
Demon Lord's Castle (3)

At this moment something unexpected happened,

"Die you dictator bastard!!!"

Three screams unanimously surrounded him from all sides.

He jumped up one leg and spun around with a Levi spin, he barely felt any resistance as his superior artifacts cut through theirs and cleaved them in two or three depending.

'Idiots. I've used my artifacts several times and you didn't think to prepare how foolish.'

Several tens of people suddenly nodded at each other,

"Let's go!!! He must be exhausted by now, all of together can kill him and take back the runes the tyrant bitch took from our mouths!!!!"

The clans joined up with the Warrior Union.

He snickered at this.

Minerva saw this happening and nervously ordered her girls to pay attention only to find Vicente nodding at her telling her through his eyes and mouthing her to stay back. She was confused and a little suspicious but did as she was told.

It was then it happened.


"Fuck fuck fuck!!!"

"Ahhhhh the demon Lord!!"

"It's coming ahh!!!!"

"That bastard is hiding up in the air and diving down to kill only us!!!!"

The demon lord rampages wildly with Vicente laughing as he stopped holding it back.

Time passed.

Vicente touched his ear, after 20 minutes had passed, the scorpion had only the stinger remaining, no the tip of the stinger plus a patch of the lower back which had Vicente's attention. They were fighting ferociously with an increasingly deadpan expression.

They all had fought enough to know not to lose sight of your situation if your comrades died but there were only 189 people remaining from that Demons wrath plus Vicente's.

The Amazon clan surprisingly had 89 people alive and only the 100 of special forces remaining from the Warrior Clan.

Vicente touched his ear in a daze, after seeing so much gore , it surpassed anything he ever saw, his little massacres were swines before this pearl.

[Vicente Von Vongola]

Strength (Colourless): 41.6%

Stamina (Colourless): 39.9%

Agility (Colourless): 39.2%

Perception (Colourless): 38.6%

Sixth Sense (Colourless): 39.2%

Mana (Colourless): 40.6%

Magic (Colourless): 40.6%

Physical Resistance (Colourless): 38.7%

Magic Resistance (Colourless): 38.7%

///////(Non combat stats hiddenfrom now on)

It was time to get serious, he took off the necklace around his neck.

<The Sinful Beads of Pain>

An item he bought with all his remaining crystals. It was a one time use item that specialized in damage dealing.

He ripped it off his neck and flung it at Barbatoy. It rapidly duplicated at break neck speed embedding themselves into Barbatoy and exploded.

Immediately afterwards he started madly slashing at it's flesh like no tomorrow, sizzling sounds came from its flesh as the added poison with the corrosion skill on his blade eroded its body.

He madly slashed and cut before slowing his tempo to incorporate his Tai Chi onto its body and inflicting as much pain as he could.


"Dammit! Keep the formation!"

"Fuckers! If you want to live then hold on more! Hold onto another 5 minutes!"

The people had cleared up and were chopping apart the undead crazily.

They couldn't run away anyway and fighting undeads was much less of a burden.

With the two thoughts of it being doable and there being no other choice, the people started to fight much more actively in the front.



"Hold the line for a little longer!"

At this moment a giant ray of light shone in the distance.

'Fuck. If it's going to open at least open quietly.'

The Amazon clan was the only one who thought so, the rest looked over with looks full of life.

A light had come out from the Crystal which was so large that wherever one was in the island they could see it and know the portal opened.

And at the same time the Crystal that was embedded on the ground floated up as a black hole, which could be identified as a portal with a glance, opened up in the center of the Crystal.

The people who had seen the hole stopped

Minerva shouted urgently as she looked at the almost-killed Demon Lord.

However, she saw the crystal opening up the way and her clanswomen rushing in, even she couldn't order them.to.death. quite yet. They had been stressed from the battle as well, she wanted to stay and fight the demon Lord but Vicente suddenly smiled at her at this moment, he killed the remaining clanless men while putting his finger on his lips.

He absorbed their runes and shooed her with his hands playfully, she reluctantly looked back at him a few times before leaving, him killing them didn't impact her at all, they weren't his real clan and at first they were all hostile to him she found it reasonable as who knows when they'd turn on him. He was in charge of them as he helped them grow stronger as well.

Vicente felt a strange relief when she left and continued to fight the Demon Lord. One on one.

He had sent over a piece of tattered equipment with some words written on it with his sharp blade.

<Kill the surviving members of the Warrior Union. You're part of the Otherworld now, I'm sure you've done similar things before. Treat it as a request from me>

He crossed his blades slowing his tempo with deep breaths taking in all his surroundings. The still wind, his beating heart, the wrath of the Demon Lord, his blades, he took in everything at once.

<Tai Chi isn't just reducing and redirecting forces aimed at you, it's much more. The initial state consists of slow smooth movements but a true master can do the same movements even faster to both produce the same and more effects.>

<Now hit me and keep hitting me until you can make me lose all feeling in one limb>


He recalled his teacher's words on one fateful day, he comprehended a state, it wasn't anything great, but it was like hitting the bullseye consecutively with a hand gun on a target meant for snipers.

He slowly relived that moment.

In an instant, he switched tempos and began waterbending with his blade against Barbatoy. He strained his muscles so much while attacking it and simultaneously avoiding its blows, he literally felt the nutrients depleting in his stomach and his body using up all the energy it could find, to supply his muscles, to survive.

It knew that failure meant death and started listening to him, it started reacting to his thoughts and all senses at breakneck speeds, he knew instinctively what to do as the sixth sense was ingrained into his body, with his superior stats it would be an embarrassment to lose, he was almost as twice as strong as Hansoo was when he fought, in terms of runes.

His blades crossed once more as he used them to redirect the demon lord's punch into the rock floor, it smashed with such force the rocks levitated in chunks, he pondered shoving his blade directly into its mouth however he didn't see that ending well.

He ran up its arms while shifting his body minutely each moment to avoid its barrage of attacks, he madly cut its flesh while doing his best not to forget how to incorporate both hard and soft attacks, each being had its own tempo of movements that were ingrained within it, usually that'd remain the same unless a fighting style was learned.

He was beginning to feel the Demon Lord's tempo but that wasn't enough, he needed to deal as much damage as possible in an instant, he felt its mana being absorbed by his blades but that was miniscule compared to its total storage.

He was on the last legs of fully incorporating his Tai Chi onto the stepping stone, he felt that it would contribute largely to his final battle in this stage, he even pondered not overusing it so he carried it over to the red zone however he decided to use the philosophers stone on it after all.

A zero numbering skill was leagues ahead in terms of value than the stepping stone that would probably become entirely useless in the Orange zone or even the latter part of the red zone as well.

"Ooo aahh"

He desperately dug deep within the depths of his being for strength and attacked once more.

With no one near, he did the unthinkable, he focused all his senses on the demon Lord.

He jumped on its neck, and switched both blades to his left hand and he punched it with his bare fists.

"Stop regenerating!!! I know it's stupid but do it anyway!"

The demon didn't listen and bit at his arm, he hurriedly drew it back in panic, a large chunk of flesh was taken off!!! He was bit like a potato chip!!

That amount wasn't enough for the demon, it barely fit the gaps in its teeth, barely covered the tips of its fangs, it opened its bloodied maws at Vicente who was panic stricken.

It jumped at his securities.


Barbatoy felt a pain in the roof of his mouth.

A blade was sticking out from it.

Vicente did a 180 and smirked," How was it, I taste good don't I. How about some more!!!!"

His panic stricken behaviour was just a facade for this as he shouted and jumped in the Demon Lord's mouth, pulling out a teeth and shoving it down its throat while throwing down his other katana to the base of its mouth and stepping on it.

He hurriedly twisted both blades before returning them to the free flow of slice and dicing, going wild its mouth which was rapidly regenerating.

Suddenly he saw two big hands approaching from outside, he cut open a hole in its cheek and jumped out only to spring up and blind it, his blood dripped on his blade as well as down his chin, he was constantly getting injured from just his wild movements in the harsh environment that was the Demon lord.

He touched the back of his neck that had a shallow cut bleeding a bit.

He recalled that moment when it's claws grazed his neck, luckily he dodged or he'd be a headless handsome corpse.

He chuckled. What was he supposed to do? Cry? No, definitely not.


Kuduk kuchak

He sat victoriously upon the corpse of the Demon Lord, taking a short break before digging for the the crystal. He sighed on being so hardworking before getting up and searching within its corpse.

The undead all turned into dust and flew away after the Demon Lord died so he hadn't anything to worry about, though with Stepping stone they could only look up at him and the mages weren't dumb enough to attack within the Demon Lord's vicinity. He touched his ear in hope his stats would magically rise.

The demon lord didn't drop runes.

[Vicente Von Vongola]

Strength (Colourless): 41.6%

Stamina (Colourless): 39.9%

Agility (Colourless): 39.2%

Perception (Colourless): 38.6%

Sixth Sense (Colourless): 39.2%

Mana (Colourless): 40.6%

Magic (Colourless): 40.6%

Physical Resistance (Colourless): 38.7%

Magic Resistance (Colourless): 38.7%

///////(Non combat stats hiddenfrom now on)

'Sigh.... guess not huh'

The normal runes were prepared for the tutorial stage from the start so they rose fast but increasing the experience on colorless runes was not easy.

Making one of the runes into a red rune within the three months of the tutorial was a great feat.

Because having one red rune meant that you are a <Beginner> who has the prerequisites to travel the red area.

And the Demonic Jade Crystal in his hands had a close relationship with these runes.

<Demonic Jade Crystal>

It increases all of your runes into 99.99% the second you eat it.

An amazing hack of an item.

The difference between 99.99% and 0.01% was like heaven and earth even if they were the same colorless runes.

And that was why raising the experience was hard also.

But of course there are shortcomings with it too.

First, it only lasted a single day.

And the second fault on it was a bit more extreme.

After that day all the runes will drop to 0.01% and he needed to start all over from there.

It was most similar to a forbidden medicine that exploded your potential like those from old martial hero stories.

And because of this he couldn't use it randomly.

Only 1 chance at using this item.

The Final Dungeon, and from there, the third gateway.

'Turn all my runes into red runes… then use it.'

This is the most efficient way to use it.

Only colorless runes and normal runes came out in the 2nd stage of the tutorial.

And because of this the perfect situation one could be in is getting 8 red runes at 0.01%.

Basically becoming an <Expert>. This means an adventurer whose runes had all reached the red stage.

But that was still a bit lacking.

And that was why this thing was needed.

If he uses this then he will become a <Master> whose runes are all at the peak.

And there aren't any risks either.

Since he started at the 0.01% anyway, he will just be going back to where he was.

'It had to be saved until then.'

There was no need to focus on raising the runes.

The second gateway will take care of that.

He went through the crystal and was teleported up directly, in the surroundings he saw Minerva and her clan waiting for him at the location. He smiled as he greeted her.

"From the looks of it, you won"

She observed his shabby condition and saw him nod. She couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

She had fought it together with her clan but it brought them down to this ragged state, 80 strong including her, some clanswomen died after ascending, they couldn't handle their internal injuries, she was in deep sorrow as some of her original students died as well, they separated and rejoined only for this to happen.

' What a horrifying place this is'

She was beginning to see it even more now. To survive in this world, she needed to sacrifice some of the most basic parts of her self, her very conscience itself.

'Perhaps, if I'm with him it'll lessen the burden, we have a prior relationship so I'm comfortable, and he's strong as well...'

She was continuously having such thoughts upon reuniting with him. She clenched her small fists and decided to act out her thoughts.

"I'm splitting up from you guys, I have a few things to do on my own but I'm sure we'll see each other on the zone above."

He hugged her and patted her head. Whilst her clansmen were wrought with distress.

"Who's that fellow? Why is Miss behaving so close to him?"

"He was a student of hers before apparently"

"I thought her male students were..... you know"

"Yea, he didn't start with her."

"Don't tell me, we'll start accepting men now?"

"I doubt it, you've seen that man's strengths for yourself, he even killed that demon Lord without us, he's doesn't need to rely on someone else's clan."

"Yea, I suppose. Still doesn't sit well with me."


Vicente pinched her butt mischievously as he whispered, "We'll definitely see each other again, if anyone bullies you I'll take care of them for you. Ciao."

He vanished into thin air as he activated his Invisibility bracelet (Arankal's bracelet)' He held up to his hand that pinched her butt and wondered what came over him. He had resolved himself to harden his heart until he had at least three zero numbering skills but perhaps that wasn't necessary. Although, he intended to clear the red zone and orange zone within a few months.

With that, within the year, he'd have the bare minimum qualifications to have a relationship.

Until then, no distractions but he didn't have to be a robot .....was The plan but so much for that, if it was meant to be.

"It'll be it'll be, Baby please just let it be, won't you ride wid me...- Oh wait no singing, battle report."

He recovered his serious wounds with a regeneration rune and spent a few minutes doing a complete recovery before rushing in the direction his Sixth Sense was pointing.

He found a group of 20 at the end of the trail, with moderately good equipment.


"Who are you this bas-"

"Where the f-"

He descended upon them like a ravenous storm that reaped the lives of the innocent, getting to this point, no one was innocent. He finally got some well thirsted for runes. He was probably a borderline addict right now as he savored the feeling of getting more runes.

He sorted through the equipment and found a violent staged weapon, a bracelet. The Sorrow of God. Hahahaha, his luck surpassed Kangate or kangtae or whatever. He was the luck god hehehe.



It was just the <Earring of Seven Siblings.>

He liked to do that sometimes, take out a piece of paper and pretend it was a lotto ticket, why were his first lives habits coming back?

Anyway, the Seven Siblings Artifact.

Which was just a set of earrings and not a bracelet.

It absorbed the user's mana constantly as it changed the user's appearance.

To one of the seven which was saved onto it.

He honestly had no plans on changing his face and wanted to be a Tyrant however perhaps this was an act of G- Fate. Yes, fate. He obediently changed his appearance.

He cocked his head and then looked towards the Tower in the distance.

The final level as well as the stage of the second tutorial.

The <Tower> in the center was piercing the clouds up above and many islands were floating  around the tower.

And like branches of a tree, black bridges from the tower extended to connect to those islands.

If you were to start at the island where the tower was standing then you could sweep up from below but even if you were to start at the nearby islands you would eventually go into the Tower.

He started his journey up.

Tommorows chapter.

The tags were requested so:




Strong love interests


Wife Stealing

Personality changes

Strong to Stronger

That's all I'm willing to add without spoilers.

My apologies to the harem haters, I know how you feel but like me an systems, we can't erase them. God I hate systems.

HollOw13creators' thoughts
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