
Dark bounty hunter.-DanMachi FF

In a world full of gods and powerful beings. One god, he was particularly disliked. The gods feared and hated him. Because he was more powerful and brutal than them. That god was Hades. The strongest of the big three to be deceived. And lowered to the rulership of hell, which he never left until a certain point, when a certain woman was strong enough. That she had managed to emerge from the River Styx. And wander through the underground dawn alone ... A few years later, a boy was born from their relationship. This boy, as might be expected, was a demigod.Dante

Kriuswer · Derivasi dari karya
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10 Chs

The choice between life and death.

(Ronan)- So where did you leave her?

(Dante)-In a cave, 15 minutes to the south west.

(Ronan)-She's alone?

(Dante)-Hehe...Not, she is with friends. And I just came for food.

(Ronan)-Very funny.

Then Dante waited for Ronan to call a few more people, including a woman working in an alchemy shop. It was a female elf .... by the way, there are almost all elves in this village. It's hard to say how old she is, because she's an elf after all. But she's sexy, blonde hair and huge breasts. That's enough.

Then Dante, Ronan and a sexy elf named Natasha. Along with a few people from the village who are armed with swords and axes. Nothing special. They go towards the cave where "maybe" a girl is waiting.

Once they're halfway there, Ronan asks.

(Ronan)-Hmmm .... she's been alone for an hour. I can only imagine what condition she was in. And you say you gave her a knife.


(Ronan)-After all, you said yourself that she even asked you to kill her.


(Dante)-Ronan, I know this may seem illogical or silly to you. But think ... she was fucked by a gang of goblins. I could kill her and spare her suffering. But I didn't, you know why?



Explanation by means of flashbacks.

As Dante was about to leave the caves, he stopped at the mouth of the cave. He slowly howled the knife through the skins, it turned towards the woman. He walked over to her, crouched down, and said.

(Dante) -Take it. If you want, use this and kill yourself...Or live and use it to kill all the monsters you see ... Take revenge and don't be a victim.

Dante then put the knife down next to her. The knife was thirty centimeters in front of her. A scared, broken girl hugging own legs.

Then Dante left the jaksini and went to the village.

End of flashback.

After a dozen or so minutes, the group reached the caves. And as soon as they were near her. Everyone heard the woman's strange scream, it was not full of fear. There was something more in this scream, anger, anger and ... sick joy.

As soon as the group got there, the sight they saw. He shocked them a bit, but Dante looked at the scene with a smile on his face. And seeing her, a naked woman who was now smeared in blood ... goblin blood. Which fiercely stabs the goblin's body, even though he is already dead.

(Dante)-So she chose revenge ... life. Hehe ... Perfect...

Ronan looked at the satisfied Dante, for an unknown… reason he did not understand. Ronan could not understand what this mysterious master was who had created this ruthless hunter.

Natasha wanted to run up and hug her, cover her with the blanket she had in her hands.

(Anna)-Die .... Die ... Die .... Die ..... You will never touch me again ..... Die .... Die ... .... Die .... Die ...

(Natasha)-Poor thing....-As she was about to approach her, Dante's hand stopped her.

(Dante)-I will do it.-he said and took a blanket from Natasha.

He came slowly ... from behind ... and slowly placed the blanket on her back.

Before the blanket touched her skin, however, she turned and directed the knife with a gusto at Dante's head. Which at the last minute blocked her attack. And without looking away from her ... or changing the position of the knife. Which is still close to his head, he said.

(Dante)-Good job.....

Before he could finish the sentence, however. Anna, because that was her name. She dropped the knife and hugged Dante tightly. And hugging him, she cried and they said something he didn't understand. But he let her pour all the shots at him. Because now there was no emptiness in her eyes ... but the fire was slowly burning ... the fire of revenge.

Then Natasha picked up the blanket from the ground and covered Anne.

(Ronan)-You will take her?


Then Dante and the rest of the group. Together with the crying Anna they went to the village.

There, Dante was taken to Natasha's apartment, above her shop. Ronan went with him, Anna and Natasha. Who decided to go with them and understand what Dante had created and what to do with her.

Natasha led them to an empty room that wasn't used often. One Natasha, with the help of magic, cleaned up in seconds. Then Dante stayed with Anna, who was lying flat on the bed and gripping the knife Dante had given her earlier.

Dante waited for her to fall asleep, as did Natasha and Ronan who were waiting for her to fall asleep. And together they will be able to talk about the whole situation.

Anna managed to fall asleep only after two hours. Which caused Dante's hands to be so relegated as he was leaning against the edge of the bed.

As soon as she fell asleep ... Dante quietly left the room. And along with Ronan and Natasha, they went down to the store located on the ground floor of the building.

(Natasha)-What will happen to Anna now. The sight... that she had.... in this cave....

(Dante)-Was much better than the one she had before I went to the village for help.

(Natasha)-But what about her now ... after such a tragedy, she will not have a husband. And even more so .... contact with a man other than you.

(Ronan)-Natasha, I know this looks bad ... But thanks to the young hunter. Chances are she'll be able to live on .... or at least she won't eat dead in life. Like those nuns who become victims like me

(Dante)- As for what's next. You need to guide her. Let him train in combat and focus only on that. You would give her tea and kind words. I would give her a knife and a bow. You tell me what would help her more. Self-pity or revenge and making no one else suffer.

(Natasha)-But it could destroy her ... turn her into a killing machine.

(Ronan)-Or he will heal her and make her live normally again.

(Dante)-Ronan as you know .... I'll be here for two weeks, a month at the most.

During this time, I will help. But I will also not neglect my training. So we'll have to make her trust you as well. And you will also help her through training. You will help her heal ... heal her souls. It will not be easy.

(Natasha)-And what now?

(Ronan)-Let her sleep, and when she wakes up. We'll talk to her.

(Dante)-Okay, at this time, I will not sit without action. Natasha, could you please show me your goods.

(Natasha)-Of course.

(Dante)-And I'm gonna need a place to work and not wake Anna up.

(Natasha)-The back room is sound cracks ... there are runes on the walls that suppress. so you can work there.

Hope you like my story. In this chapter, we see not only a rather dramatic situation. But also something that will be reflected in the future. You know what it is. Write it in the comment.

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