
Death Curse In Another World!

~Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here~ "There is no such thing as good or evil, only that which is convenient. Does it aid me more to be a hero of the world or a monster to the innocent? What do I gain from being hailed as a savior, and what do I lose from becoming a demon, and vice versa? At the end of the day, it is as simple as this, I do what I do because I can, and I have the power to do so." Enter Ezuno, a world where fantasy and life clash, a world where a low-born man can rise up and become king. A world where a boy born pure as a dove can be molded and corrupted into that of a killing machine, not batting an eye in the face of evil. A world that soon that boy would control. Shiloh Kirchner was a boy of many talents, yet the world seemed to have always had it out for him. Things just never went his way, perhaps it was karma for something in a past life or maybe it could even be called... A curse, but alas-as fate would have it a tragedy strikes, and Shiloh and his classmates are thrown into a world of mystery, magic, and adventure, Can Shiloh defy all odds and overcome this 'killing curse' or will he be left in the wind with dust and ashes? If you want to find out, step inside and read what awaits you. Extra Tags: Cunning Mc, Slow burn, Superpowers, Psychological terror, Ruthless MC.

im_kalikk · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Oi Oi Oi!

Did this bitch just sell me out for some brownie points?

Taking in the faces of those around me I was instantly put in a corner. "G-guys, come on. It's just a form of magic." I pleaded.

Alex looked at me for a moment, and although our eye contact was brief there was something deeper in his glance. Was he telling me something? My suspensions were confirmed when we locked eyes once more and he slightly tilted his head back.

'Let's talk... later', that's what he was insinuating. Did he also perhaps know about Nothing? If it was true that he was chosen by Tess then it would make sense.

"Hey Shiloh, that true? You some freaky demon?" Eliza asked hiding behind Caleb.

"N-" I began to plead innocence once more before being swiftly interrupted.

"I have no idea what you all understand about magic. But there is a vast difference between demonic magic and the dark arts. Dark magic is simply another field of study, and seeing as it is quite rare in the human kingdoms it's looked up to. So that being said Mr. Kirchner would you like to lead the group to the testing chambers?" The voice who barged in on our conversation was female in origin.

Turning around I was met with perhaps the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. She had long orange hair and was wearing a simple blouse and skirt, yet the piece that broke the allure of her attire was the shimmering sword that was placed on her hip.

"Greetings heroes. My name is Luci Grisha, third royal princess and current president of the Roan Knight Academy." She said introducing herself.

The crew around me didn't say much as they nodded in silence and followed after me, who was only following Luci. We walked through the massive castle walls admiring the paintings that were hung flawlessly on both sides.

I didn't know how this world told time but it was still relatively early in the morning and to my surprise there were many, many people out and about within the castle walls. I assumed most of them were servants as they all either kneeled, bowed, or curtseyed upon the sight of us or more realistically Luci.

Third princess huh? Just how many of them were there? King Geralt seemed relatively young, but who knows if age is even relevant in a world filled with magic. With all the bullshit happening around me I hadn't even been able to reflect on what had perspired.

'This world... was full of magic, holy shit. This world was full of magic! I mean besides the fact that It was a system I'm not going to complain about fucking magic. Well, I was going to complain seeing as I've got some freaky death shit going on but I can worry about that later.'

Alex brushed beside me, leaning in he spoke. "Did he tell you about the 'deal'?", Alex whispered in my ear. Was he referring to Nothing, and all that spooky cryptic shit about destroying the world?

I simply nodded and continued to walk as he fell back and matched his pace with Emi. Turning back around facing forward I watched Luci tilt her head back to look forward as well.

Did she hear him?

"Hmm." I sighed, the last thing I need is some sword princess after me. Was it true what she said? Was dark magic truly not that big of a deal, well at least the negatives? Or was she trying to help me escape that horrid situation?

But what would she gain from helping a total stranger? I know King Geralt said we would be treated like his own children, as well as we were selected and chosen by Gods, but something still seemed off.

We continued to walk for a few moments while I stayed entirely in my head, only subconsciously following Luci. We soon arrived at another entryway that led outdoors this time it was a large clear circular outing with the ground beneath us being nothing but sand.

To the right and left were small smooth stone stairs that also acted as seats it seemed. In the center of the clearing, there was a rack of wooden weapons. A few words, an axe, a long pool, and smaller daggers.

"As you can see there are practice and training weapons in the circle for you to make use of. Please partner up, or if you would like I can partner for you. Seeing as you are missing one we will wait until she arrives." Luci stated, sitting on the ground one leg over the other.

My brow furrowed as I turned around and scanned the group, and low and behold she was correct we were missing one. Madam Glendale, I didn't even think about her as a student so I didn't pay any mind or care that she had been transported with us. I just tossed her existence into a category of no names.

We nodded and began to partner up, Luci's advocation for my case seemed to sway the group into neutrality about me once more with my classmates treating me as I was used to. Well at least all of them except Emi, she seemed to hold a grudge... Not that I blame her-especially with some of the things I had done.

"Oh, dear! Hello, my students!" A voice chirped out to us. Turning around we watched Madam Glendale come through the entryway as well.

Luci immediately sprung into action. "All right now that you are all paired up please grab a weapon and wait for further instruction." She said swiftly.

I partnered with Alex, Emi with Lily, Eliza with Sophia, and Samuel with Caleb, which left Benjamin to have to partner with Madam Glendale.

"G-guys... Someone help me out here!" He shouted as he fell to the ground in utter defeat. We all collectively laughed with him as he cracked up a smile. Helping him up Alex then walked to the stand grabbing about four swords and tossing them in our direction while holding one in his other hand for himself.

While me and Caleb were able to catch the wooden swords, one fell on the ground, and the other, though he was able to grasp it flew straight to the ground as well in Samuels's hand.

"Hmm?" He hummed quizically. He groaned once more as he strained to pick the sword up but it truly wouldn't even budge.

I walked over to him and effortlessly picked up the wooden tool. I looked at him for a moment a strange expression lathered into my facial muscles.

"You good?" I asked him smiling slightly. The sword seemed to weigh nothing in my hand. So why was he having such difficulty with it? Walking back to the rack I placed the sword down and picked up a dagger. Having a size joke in mind but as I went to pick the thing up I too noticed it wouldn't even budge.

"What's the matter, Shiloh?" Lily asked hopping over to me. I looked back at her small stature and began to experiment. I had a solid idea of what was going on but I had to be sure.

Out of all the weapons in front of me, the thickest were obviously the axes. I tried to pick them up but to no avail. Turning to the group I beckoned them over.

They all took turns trying to figure out which weapons they could and couldn't use. Caleb was the only one out of all of us who could use any of them. Some such as Alex and I, were able to pick up swords and staffs, yet we were unable to grab the dagger or axes. Emi however was only able to grab a staff.

We all turned to Luci the same expression on our faces.

"Hey! Why can't we use some of these weapons?" Eliza shouted out.

"Because you idiots, what you can use is determined by your sponsor. What sense does a healer have using a blade? And what sense does a sloth have using anything?" She asked out looking at Emi and Lily.

'Who the hell is she calling an idiot? We just got here how the fuck were we supposed to just guess that?' I asked myself shaking my head. After a few more minutes we had all gotten situated.

With our partners, Luci instructed us to practice with the tools we had.

The first two up were Caleb and Samuel. Caleb had obviously chosen a sword and Samuel was discovered to be able to utilize the small wooden daggers available.

Taking an awkward stance both boys put their weapons up, With Caleb holding his sword up with both hands, his left leg back and right leg slightly crouched, and Samuel holding his dagger like a combat knife, which in a sense I suppose you could say it was.

They both rushed one another with Samuel trying to attack Caleb from below perched himself underneath him and swung his dagger upwards imitating an uppercut.

However, Caleb quickly deflected the attack with his shoulder striking Samuel's hand. Spinning on his left heel Caleb attacked Samuel's torso with a fierce strike from his sword. Delivering a devasting blow to the side of his ribs.

Samuel slumped down to the ground as he began to wheeze and cough. And almost as if he was in a daze Caleb shook his head and began to look around. Not even noticing he had hurt Samuel.

Rushing to his side he slid down to a knee. "Hey hey, Sam! You okay?" He shouted.

"He's hurting, but he'll be alright. You broke a rib or two and gave him a slight bruise." Luci said incredibly nonchalantly.

Turning back to her Alex shouted. "What how do you know?!" Luci pointed to her eye and there was a faint red glow to it.

"I'm a knight more or less. Detection magic. Useful for seeing enemies through walls, hearing heartbeats, and yeah seeing injuries." She explained.

"You." She said beckoning Emi, pointing at Sameul she began once again. "Go heal him."

And similar to Caleb, Emi suddenly seemed as if she were under some form of mind control. Walking to Samuel she placed her hands on the area he was holding on to and a bright blue light emitted from her hands.

Moments later Samuel seemed soothed and relaxed. "Thank you Emi." He said bowing slightly.

Yet before she could accept his thanks she found herself crashing to the ground. "Ahh!" She shouted out in pain. We stood up and rushed to her.

Going to Luci I pointed to the classmate on the ground. "The fuck happened to her?!" I asked.

"Oh yeah... Forgot about that. She isn't to a level where she has a form of pain nullification, whoops." Luci responded resting her arm on her lap and her chin in her hand. She then waved her hand as if it didn't matter. Ÿeah but don´t worry. She doesn't have any injuries. It's just the pain from it." Me and Alex shared a glance at one another before he turned back and walked away to tend to Emi.

'Jesus...' I thought scratching my head.

After perhaps half an hour the pain Emi had been feeling had subsided leaving her in good health. As if nothing ever happened we continued to spar with our partners. In truth none of the fights were as drastic as the one between Caleb and Samuel, they kind of just swung the weapons until someone got poked in the eye and tapped out.

Last but not least it was time for me and Alex to begin our spar. And in his eye, I saw something I had never seen once in my life, permeate from my classmate; scorn. It seemed somewhere in his eye Alex saw me as his enemy.

And if it was due to me and Emi's history or the weird brainwashing from the gods I couldn't tell you. We both had a sword equipped. Looking at him I smiled for a second before honing in on my breathing.

Know how I said the Academy taught us a whole lot? That included self-defense, MMA, and random shit like that. And the other thing with my current classmates pretty much being around my entire life? We trained together as well.

And no one else trained like Alex, although Caleb was hands down the most athletic when it came to training and discipline me and Alex were on two different sides of the same coin.

Him a die-hard health nut and me, a horrible case of weeb, we both had nearly perfected swordplay back on earth.

Taking a stance Alex lunged at me removing his sword from his side and aiming to strike upwards my jaw. Leaning my head slightly to the left I was barely able to avoid it. Pulling my arm back I sent a blow to Alex's shoulder knocking him back a bit.

I had no idea what was going on in this guy's head but he seriously needed to chill the fuck out.

Dropping my knees to a crouched stance I took my sword and spun from the side. Creating a whirlpool of dust and sand as I attacked Alex's torso. The wooden sword audibly cracked his ribs.

Yet to my surprise, unlike Samuel, Alex continued to rush and charge me. Slamming his sword against mine Alex then used my own blade as a platform to launch himself into the air. Delivering a devasting spin kick to my jaw.

Launching back a few feet I looked at my classmates. Most-no, all of them seemed to be cheering for Alex. Which was understandable, yet from the corner of my eye I saw one seemingly cheering for me. It was Luci, she had her eye on me the entire time. Perhaps it wasn't that she was cheering for me but rather was seeing if I was capable.

From what little we had been told when it came to combat the three strongest Gods were; Tess- The Goddess of Life, Bellator- The God of War, and Rae-The God Of Magic, yet off the records from the legends it was said that Death was on that list as well.

So maybe she thought I'd have some super OP ability to clutch a win?

Pulling me out of my thoughts Alex rushed to me once more slashing at my neck. Dodging it I dropped to the floor using my hand as an anchor to spin off and sweep Alex to the ground. In doing so my sword had fallen to the floor and Alex's had launched from his hand planting itself into the glistening sand.

"Fuck..." I muttered under my breath as Alex once again zoomed toward me. Pulling me into a bear hug I found myself in the air as Alex began to suplex me. Yet before he could reach his peak momentum I was able to slam an elbow into the top of his skull to make an opening for him to let go.

I watched his chest for a moment, although his inhales looked fine upon exhaling he would wince a tiny bit. Most likely from the broken ribs.

'I was going to end him... no this." I corrected myself shaking my head. my eyes centered in on his torso before going back to his eyes. This time I took the offensive and rushed toward him. With a quick jab to his rib and a hook to the left of his jaw, I was soon able to get Alex down to one knee.

And just like that the hate or whatever was in his eye seemed to dissipate.

"Gah! What-what the fuck!" Alex shouted as he gripped his ribs. I walked towards him to help him up yet something obscured my vision.


Kill Him... The Foe Beneath You.

[Reward]: 15 EXP.

K-kill him? Why the hell was this bullshit system telling me to do something like that? But avast my body soon began to walk on its own. My hand outstretched with my palm facing Alex. I briefly made contact with the top of his scalp. And in the instant, I felt my body replenished, as my muscle stopped aching and felt rejuvenated. And on the top of his bed of hair was a little indent the same shape as my index finger.

Looking at my hand I could only muster three words.

"Hey...Hey, Hey!"

Hmm. Just what is going on with the gods and this collective mind control????

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

im_kalikkcreators' thoughts