[Musical Intro] Ohhh how can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core where I’ve become soo numb. Without a soul, my spirits sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home. Wake me up, wake me up inside, I can’t wake up. Wake me up insideee, saveee meee. Call my name and save me from the dark! .... Natalia Valdion, a young soon-to-be queen that was casted away from the Kingdom Of Astoria after she realized her true dream is to be best female Knight there ever was. So like every teenager during troubled times, she ran away and never came back - until many years later of course to revisit her past memories and to hopefully save their land from perishing by darkness. Natalia soon became enlisted in the 34th Knight Regiment and trained along side her new fellow friends. Galanore Urte, a massive body builder who happens to be a great knight. He’s enlisted as well in the 34th Knight Regiment and quickly becomes friends with Natalia after finding something mysterious that brings them closer together. A long-fulfilled journey is ahead of them. Blaine Leighton, an impressively skilled Captain of knights already serving in the 34th Knight Regiment. Quick like the wind and fierce like warriors, he’s an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. He promised himself he’d avenge his mother’s death after she got brutally murdered by flesh eating beasts that lurk in the shadows outside of the safety of the kingdom’s walls. Cole, a young brown-haired who’s timid and introverted. He enlisted enlisted in the 34th Knight Regiment to be a role model for all the other people who feel insecure about themselves; to prove once and for anyone can do what they set their minds do. Being new to the intense action of medieval war, he slowly learned to enjoy it and eventually mastered his craft of swordsmanship. .... Their lives were about to change. The presence of evil was after them. They must fight together to survive and prevail. Destroy the source of darkness. The Book Of Demons.
The beautiful day started off with birds chirping in the distance as one bird is seen soaring through a massive village that's part of Astoria's Kingdom.
You can see children running amok on the cobblestone path with toys in their hands and busy townspeople minding their own business.
The bird gracefully flied forward soon coming out to an open field of low-cut grass, flapping it's small wings as it enjoys the view of the scenery.
You'd see a young woman named Natalia slowly walking up to the middle of the peaceful field of grass as she gently lifts up the heart-shaped necklace that's around her neck, she'd detach it and opens it up, revealing a picture of her standing next to her family.
Natalia would sigh deeply, closing the necklace and began to ran forward with emotion bursting out her heart until she came to the edge of a massive drop from the cliff that held the kingdom up. She would throw the necklace as far as she could off from the cliff without hesitation.
This nostalgic feeling of wanting to be more than just a snotty queen.. It filled her mind with endless thoughts and regrets of the path she's been taking so far. It was time for her to move on, to be something bigger than what she already is. To make a difference in the world.
Tears over flowed down her rosy cheeks as she drops to her knee's on the grass below her, sniffling and looking down at the amazing sunset that was happening right in front of her. From now on, she wasn't waiting for things to come to her. She'll go after what she really wants.
A new life filled with adventure and excitement!
She knew her family wouldn't accept her true fate as knight so she immediately took off the other direction whilst undoing her neat ponytail letting her blonde hair down as she's then seen climbing onto a white colored stallion before quickly galloping towards somewhere unknown, wanting to find out where life takes her. Natalia rode the horse following the dirt path until there wasn't a path to follow anymore, she still continued onwards though; not wanting to give up there.
Eventually she made it to the hot desert that stretches out for miles on end and passed out from exhaustion falling off of the horse onto the warm sand, causing the horse to become scared and gallop away.
After hours of her being knocked out from exhaustion, a mysterious hooded stranger notices a body on the ground in the distance and slowly gallops on the brown mare until close enough and climbs off of the horse, picking her helpless body up over his shoulder laying her down on the back of the animal before he hopped back onto the horse, taking off where he was originally headed to.
The glimmer of the man's sword that's equipped on his back shimmered in the night from the moon's bright light.
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