
Dark Times in Magic

"It's amazing how lies hurt." In a world where magic appears suddenly but is not accessible to everyone, the people who obtain it become criminals and murderers, But me, I went back to my past life when I died, and I came back with magic and a special power, the power to "Know if you lie or not" "I'm going to get revenge on these bastards for taking away everything I loved." I am the hunter and you are the rabbits in my palm.

DuckyAurora · Seni bela diri
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2 Chs

0002: Crude truths

"So she's lying to me..." So I thought as the boring class was going on, they were learning the numbers and the names of the animals... but I've been taught all that a long time ago.

"This is going to be one hell of a boring class.... I want to grow up already!" I sobbed quietly in my chair.

After a while the recess bell finally rang to go out for lunch, the place had a place where they served food that the government gave to the free schools.

Lunch was rice and sausages. "At least it's not that bad." I poor it and immediately spit out the lunch - yuck! It tastes too bad. -

I left the place and headed to the living room to see if my mother had put something to eat in my backpack at least, when I entered the room there were two presences, which was none other than the teacher and the principal kissing. "Didn't the teacher have a husband?"

They both started looking at me trying to find words to explain what happened, I didn't care much and proceeded to grab my backpack. -Yes, I have an apple! - I took the apple out of my backpack and the principal stood behind me.

- Hey, don't tell anyone what happened here, okay? -

- What happened? - I said, playing dumb.

The principal scratched the back of his head wondering what to say. - Just don't say anything. -

I stood up and with my apple left the room. - Yeah, I'm still a kid. - I understood that I can't do anything yet, since I'm a kid, and a kid can't do much and I don't have any contacts either.

The two left the room a little nervous about what had happened. "I should get used to this.... In any case, it's a slum and there are hardly any rules."

School was over and my mother was waiting outside the gates, that's where the principal was dismissing the children and it was my turn to leave.

The director looked at me and looked at my mother. - Your son has behaved not very well, let's say? - Making a pitiful face.

My mother looked at me a little angry. - What have you done, Hobert! -

The director looked at me and made a grim face, as if he was threatening me. - Yes mother, I accidentally threw the notebook at my classmate. - "I can't do anything but make up stories, I have nothing going for me." I left the garden and my mother scolded me for a long time, to tell the truth, I didn't care much about being threatened, I'm used to it.

I got home and they kept scolding me to behave better in class, I pretended to be sad and went to my room as if I was having a tantrum. "Uff, acting is good for me.."

I sat on the floor and started mulling things over a bit. "The principal is threatening me, I can spot the lies and.... the food in the garden sucks. The most interesting thing is that I can detect lies but I don't know how it works.... Maybe I'm an awakened wizard?"

I was excited to think about being a wizard, because it is the most possible explanation, I just died a long time ago and went back to my childhood, plus now I can detect lies as if it was "Magic".

- Magic... - In my mind appeared the images of the magic that the magicians used, some of them used fire, others teleported and others even flew...

"Flying?" I felt a little dizzy as I began to imagine magic, a little... tired....

[ ... ]

- Huh! - I opened my eyes jumping up and found myself in my bed as if by magic.

- What happened? - My head ached a little and my body was sweating, it was still dark so I decided to go back to bed.

The next day I went to the garden again, as I thought the director was keeping a close eye on me. "It's getting scary." I behaved like a prodigy in class, but sometimes the teacher ignored the answers I gave. "Is she stupid? Wouldn't it be better if she paid more attention to me?" I found this very silly of her.

As the days went by, the principal said I was behaving better every day but I was still a nuisance and the teacher ignored me, until I got bored.

Winter vacation came and there were no classes in the kindergarten, so I decided to make the excuse to my mother that I was going out to play with my friends, I wrapped up very well and took a very sharp pencil to defend myself.

In my school days, the teacher always left at the same time the students left, so when she left I paid attention to where she went to find her house, fortunately she lives very close to the garden.

So my plan was to go to her house to talk to her husband, with the excuse of if he is going to want to help me look for a cat that I lost and in some of the talks to make him doubt about his wife.

From so much thinking I stumbled over a stone. - Are you all right? - A man in a scarf held out his hand.

- Yes... - He picked me up and shoveled the snow off me.

- Mmm, I'll drop you off at home to get your head checked out, you've got a scratch. - He was touching the wound I got on my head, since I fell on my head.

Don't hesitate too long and ask him. - Do you know Professor Noelle? - That's right, the teacher's name is Noelle.

He looked at me with an astonished face. - Yes! She's my wife. Why do you ask? -

On the outside he had a smile but inside I was worried about him. - It's just that she once told me about you! -

He felt a little happy to hear this. - So you're from that school, hahaha. -

- Although sir... the teacher has been strange, she hugs a lot with the school principal, me and my classmates are worried, they even seemed to be kissing hahaha! - 

- She... What? - He looked at me with a more serious face.

"Garden" is "School" if you don't understand. ( I call it Garden because it on my country is a school for babies or kids. )

Thanks for seeing.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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