


The adrenaline rush soared, putting me on high alert, and my body moved on its own before I could even think of acting. 

I raised my arm just as he lunged forward and rather than my neck, his fangs sank into my forearm. 

I winced and balanced back, his fangs remained lodged in my arm along with his other teeth. It was momentary, but I stilled. His skin was pitch black, making him resemble a demon out of hell. His nose was wrinkled with the harsh bite and his eyes were darkened with a feral glare like that of a mad animal. 

And just like that, he was taking in my blood in such large amounts that I was beginning to grow faint. 

"That hurts!" I screamed, sending a swift kick in his rib and raising the arm his teeth were clamped on and swinging it. 

The force at which I had sent him flying past and smashing through one of the bed posts holding the bed tent together before his frame hit the other wall across the chamber shocked me. 

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