
DC: Hunger

Having lived a past life in constant search of battles, the main character found his death. But this was not the end, as it turned out that he was reborn in a new world and in a new body. But unfortunately for him, not everything turned out so well. The world in which he was reborn turned out to be many times more dangerous than before, and the body that he became the owner of turned out to be weak and helpless. In addition, he could not escape, because he was locked in a ward of a psychiatric hospital. But with all these failures, something happened that once again changed his whole life, a strange explosion... which changed the lives of many. English is not my native language I have nothing This is also a translation. Hehehe https://tl.rulate.ru/book/30552 Rus. if the author tells me I will delete

Elkazavar · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
54 Chs

Chapter 31

- Nothing, I just wanted to talk about it. Some people don't want to be a sinner, but it makes me laugh, so what's the big deal? Although, maybe they just don't want to put you in front of such a moral choice?– I sipped my beer and continued:

- Okay, now it's my turn to tell you. First of all, Roni is no longer quite Roni, he has United his body and mind with another person. This man's name is Martin Stein, and you've heard of him before. So, on the day of the accelerator explosion, he arrived at Star labs with some stuff, and then there was a black matter release. At that moment, Roni split and merged with the Professor. Now they are one, Roni's body and Stein's mind, and together they are a Firestorm.-

Caitlin listened in amazement, and when I finished, she muttered incredulously:

- How is that possible?...-

I chuckled:

- Anything is possible with this black stuff.- Then I got up and put on my mask, and then I said:

- Okay, I'll go. As before, I hope you're not going to spread about me, what I have shown you my face, was an act of trust. I know a lot about you, Caitlin, and now you know something. I hope I don't have to use my knowledge to your detriment...-

The girl looked at me intently and nodded. Then I turned around and said:

- Be careful, Caitlin, this can be very dangerous. The military likes to poke their noses where they don't need to and get in the way. I'll be out temporarily, so I won't be able to finish them off, and Flash doesn't have the guts. In General, be careful there, I would not like to lose such a nice accomplice.-

After that, I left. I hope everything goes as it should, I would not like to explode because of a Firestorm. I may be strong, but I can't survive this, and the poem should temporarily leave the city...


When I got home, I finally sat down and relaxed. Now all I have to do is wait. Soon there will be deals with RAS al Ghul, Firestorm, Reverse Flash. In General, it will be fun, and I will try to benefit from it.

Now I know a little more about my abilities. Energy of life... Hmm, well, that makes sense. It's probably too weak for animals compared to humans, or maybe there's another reason why their flesh is useless to me. In General, now it is clear why there are these time intervals and why corpses are useless to me. Blackout was powered by electricity, and I am powered by "life Energy". I remember there was also a meta that fed on plasma, so I'm not the only one with my strange tastes.

But even if I feed on the energy of life, it doesn't explain my ability to absorb the powers of other METAS. Perhaps their powers are like some kind of vitamin for me and are absorbed by the body, and then strengthen it. So it was before with the forces of ordinary people, for the time being, they could also strengthen me... Hmm, perhaps the energy of life is also somehow different. After all, the bone marrow can transmit to me the powers of others, as well as the eyes with bones. The normal brain is more nutritious, which means it contains more energy than in all parts of the body. The energy of life supports my body, but the energy from certain people and certain parts of their bodies can allow me to become stronger. Yes, an interesting ability... It allows me to develop, which means it's at the top of the meta's ability lists. Not bad, you can say I was lucky, but my hunger is a very big drawback... Although, all this does not explain the tastes of the previous owner of my body, he was also abnormal, maybe it was some kind of mutation that increased as a result of dark matter irradiation? Yeah, there are questions, but here are the answers...

Well, to hell with it, it's my day off.



I opened the slightly rusty door and walked into an empty, spacious room. There were no Windows, just one light bulb and a bed. A guy with glasses was sitting on the bed reading a book, I left him a few and some food last time.

This was the first time we met when he could speak and his mouth wasn't closed.

When I entered, he stood up abruptly and stiffened.

I grinned and said:

- Not dead yet?-

- Bastard, what do you want?- The guy asked angrily.

- Nothing yet, it's not your time yet. Like I said, it's nothing personal, it's just that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, it happens.-

The guy sat down on the bed and snorted:

- You're like me, aren't you? That girl, you're her, right?-

I nodded:

- Yes, I had to find out something, so I had to open it. Her ability was teleportation, much better than yours. You're lucky if your powers would be a good judge, I probably would have opened you first. But what makes you think I'm like you?-

Hartley chuckled:

- When I woke up, I almost threw up from the stench, not only the girl stank,but also the liquid in which you were. It flowed out and out, and then you got up... you're definitely an unusual person, I'm sure of it.-

I nodded:

- That's right, our forces are somewhat similar. Lack of memory, this is an acute hearing, and as a result, terrible pain. I have hunger, I have become a carnivore, and I can't digest anything but fresh human flesh. That's why you're still here...-

- So you're going to eat me, I see...- The boy said with a sigh.

- Well, I can't let you go, you might cause trouble.-

- It's not going to work out, is it?- the guy Asked, a mixture of hope and resignation in his voice.

I thought about it, and then I answered:

- Depending on what you suggest, I might as well not eat you and release you later, when you're not dangerous to me. It won't be for a long time, of course, but you'll still be able to live, albeit in slightly uncomfortable conditions.-

The guy's eyes lit up noticeably and he said:

- I... Give me time, I'll figure out what to offer you.-

- Well, why not, here...- I handed him a pen and a Notepad. - I hear you're a scientist, you can think of something.-

The guy nodded, and then I left.

Nothing so chatty. He was not cowardly and quite compliant, no panic and whining. In General, I liked it, maybe it will be useful, I can find other food. Of course, I doubt that we will become friends, but he can earn his freedom if he offers something worthwhile. I don't want to leave my enemies alive, but maybe it won't come to that with him. Well, if he does, he won't live long, that's all...

"You need to punish your enemies with overwhelming force! So that they will never dare to stand in your way again!» So the more power I have, the safer I feel, managing the weather and changing my appearance, why not...

sorry but now 2 chapters a day

Elkazavarcreators' thoughts