

Bella sighed a lot when speaking of her past. 

"They say that my birth was difficult. Something about me being a mage and mother not. It's a thing that happens rarely, but for a weak fetus to create a mana-core, it has to absorb its mother's ability to accept mana and World energies in her body. I don't really know how it works, but I crippled my mother with my birth, and I also robbed her of the ability to receive healing through magic. Her days were numbered."

"Sigh… She only lived till I was four. Before that point, I was barely cognizant. But you know what she told me on her deathbed? 'Never hurt your sisters and never try to get what they have… and be an obedient daughter for your father.' I didn't understand these words at first. They seemed like such normal things to say. Of course, at the time, I didn't know of my mother's past… but I did promise to uphold her wishes."

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