

Huh, I never would have believed that I would come to this situation. I am really going away from her, aren't I?

It's all going to be a past now, I really wanted to be with her. love really hurts when you become like this.

Oh! Wait, I losing my soul. It feels like...

What is happening? huh, I know it would be the case.

being a man to love a girl with all my heart, Well I Won't forget you Zero-two, I will love you even I would bear again and again.


Since it didn't seem like I was going to be alive up anytime soon, while I slowly gravitated towards this bright light, I might as well go along with it.

The journey seemed to take an eternity; I half expected a choir of children to be singing an angelic hymn, beckoning me towards what I hoped would be heaven. remembering memories of Zero-two, and the plantation 13,

Instead, my vision of everything around me turned into a blur of bright red as sounds a.s.saulted my ears. When I tried to say something, the only sound that came out seemed to be a cry.

The m.u.f.fled voices became clearer and I made out a: "Congratulations Sir and Madam, he's a healthy boy."


I guess normally, I should be thinking along the lines of "What, was I just born? Am I a baby now?"

But strangely, the only thought that seemed to pop up in my mind was, 'So the Light at the end of the light is coming through into the female vag…'

Haha... let's not think about it anymore.

a.s.sessing my situation as a Former matured Teenager, I noticed, first of all, that wherever this place was, I understood the language. That's always a good sign.

Next, after slowly and painfully opening my eyes, my retinas were bombarded with different colors and figures. It took a bit of time for my infant's eyes to get used to the light. The doctor, in front of me, had an appealing face with long, greying hair on both head and chin. I swear his gla.s.ses were thick. The strange thing was, he wasn't wearing a doctor's coat, instead, it was like a white cloth and He also had a Stethoscope.

The wait is this a Hospital?, As a Former Youngster, It was so different than I used to see. things are really developed now huh!

I looked around and saw the female who pushed me out of her bedspread.

I Got that parental vibe from her. So, calling her mother should be fair.

Taking a few more seconds to see what she looked like, I'd have to admit she's a beauty, but that might have been caused by my half blurry eyes. Rather than a glamorous beauty, I would better describe her as lovely, in a very kind and gentle sense, with distinct blue hair and Azure eyes. I couldn't help but notice her long eyelashes and perky nose that made me want to just cling to her. She just permeated this motherly feel. I am really happy. This is the First time in my Life including my Previous lifetime, seeing my very own Mom. I thought I would never get a chance to see my Mother in my Previous Life. But, I am really happy now, as I have a Mother, And I am not Alone Anymore.

I peeled my face away and turned right to barely make out the person who I a.s.sumed was my father by the grin and teary eyes he gazed at me with. Immediately he said, "Hi Hiro!, I'm your papa, can you say Papa?"

Wait, Hiro? isn't that my name before?, Why is he calling me that. ah! whatever,

What do You Know, He Is My Father!

I glanced around to see both my mother and the doctor, rolling their eyes as my mother managed to scoff, "Darling, he is just born."

I took a closer look at my father and I can see why my lovely mother was attracted to him. Besides the few loose screws he seemed to have by expecting a newborn to articulate a two-syllable word, he was a very charismatic-looking man with a cleanly shaven square jawline that complimented his features. He was Calm and Cool, as for as he was excited. His hair, which had a black color, seemed to be kept trim, while his eyebrows were strong and fierce. Yet, his eyes held a gentle quality, whether it was from the way his eyes drooped a bit at the end or from the deep Black that radiated from his irises.

"Hmm, he isn't crying. Doctor, I thought newborns were supposed to cry when they are born." I heard my mother's voice.

By the time I finished checking ou… I mean observing my parents; the weird Dressed doctor simply excused himself saying, "There are cases where the infant does not cry. Please continue resting for a couple of days Mrs. Ishikawa, and let me know if anything happens to Hiro, Mr.Ishikawa."

The following couple of weeks after It was a new kind of torture for me. I had little to no motor control over my limbs except being able to wave them around, and even that got tiring quickly. I realized all too grudgingly that babies don't really get to control their fingers all that much.

I don't know how to break it to you guys, but when you place your finger on a baby's palm, they don't grab it because they like you, they grab it because it's like getting hit in the funny bone; it's a reflex. Forget motor control, I can't even excrete my wastes at my discretion. I was not yet the master of my own bladder. It just… came out.

time passed, as I can crawl baby!!!, I was really proud of myself. But Even so, I really miss Zero Two here. I keep having a dream about her. Will she be reborn? Will we reunite again? I really miss her voice calling out to me as Darling.

I traveled by my knees to my parent's Rooms were like huge castle rooms. It had a door entrance, which is activated through buttons from outside. And inside It had a Hightech device fixed on the ceiling, and even the bed had buttons, if we touched it multiple doors and storage opens. A place in my world from the past, I never had experienced A thing like this, like I am experiencing now.

I started to think, How many years have passed since the day we Defeated VIRM??

My mother quickly proved my hopes wrong as, one day, she healed a scratch on my leg with a code machine from when I was b.u.mped me against a drawer while playing with the weird Buttons in the room.

No…Not like, band-aid and a kiss heal, but a full-blown, s.h.i.+ning light with a machine just by scanning. it's really advanced, it really has developed quite a lot.

Where the h.e.l.l am I?

Time passed again, now I can walk a little bit.

Apparently, The name Hiro that my parents gave me, is because they like the former me, who sacrificed his life along with his lover to save the planet. That explains why my father named me Hiro. It was not like, I could talk that much, but they themselves said to me.