13 Chapter 13

I get up the next day and use creation magic to make a carriage pulled by horses and start putting my stuff in a storage box that is basically a sub dimension to store our stuff. after i put my stuff away I went and told emma and Anna to start packing. I then told my organization what I was doing and used magic to observe the area I was going to and it seemed monster free but I will bring my revolver just incase.

<2 hours later>

After they packed we headed to my new beach vacation home so I pulled out a book and started reading. we arrived about 3 days later and thats when I received bad news

[Adam there's an emergency!]

'what is it!'

[its Oliver. 'they' got him.]



'who was it'

[an evil you]

'alright how'

[he came before Oliver did but he went against the gods and so lost his strength but he acquired some other system from somewhere and he has been killing other versions of you, the original]

'and let me guess Oliver sent an s.o.s'


'alright let me pause the time here then send me over..and done. send me over'


after that i blacked out then woke up to see a silver haired teen with blue eyes holding a girl with long white hair and red eyes.

Oliver:"oh good your here i need to get back home"

"ok hold on"

After that i focused on creating a skill to cross dimensions so i can send him home called, *reality swap*, and activate it but something goes wrong when i get hit in the side with a sword and think about getting home to Emma and Anna and see Oliver and that girl disappear.

???:"ah the original so nice to finally meet"

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