
Darth Vader in Marvel

After finally being released from his suffering Darth Vader expected to finally be free and dispersed among the infinite force. Instead he wakes to find himself within his body once again in a new world. Will this new world be able to continue him on the path Luke paved or will he turn back to the path Sidious laid out for him. Only time will tell. And reading the story. Updates every Saturday.

TryingMyBest · Filem
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12 Chs

Chapter 9 - Not a great start

1st POV Vader (Stark tower work room)

Taking a deep breath I rotate my body carefully making sure nothing scrapes against my skin and that my life support systems function properly. Satisfied that everything is in working order for now I stand and start to make my way to the elevator. Glancing at the shattered window I have a brief internal debate before changing course. I might as well use the express option since it's available.

Expanding my senses to encapsulate the whole building I see that the Avengers have returned and are in the lobby speaking with government agents of some kind. Probably listening to complaints about the barrier I'd set in place around the two objects on the roof that they've been trying to get past for the hour or so my repairs took.

Since they'll be making their way to the roof anyway I'll meet them there. I should keep my senses expanded, never know when the Asgardian will wake up and decide to continue seeking revenge for Loki. How a prince could be so unbelievably bad at politics is beyond me but the more aggressive he is the more the people of this planet will support me and since my stay here has become more permanent; being held in high regard by the locals will be most helpful.

Stepping up to the window I take a look at the expanse before me and feel a weird sense of deja vu. The fires have all been put out and the military and other enforcement offices are taking control of the situation, reminding me greatly of the bottom layers of Coruscant. I'd descended once in pursuit of a group of padawans that had snuck out of the temple on 'that night' and if you put gangs in place of the military you'd have a replica of layer 3750 of coruscant.

 Guilt stabs into my stomach at the thought of the padawans I slaughtered but I push it down. Now isn't the time for any of that I'll be able to repent once I return home until then I'll do what I can to fulfil IT's wish. The gems contained with the Cube and Scepter are likely a part of whatever I need to accomplish.

It's far too convenient to be a simple coincidence that my arrival occurred right as the two gems converged on this city. No, there's something greater at play here and until I know what it is the gems will stay in my possession.

 I take my time ascending to the roof scanning the city more closely with my repaired mask checking for any other invaders that may have gotten away in the chaos. Upon closer inspection it seems it isn't just the military collecting alien technology. Many men and women are quietly sneaking around the city grabbing pieces and taking them away. Sigh, that is going to become quite the annoyance down the line. Young civilizations like this don't have good track records with sudden exposure to high powered technology. 

However, this will also be a good test of the global organisation the Widow works for. If this technology remains in the hands of civilians and criminals then clearly they aren't operating on a high enough level to elicit cooperation with me. Turning my eyes I glance briefly at the downed Asgardian prince and wonder if I should take steps to ensure he remains unconscious. 

He holds know value other than further integrating me with the people of this planet by further estranging himself and in turn Asgard as a whole. If he wakes he'll likely go into another thundering rage but on the off chance he doesn't I might learn something useful about the wider galaxy where most of my work will likely need to be done. 

Leaving it to fate isn't normally my go to approach but he isn't enough of a threat to warrant immediate action and while hope came much easier to Luke then it does to me (a swell of pride rises in me at the thought of him) if I keep within my comfort zone and don't chase change I will end up the same monster I used to be.

With that in mind I close my eyes and concentrate on the flowing force travelling through my body as I come to a gentle landing on the rooftop. I allow my barrier to drop as I land grabbing both the Cube and the Scepter with the force and bringing them to me as I await this World's ruling power.

The agents watching the roof to their credit note the barrier's disappearance immediately but it takes them far too long to relay the information to their superiors. It takes 5 minutes before an aircraft of some kind flies and lands on Stark's balcony. I don't bother moving from my position while I await the man who will be representing this planet in negotiation with me. 

The Avengers have also reached the penthouse. A smart one, this negotiator, far too many planets fell during the Clone Wars because Dooku arrived with a smile and promises of a better future and leaders allowed themselves to be lulled into a sense of security. Even though they've no doubt been made aware of my power, coming up here alone would be a show of deferment. 

Bringing the Avengers with him is a statement of resistance, a reminder that this planet wouldn't fall to my control without a fight; Sidious would have ordered it burnt to ash, I would have obeyed. Shaking the thought from my head I track the group as they rise more agents falling in line behind them. It's quite an impressive line up and again I'm struck with the similarity between these humans and the Mandalorians. 

That spark of greatness within every Mandalorian that defined their race. The spark that even the Kaminoians failed to capture in their clones. Even after falling under the Emperor's control. They were only kept at bay through civil wars amongst clans orchestrated by some of the brightest minds in the Empire to ensure Mandalore kept producing loyal soldiers for the cause.

The door opening grabs my attention as my thoughts drifted to a female Mandalorian I'd fought once (flashes of another face, sad eyes a lonely sunset a necklace uselessly handing in his hand) as Stark walks onto the roof looking like a new man from the beaten and tried man he'd seen before.

The rest follow and the masks they all wore are impressive. I didn't really want to tell them that it's pointless, that their emotions are an open book to me and that no mask would ever be able to hide just how fractured they all were. (it scares him to think what Luke would have seen behind his mask)

I watch as the last of the Avengers filter onto the roof and the next man steps through onto the roof. My hand is up before I even fully register I'm moving, anger pours out of me in such vast amounts I can hear Sidious's voice praising me in the back of my mind. But it's all pushed to the side in favour of the man in front of me. 

I'd watched Mace Windu plummet from the Chancellor's office. Hunted him relentlessly when I learned they'd never found a body and fought the man on Naboo inside Padme's tomb. Windu had been a relentless storm of aggression and hate determined to avenge the Jedi and put me down. A stream of fire bats me out of my memories and I let go of my grip on the man just before my hand closed into a fist crushing his neck into paste.

"My apologies." I force myself to keep my tone calm, beating back my hatred and anger mentally till it's caged once more. "You greatly resemble an enemy of mine who has avoided certain death in the past. I reacted purely on instinct and ask that you not see my actions as any statement of my intentions. I am here to find peace between you and myself while I am on this planet." 

1st POV Tony Stark 

Arriving back at Stark tower we got immediately bombarded by Fury's cronies complaining about a barrier keeping them from retrieving the Tesseract and Scepter. Apparently Vader has wrapped the whole roof in some kind of kinetic barrier that's so far proven itself unbreachable. Thankfully, before any of us got pulled into that mess the barrier got taken down.

It sent the orderlies into chaos as they tried (badly) to interpret why Vader would stay on my roof unmoving. I mean the actual odds of him not moving are 50-50 at best considering it isn't my tech but it's a mute point and just as we were about to start making our way up Fury called Red to tell her he'd be arriving via Quinjet in a couple minutes.

"Nice of you to finally join the party Fury, where you been? You should have stayed for Shawarma." Not the best tasting food I've ever had but it definitely was a nice change of pace from cafeteria food on the Helicarrier while Banner and I tried to track down the cube of space bullshit. 

"I've had enough of your company to last me the next decade Stark and I've just spent the better part of an hour with my job dangling over my head while the Counsel bitched and complained about how long it took to stop the invasion." Fury's voice carried it's usual unflappable tone but I'd like to think I detected an underlying Fury to his tone.

"Yeah well we probably would've finished up sooner if we hadn't had to deal with a Nuclear missile barreling towards us. What the hell is the Counsel thinking? How would a Nuke hitting New York have any impact on the alien invasion?!" Seriously of all the stupid things those arrogant assholes could come up with the best they got was 'Eh let's just Nuke it' did the Tesseract not show them just how weak Earth is?

"Oh believe me Stark That won't ever happen again." The grim satisfaction in his voice came across even through the phone and brought a grim smile to my own face as well. It's good to know that Fury can at least be trusted to handle his problems on his own.

"All of you meet me at your Penthouse Stark. Let's see what our superpowered refugee wants." [beep beep] I chuckled slightly at Fury's tone even as I pushed down the many feelings his statement brought out of me. Fear, gratitude, guilt, freedom just to name a few of the emotions waging about inside me.

How else am I supposed to feel towards a being who single handedly solved all of my problems. He stopped Loki, Saved me from space, and removed the injury that ignited my hero's life all within the span of 2 hours. One person having all that power terrifies me and that makes me feel like shit. This guy just made my life infinitely better and here I am quaking at the thought of him.

Cramping into the elevator along with everyone else doing my best to not think about all the body parts I really don't want to be touching right now (Why does Bruce get squished with Red) I close my eyes and try to just will my problems to disappear. Not the healthiest approach but I'm in a rush and need to expedit. 

Fury isn't there when we arrive at the penthouse so I make my way over to what's left of my bar. "Anyone want a drink while we wait, Cap? Red? No well alright then." Not bothering with a glass I grab one of the less broken bottles and take a sip. I'm barely a quarter through the glass when Fury arrives and silently movies through the room towards the roof. Damn bastard won't even let a man finish his drink.

Following behind him I raise an eyebrow as everyone starts to fall into an organised formation. The hell? Did I miss a tryout or something when did they all come up with this? Also how the hell does Reeds geek squad know it too? Well whatever, sliding into an open spot besides Cap I follow them up onto the roof. Once we reach the door everyone seems to hesitate so I push past them ignoring annoyed "tony"'s as I pass.

Huh so he was in one place the whole time is my first thought upon seeing Vader across the roof. The second is oh Reed's not gonna like that after i caught sight of the Tesseract and Scepter floating in the air behind him. Reed's made his stance clear and Vader claiming either the Tesseract or the Scepter is all Fury will need to endorse whatever dumb idea Reed comes up with. 

Reed's horrible attempt at a poker face is all the confirmation I need that he'll be going straight to Fury regardless of whatever deal Fury cuts with Vader. Everyone files onto the roof perfectly fine and I remind myself to promote whoever decided that the building needed such a grand roof. Well, after firing them first (Why'd they have to make it big enough for the Tesseract?) 

Of course right as I relax slightly since Vader's still made no sign of aggression even with Reed practically vibrating it everything goes to shit. Fury barely steps onto the roof before he's floating in the air gasping for breath while the wind is suddenly whipped up into a storm as Vader's hand starts to close Johnny yells something and ignites launching a stream of fire at Vader that seemed to just bounce of him even as Reed grabbed Fury's leg to try and bring him to the ground so they could try and help.

Without my armour I'm left to watch helplessly as everyone takes action (guilt creeps into his stomach at being so useless) thankfully everything stops as soon as it starts. Vader's hand falls and Reed is quick to catch Fury as he coughs and gasps for air.

"My apologies." Vader's voice comes across the roof, mechanical and cold as it's always been so why are goosebumps crawling up my arms? "You greatly resemble an enemy of mine who has avoided certain death in the past. I reacted purely on instinct and ask that you not see my actions as any statement of my intentions. I am here to find peace between you and myself while I am on this planet." 

Ohh so Vader isn't planning a hostile takeover well that's good to know I hate wearing black such an unimaginative colour. The others don't seem all that appeased, unfortunately Fury will definitely be working with Reed after this. Cap's glaring and everyone else is equally worked up.

A sigh carries over across the rooftop and Vader slowly moves his hand, the Scepter floating out from beside him till it's in front of Red. She raises her hand before cautiously grabbing the handle. "An extension of goodwill. I mean only peace with your planet. I require your aid in gaining the materials I need to build a device to get myself home."

"What kind of materials and what will we receive in return?" Fury spoke slowly as he rose from the seated position Reed had looked him over in. He shuffled forward coming to stand in front of everyone even though Vader had just proven he could kill anyone here before we could do anything to stop him. 

Sigh, pushing that thought aside I force myself to focus myself fully on this discussion now that the negotiations are actually happening and with that 'small' hiccup out of the way I'll need to see what I can get out of this. Heh no way I'm walking away without looking at his glowing laser stick.

AN: Sorry if the second half of this chapter seems kind of pointless but I want to rehash the terms I'd originally made for Vader's alliance with SHIELD and I also want to practise Tony POV's since he's one of the harder Avengers to write I find. Also don't worry SHIELD won't be walking away with the sceptre.

I've tried something new when writing this chapter putting characters' feelings and such within () since they don't really fit with the current topic but are still something relevant to the characters themselves. I got the idea from another fic I found that I really enjoyed. It's a reincarnated Harry Potter in Marvel fic, unfortunately I think it might be dropped but I'll link it in the chap comments in case anyone's interested.

I didn't use it alot since I'm trying to get used to putting it in with my writing but let me know what you think of it.