
__DARK SIDE OF ME : Reborn as evil __

This story is based on a girl whose name is Bellatrix which mean a warriors who has a special powers and her some of friends want her power so they try to kill her and her special peoplea but they don't know she is immortal after they kill her she get rebirth in other universe and now she is ready to take a revenge of her.

Nabira_Mahreen · Fantasi
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3 Chs

At alef ullai

They teleport them to Alef Ullia ...

Alef Ullia is the area of alefthe most beautiful part of zenrac kingdom, in Alef Ullia there are small houses gardens thay saw azack he was standing with Erix and Izumi they walk towards them.

So you guys are finally there we are waiting for you . ( azack said to azer and cetrix)

Yeah btw meet her uummm

We know who is shee.

You know btw how you know it ?

Why should we don't know about her after all she is the queen to be of the kingdom .

H..how did you guys know about it.

Goddess Ariela told us


Let me introduce you to them Bellatrix

This gray hair guy is azack he can control energy and that hazel eyes guy is erix he has manipulate water and that guy who look like Chinese is izumi he has power of shapshifting.

Ohh nice to meet you all.

So let's go queen to bee ( erix said and give he's hand to Bellatrix)

Ohh why not . (She smiled and gives her hand to him)

Heyy she my best friend who could flirt with her .

So what if she is best friend she is also my queen.

Heyyy is there any trouble here.

Bot much bigger than you guys are thinking.

Azack take them to Sébastien temple where everyone is waiting for them when they enter in the temple the zenrac kingdom grandly welcome her then they take her to a statue of her grandest grandpa they all prayed infant of statue and go to the palace where Enthronement of Bellatrix was done and the they gave her the authority to rule the kingdom. After all these she meet the Eberle they introduced themselves.

Hi I'm Kares... keres lavestianI have power of blood bending

And she adeena Sébastien she has power oh chaos magic.

Hey guys nice to meet you

No it's our pleasure that we have met you.

(Adeena said with a excitement)

Ooh thanks btw your Sébastien is that temple yours.

Yes the oldest member of Eberle and that temple was not mine that was made by my grandest grandfather.

Oooh and don't you introduce yourself to me.

Is it necessary to introduce myself to you .

If he don't want to introduce himself then let me introduce you to me I'm ura and I'm enes Sébastien , I'm Alastair ,I'm Zack ,im Bruno and we all are ur cousins.

Im Xavier head captain of army and she is Reven assistant captain.

Hello everybody I'm happy to se you that I also have relatives in the real world I live with my mother.

Then at night after dinner ura shows her the royal palace they went to flower garden she said " btw whose that rude boy "

Ooh that's brother nyx living ignore them he's too rude or he belongs from demons family .

Then what is he doing in Eberle.

His grandest grandpa is also friend of our grandest grandpa Sébastien Lilian or zenrac is best friend so he's grandest grandpa is also the part of Eberle.

Oohhhhh but he'little bit handsome.

Little bit really !!!

W....w...why don't you think he's little bit handsome ?.

He's not only a little bit handsome he's most handsome in kingdom he has given a tag as most handsome man.

Ohh btw what's the age of your # handsome man ?.

He's 23 now he don't talk much .

Which power he has .

Uummm I think he has power of pyrokinesis or mind reading.

What does it mean?(she said with curiosity)

Fire manipulating btw it's to late we should go to sleep I will show your room u know your room is next to brother nyx should I tell you a interesting fact about brother nyx he can play piano so good.

He is quite interesting tell me more about him

Okay let's go first.

Then they start walking to the palace.

Tell me about all member of Eberle.

Ok so first is the leader azack vampren he's handsome and has power to control the Eberle and belongs from vampires family and has power energy manipulating,seconds is erix wicherwit belongs from witches family flirty one but the serious one to her area, third or my fvrt one adeena Sébastien Sébastien she is from belongs from unicorns family sweetest member of Eberle she is a little bit introvert or little bit extrovert and enes sister , fourth is brother nyx lilin the best of out eight he is a good sword man or archer man, fifth is cetrix you him better than us but let me still tell you he has power of spirit dominating cuz of that keres is always with her she likes this types of things kares ,azer and cetrix they three are not from our world I'm always amazed how they got this powers than I was like let be and keres do not try to mess with her she is bitch type of girl nobody can win a argument with her and cetrix likes her a lot so he is always on her side and azer cuz he buddy of cetrix so he's always at her side so cuz of this Eberle has divided into two parts the outsider one in which keres, cetrix and azer and the second part is zenrac kingdom in which all member are her except nxy he's not involved in this type of things btw your room is there you should go and take some rest .

Where is your room at 3rd floor 3rd 4th floor is for all royal members of zenrac and 5th floor is for Eberle and 2nd floor is royal people high position people's and there is living room of Eberles there you can find any member of Eberle.

Thanks a lot for your

Oh it's my pleasure after all we are cousins and you know u also have one more room at 3rd floor as a member of royal family.

Really it's interesting.



After all this she go to her room and take a shower and we're night dress she started writing about all this thing happened with her in only one day she suddenly remembered that she also exist in real world she have one mom who must be waiting for her cuz it's to late she must be worried about her and yesterday is her test she have to prepare for her test or so much things she is thinking she open the door of her room and run to living room where everyone was doing there work she asked to azack "hey azack where is cetrix" he replied " he must be in his room" she thinks her and run to cetrix room a open the door without knowing .