

I looked into the sky as I walk home. I sadly smiled. I need to remember everything, the amazing scenarios that I wanted to share.

I am a millionaire. After I graduated from college, I worked hard to where I am right now. I have everything that I need but why do I still feel the pain inside me. Why?

That's why today I am going to visit my family.

I knocked on the door to my parent's house. When it opened, my father smiled and greeted me. "Hello to my Precious Daughter. How is your day?"

"I'm fine," I said but I am not actually fine. You see, my father may look like a very good person but in my perspective, he is not.

I remember how he shouted into my face how a useless child I am. He was mad that time because his favorite nephew who he financially supported dropped out from his college because of absences. I ran into my bedroom and cried a lot to the point that I called my mother. It pains me that my own Father chooses his siblings and nephews, nieces who just use him for money. He is blinded by those fools.

I trembled as I hold my phone at that time. I couldn't breathe, or talk properly.

But even if I called my mother...I lost my faith in her. I am so mad at myself. How could I lose faith to my own mother? I cried every single night. Wishing that someone could see how I am hurt. It's hard for me to tell it to people. It's not easy as you think it is.

I tried to talk to my little brother who was the reason why I still live but he just pushed me away and mocked me.

"Hey! Dad. Where is Mom?"

"She's out. Shopping probably."

Shopping huh? Now I thought about it. I had lots of doubts about my mother. How could I not? Would a married woman go home at 2 am in the morning? Would a married woman talk to a young man on the phone every time? What's worse is that I was always there with her but she is kept on talking to him on the phone.

Sad that my mother would let her anger out towards me even though I did nothing wrong. I just wanted to hug her but she kept on shouting. She felt guilty and that is why she buys me everything that I wanted. It's as if that is her "payment" for what she did to me. I actually don't need those things. I only need a mother that could understand my feelings.

I smirked as I enter the room. "I'm just here to give something to my brother," I told my father and went straight towards my brother's room only to find him sleeping.

I couldn't wake him up and so I pulled out the letter that I wanted to give him and placed it under his laptop. It's all of my property. The money that I worked for years. I am giving it to him. I kissed his forehead and whispered goodbye. I still love my little brother.

I tried my best not to let my tears out.

I walked out of the room and cooked something for my father. Bacon and eggs. Dad smiled at me as I served the food.

"It's delicious but why did you cook this? At midnight?"

"Thanks, Dad. I'm just hungry." I looked at the time and it is currently 12:45 am. Still no sign for my mother. I sighed.

"Dad. I'm going home. Tell mom that I will call her later on."

"Oh, sure! Be careful on your way home."

"You too, Dad. Be careful always."

I left my parents house and went home to my apartment. I sat on the floor. Holding my phone and trying to call my mother.

10 calls and she is still not answering the phone. I became frustrated that I threw my phone away. Tears flow out from my eyes. Why can't she answer her phone when I need to talk to her?

I took my phone again and texted. "Hi, mom! I just wanted to say that you need to be careful. Stay healthy."

I wanted to type the words 'I love you' but I couldn't. I couldn't. It's hard. It's really really hard.

Sad that I couldn't even talk with my mother personally or hear her voice.

I wondered before that if I die, would they be happy right now? After all, I am a useless child.

I got my answer now. Even if I die, they are too late. Too late to save me.

Especially that today is the day that I going to die. I am deeply in pain and no one can heal it anymore. That is why Death is my only option.

The shame of me to smile while holding a gun and pointing it towards my head. I'm tired but I shouldn't shot it on my head but my stomach. So I could still look at the pictures that I took since 17.

I shot myself and grabbed the photos.

I chuckled as I looked at the pictures. Tears are destroying it and so I sat on the couch and cried with all my heart. Stupid me. I should have gone for the head. Why did I choose to suffer like this again?


Very sad.

I regret not living to the fullest and I am going to miss out everything.

But I am so tired.

I should sleep now.

I badly need it.

Because no one can save me anymore.

I am not promoting anyone to kill themselves. These are the thoughts of a person who have suicidal thoughts. A friend of mine died to heart enlargement last year and both of us have suicidal thoughts. So, this is half true and half false. We are dedicating it to her. Me and my co-writer, NoLongerASecret (Writer In Wattpad) wrote it. To anyone anyone who is experiencing this, you're not alone. You need to stay alive. There is a reason why you are here. It's just that you haven't seen it yet.

NyxElipscreators' thoughts