

Gripping the man's neck Geralt yelled "who paid you!" the masked man smiled but did not say a word. Instead, he dropped a stun grenade to disorient Geralt senses, dropping the man Geralt thought 'after I ring you for information I am so snapping your neck.' Finally recovered Geralt opened his eye to see the man was already 2 blocks away, stepping outside Geralt sprinted after the man "I have super-strength remember, so stop running and we can just talk."

The man turned into an alleyway and hopped on a motorcycle; as he started to drive away the man cycle got slower, looking around he noticed all the cars slowed down and his bikes started to creek. He looked around and noticed that people inside this area were lying on the cement panting. A hand is placed on his shoulder and he hears a voice "gotcha mother…" before Geralt could finish he heard a voice "calm down and look around!" turning his head he noticed what was happening and released his control over the gravity.

Looking up he spotted superman floating down with his arms crossed and flying in behind him, were Diana and Supergirl, "release him, before he chooks to death." Seeing Geralt ignored them, Diana steps forward with supergirl and Geralt dropped him instantly "so let me get this straight, he can attack my family and beet my brother half to death and you want me to leave him?"

The man interjected, "I did not beat your family; I was only paid to kill you when you showed." Superman stepped forward once more "I know you're mad, we would all be in your situation but killing solves nothing, now how about we check up on your family and see how they are doing."

"Oh my god it the all-father and justice league, can I get a picture!" the people around them started getting up or out their vehicles when Geralt picked the man up by his throat and said, "fine let's talk". The five of them disappeared in the eyes of the people, while some of them commented about posting it.

Returning to his house Geralt dropped the man outside and superman commented "was the neck thing necessary?" Geralt did not respond but instead ran up to his brother and his daughter "you two need to leave this shitty country, don't worry I'll cover for every." His brother just nodes and picks up the young girl, before they go upstairs to pack.

"What aren't you telling us Geralt?" turning around he sees batman and the other 3 and shown up "stay out my business and I promise I will not kill any of the Columbians and I will leave black mask alone." Looking dead in Geralt's eyes, batman said "talk now" grumbling Geralt started to talk about his past.

"Most people know me as Geralt Reinhardt, born and raised in Metropolis; however I'm actually from Bloodhaven. When I and my brother were younger our parents had a major cocaine problem, so to earn some money we started drug running for black mask and the Colombians. They had a deal going on and Black mask supplied most of their drugs throughout the states. Before don falcon got involved and took an over. Started at the age of 14 while he was 17… " cyborg cut him off while saying "wait you snuck drugs in and out of the country at 14?"

A small smile showed on his face while Geralt said "you know it funny before this fame life was simple back then. We smuggled those drugs to get the money to start a new life away from them, however, we didn't think of change are names.

So when the cartel started seeing my face pop up again they reached out to my trainer/promoter/agent Henry and cut a deal with him to help me gain fame. They got 60% of the purse I got 35 and Henry got 5. At first, everything was good until my last fight, where they wanted me to throw the fight and of course you can guess the rest."

"Power?" when batman asked this question Geralt pointed to the man in a green construct outside "who is he?" batman responded with "none of your business" and Geralt pointed to the exit before walking up stares Geralt whispered "annoying c**t and no I don't care if you three heard that." Supergirl, Superman, and Wonder woman smiled as they walked out and whispered "he'll grow on you."

Moments later

"Diana, Kara, See you around" rising into the air superman stopped to turn back to the two "oh by the way if you're still wondering Geralt's power should be fairly new. Well at least that what I gauged from watching him struggle with the whole senses thing. "

"clar…" Supergirl tried to call his name but she couldn't, the pain was too much "take care you two and see you around." Although he heard the pain in her voice he just didn't know what to say, "take your time, I know he's not ours but their personalities are just so similar" Diana reached into huge her and the two reminisce.

Batman along with the rest of the league just took a moment before Simon asked"So… what's the plan with Geralt?" stepping forward batman just said, "wait and watch, until we know where he falls." The bat plane flew in as he finished his sentence. The group split up shortly afterward, but wonder woman couldn't help but think 'what is with his powers.'

Geralt brother and niece finally finished packing and were on their way to the airport "don't worry Warren I'll deal with the cartel as for black mask, I can't touch him because of the league." Nodding his head Warren left. Geralt watched them leave while thinking 'I really need to learn what I can do, gravity is so natural to me and really cool but according to the old man I should be able to a lot more than in/decreases gravity along with push and pull.'

Using his ring he arrived back home and thought 'what is the strong and weak force anyways?' he entered the living room looked at the two books untouched and thought 'f**k I really hope they didn't open the books…hold up, why don't I just search up strong/weak and EM (electromagnetic) force and go from there; hell I could even practice some of the nonlethal stuff on the cartel!'

Rushing to his pc, he spent the night learning about the general theory of the two. 'Ok, so the strong force is amazing but their no way in hell I'm tampering with nuclear anything anytime soon, that shit will get me in trouble superfast and the EM force is something that going to take a long time to learn. So that leaves weak force and that mainly covers light, microwaves, Radiation, vibrational energy, Motion… wholly shit! This list is extensive and it gives me a lot more utility. What else could gravity do?'

Geralt had locked himself inside his penthouse for a whole week; during that week his understanding of Gravity and manipulation of gravity had improved a good bit although he could not make black holes or distort time/space, his ability to manipulate it was second hand for him. However weak force was a different story, if one word could describe his talent for it, that word would be average.

"Ahh, what a productive week, my understanding of Asgardian language is coming along great. Although… I guess it time to face the music and retire from MMA." taking out his phone he made a few calls. And at midday, a lot of reporters gathered around his former gym. "Geralt; what happens to your trainer Henry and what do you plan to do going forward?"

"I don't care where that rat has run off too, as for what's next. I don't know yet, right now I'm just taking it one day at a time; seeing where things will take me from there." A female reporter stepped forward and said "Clark Kent of the daily planet and investigative reporter; we recently heard that Henry was working for with the Cartel and black mask? Any comment. "Trying to put on his best smile Geralt responded with.

"So Superman, first I'd like to say that whatever Henry did had nothing to do with me and I abhor him for throwing away all our hard work for blood money. That being said there will be no further question about him and his disgusting behavior."

#A/n: for those of you who know dc rebirth, you should know what's going on.#

"Mr.Reinhardt, I'm not…" before he could finish Geralt cut him off "relax, everyone knows it now, hell if you turn around you'll see a live feed of superman talking." Geralt spent the hour talking with the media before taking his leave. Returning home he opened the door to spot the head of the cartel sitting on his couch and behind him were 5 people, for a moment he focusing his hearing and could hear a gun-cock from the roof of the neighboring building.

"I take it you seen all the reports and are trying to negotiate your safety?" he leaned across on the glass door to his balcony and the sniper focused in "say the word boss?" When Geralt heard that he smiled and said "500 million if you want to live." Frowning, the boss raised his hand and the sniper pulled the trigger, but just when the bullet came out it stopped mid-air, turned around before piercing his shoulder. Geralt raised his hand and man came flying towards him; taking a step to the right he opened the door and the man came to a stop right in front of the cartel members.

"Ok, here what's going to happen, you will call your real boss and tell him to send me 500mill for all the shit you tried to pull." The man on the couch made the call and moments later "tell him, we'll cancel the hit we placed on him and will give him 150 million, we don't have 500." Hearing that Geralt grab the phone "300, I don't kill any of the men who broke into my house or tell any of the hero's about your operations."

Once they agreed upon the deal everyone just waited in silence till the money came, the cartel men got off his couch and Geralt opened a book and continued to learn Asgardian. After a long time, the money finally came in a suitcase and Geralt placed it on the floor before slapping the man unconscious. He turned towards the rest of the cartel and then proceeded to beat information out of them. When it was all said and done he took one of the men's phones had them unlock it, and called the cops "hello, I'd like to give an anonymous tip."

i will release the next chapter if anybody can guess who the first sniper in the chapter was... and yes the next chapter is done. :^)

yooooooooooocreators' thoughts
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