
Dark Romance Chronicles: Secrets We Keep

Get ready for a tantalizing tale of forbidden love, obsession, and betrayal in "Dark Romance Chronicles: Secrets We Keep." Alisha is on the hunt for a fresh start and believes she has found it with her three enigmatic roommates. They seem charming, charismatic, and flawless, but Alisha soon discovers that they are all hiding dark secrets that threaten to consume them. As Alisha becomes more entangled in their web of lies and deception, she realizes that she may be in over her head. Despite her growing attraction to her roommates, she fears what they might be capable of. But the allure of their secrets and the tantalizing danger they represent is too much to resist. In this gripping mystery romance novel, the stakes get higher, and danger grows more intense. Alisha must fight to uncover the truth and protect herself, but as she does, she discovers there may be no way out. Join Alisha on her journey and get ready for a page-turning ride filled with drama, suspense, and the inescapable pull of the unknown. "Dark Romance Chronicles: Secrets We Keep" is a must-read for fans of the genre.

MrFay · perkotaan
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46 Chs


Alisha's heart leaped into her throat, convinced that an intruder was in the room. Who could it be? Is someone really in here? Fear and confusion overtook her thoughts.

She held her breath, straining to listen for any sound. The silence was oppressive. Why isn't the person moving or speaking? What do they want from me? Her heart pounded in her chest, and her body trembled with fear.

As the figure stepped closer, Alisha's heart raced faster and faster. Who is it? What do they want from me? The darkness made it impossible for her to identify the intruder, adding to her fear and confusion.

The stranger quietly adjusted the blanket and settled down in the bed next to her. Alisha felt her heart racing, her mind trying to make sense of what just happened. Why did this person come in here? What do they want from me?

The mattress shifted as the stranger settled in, and Alisha's breathing slowed as she tried to calm her nerves. She remembered Maria telling her that she was sharing the room with Ashley, and relief washed over her. Oh, it's just Ashley. Alisha felt safe and secure with Ashley sleeping next to her.

Next morning...

Alisha jolted awake to the sound of her blaring alarm at 6:00 AM, feeling groggy and disoriented in her new apartment. Where is Ashley? Her eyes scanned the room but she was nowhere to be found.

She took a quick shower, mindful of not making too much noise to avoid disturbing her new roommates. The nerves in her stomach churned as she got dressed in her white blouse and black trousers. Today was the day of her big interview at Fashionista Couture, and she couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

But the message she received last night kept replaying in her mind, sending shivers down her spine. What if something goes wrong? What if I'm not good enough? The fear of the unknown gripped her, leaving her feeling small and vulnerable.

She walked into the kitchen, the overwhelming smell of coffee and eggs made her nose wrinkle. She found Julia already busy cooking breakfast, and the sound of clanging pots and pans was giving her headache.

"Good morning, Julia," Alisha said softly.

"Morning," Julia replied curtly.

Trying to make conversation, Alisha asked, "What are you cooking?"

"Just scrambled eggs and toast," Julia answered shortly.

As Alisha sat down at the table, she took a hesitant bite of her food, trying to ignore the burnt taste of the toast. She took a sip of her coffee, finding it too bitter for her taste.

"This is...good. Thank you," Alisha said, trying to be polite.

Julia gave her a small smile and nodded in acknowledgement, but otherwise remained silent. She couldn't help but feel a bit awkward, so finished her breakfast quickly, not wanting to be late for her interview.

"Thanks for breakfast, Julia. I have to get going. Wish me luck," Alisha said, giving her a small wave as she left the apartment.

As she stepped outside into the hot morning air, and immediately regretted wearing a thicker fabric, waiting for a cab to arrive. 

Just then, a loud horn honked, causing Alisha to turn around. A small, beat-up Ford 1998 was parked by the curb with a girl inside. Her first thought was that the car was a bit of a death trap.

The windows were rolled down, and the interior was filled with empty food containers and cigarette butts.

The girl inside looked like she hadn't slept in days, and her outfit was crumpled and disheveled. She introduced herself as the third roommate, with a "yo" that sounded more like a sneer.

"Hey, Ashley, nice to meet you. I'm the new roommate," Alisha said, forcing a smile.

Ashley raised an eyebrow and sized Alisha up. "Yeah, I figured. You're the one with the fancy clothes and the big interview today, right?"

Alisha nodded, feeling a knot form in her stomach. She couldn't help but wonder what Ashley thought of her. Did she already dislike her?

Alisha cautiously approached the car and greeted Ashley, "Hey, Ashley, nice to meet you. I'm Alisha, the new roommate."

Ashley, looking like she hadn't slept in days, and her outfit all crumpled and disheveled, replied with a curt nod.

Alisha tried to make small talk, "So, how long have you been living in town?"

Ashley just grunted in response, not showing any interest in making conversation.

As Alisha mentioned her interview, Ashley asked where it was. Alisha told her, and to her surprise, Ashley offered her a ride as it was on her way to work.

"Wow, that's really kind of you, Ashley. Thank you," Alisha said gratefully.

As they drove, Alisha was about to thank Ashley for her kind gesture of adjusting the blanket, but before she could thank. "So, what's the job you're interviewing for?" Ashley asked, her tone more friendly than before.

"It's a fashion company," Alisha said. "I'm really excited about it."

"Ah, fashion," Ashley said, rolling her eyes. "Not really my thing, but I guess it's cool if that's your thing."

Alisha felt a little deflated by Ashley's lack of enthusiasm. "Yeah, it's my passion," she said, trying to keep the conversation going.

Ashley looked over at her with a smirk. "Passion, huh? Well, I hope you have more than just passion if you want to make it in this city."

Alisha felt a twinge of doubt in her stomach. "What do you mean?" she asked, hoping for some insight.

"You know, there's a lot of competition out there. A lot of people who want to make it big in the fashion industry. You need to have something special if you want to stand out. And honestly, from what I've seen so far, you don't strike me as someone who has that special something," Ashley said, her tone almost taunting.

Alisha felt a lump in her throat, unsure of how to respond. "Well, I guess we'll see," she said, trying to sound confident.

Ashley let out a laugh. "Yeah, we'll see. Good luck with your interview, I guess," she said, pulling over to the side of the road. "This is where you get off."

"Thanks," Alisha said, getting out of the car. "I'll see you around."

Ashley just gave her a wave as she sped off.

She felt a pang of disappointment as Ashley's car disappeared down the street. She had hoped that her new roommate would be welcoming and friendly, but Ashley's hostility had caught her off guard.

As she entered the building, her mind raced with thoughts of anger and frustration. "Why did Ashley have to be so rude? Was it because I'm new to town? Did I say something wrong?" she thought to herself, her emotions building up inside her.

Her nerves were already on edge from the encounter, and now her confidence was shaken. She took deep breaths to calm herself down, trying to focus on the upcoming interview. But Ashley's words lingered in her mind, and she couldn't help but feel discouraged.

How was Ashley rate her from 1-10!

Hello everyone,

it's Fay, the writer of the novel you've been enjoying, "Dark Romance Chronicles". I sincerely hope that you found this latest chapter to be engaging and entertaining. If you did, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to vote for it and leave a comment sharing your thoughts, whether they be positive or negative. Your feedback helps me improve my writing and ensures that I'm delivering content that you enjoy. So, please don't hesitate to let me know what you think!

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