan…" opening it up revealed a small bracelet with a howling wolf on a silver coin.

"It belonged to my sister, now it's yours." Bete held on to the counter as his knees grew weak, he had been carrying that box since he was Haru's age.

Haru didn't know what to say, if Bete gave him this, then he must really have seen Haru as family.

"Thank you, I'll treasure if forever." Haru gently took the bracelet out as it gleamed in the magic light and slid it onto his wrist.

Bete felt tears well up in his eyes, it was time to let go.

"Well it's time for me to go, lots of work and not a lot of time as Finn always likes too say!" Bete smiled showing his canines as he quickly twirled around and beat a hasty retreat.

A mix of sorrow and joy swirling in his heart.

Haru watched the retreating back of Bete and also made a vow.

'I'll destroy anyone who hurts you big brother.'

"Hmm?" Haru reeled from that thought and shook his head, that was a little dark… hopefully it wouldn't happen again.

"Oh, look at that! Closing time!" Haru hopped up from his seat to go lock the door.


"Ouch" tripping over the few sizes to large pants, Haru face planted the floor, hopping up to make sure no one saw that stumble, Haru quickly made his way to the door and locked up.

After a long day he was happy of the progress he had made.

He wanted to spend some time looking at his system some more as he was eager to see how far it could go.

It seemed to be slightly different then the anime version, some new bells and whistles while others were locked?


Oh well future problems for future Haru and all that… how bad could it possibly be?




"That was too cute…"

The man shifted on his large throne as he watched Haru trip and fall.

"Right!" The woman named Lilith could be seen with her chin resting on her palm as she stared at the large screen before them, her eyes in a trance on Haru's visage.

"He takes after you with that clumsiness." The man chuckled as his gaze swept over the woman lovingly.

"Yeah, isn't he perfect?" The woman didn't bother to look at the man… her attention solely on Haru.

His perfect features that were a mix between hers and her beloveds.

She could spend the rest of eternity lost in his eyes, her baby.

After a few seconds the woman's mood however turned dour, "You think we did the right thing giving him up like that?"

The man sighed. "Yes, we both know that people born at the pinnacle and catered on hand and foot, especially gods, often seek cruelty to assuage boredom."

"This way, as a mortal he can learn that life, even small, holds importance, that everyone feels something. If he is to take this throne, he needs to have the wisdom of someone short lived. To respect what little life he and others have".

The man's voice turned cold as his next words shook the woman's confidence. "We both have seen what happens when someone lacking that appreciation sits this throne."

Memories best left forgotten by time surfaced in the woman's mind.

The cruelty and indifference of that being etched deep in her very bones, the war waged by every pantheon to kill that man nearly destroyed existence itself.

The smile and laughter as he slaughtered entire worlds just because he liked to watch the carnage put everyone on edge, unsure of where his gaze would turn next…

Eventually this leading to everyone banding together, in one final desperate attempt to be free of his shadow… it worked, but at a cost.

A small piece of that man's power broke off and entered her belly, it was that moment she found out she was even pregnant, and now her child carried the growing soul of God, he would become what they feared most…

So their allies turned on her in fear, but her beloved sealed them all away in their own small universes, unable to break out and bring her harm.

After his birth it was revealed that his soul had assimilated the old gods soul fragment, he would grow without it affecting him negatively, but it would grow just as powerful if not more so then the old one.

Her beloved made a choice, a difficult choice but a necessary one.

"To let the boy grow up in a random world, let him learn to be human, to appreciate what little time he had and to grow his compassion for all mortal lives." Those where the words she heard as her baby was pulled from her arms.

The woman wiped away a stray tear, "I'm not so sure we made the right choice Lucifer…"

The man sat quite, his true thoughts finally leaking out. He was tired of lying to himself.

"Me either"

balancing and changing the lore to fit my new plot is gonna be a hassle, mistakes will be made, this is basically an entirely new Danmachi so don’t expect it to follow the anime/LN to a tee. Haru’s existence will change the world itself and I don’t want to hear “But that’s not Canon!” I know it ain’t, that’s why this is a fanfiction!

Shadow_of_deathcreators' thoughts