
Dark Angel, White Demon

Disclaimer: the photo was made by weiiiss using customized picrew images by the artists @tokiyo10,@7_7Iliq, and @_U_run. No money was exchanged in the process of making this cover, and permission was also granted to use this images

RG_Martin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


A small girl was running towards the park her face beaming with happiness. Both her tiny hands were clasped together preventing something from escaping. Her blue eyes seamed to be shining under the sunlight. She wore a blue dress with black dancing shoes. Her little full lips were slightly parted as she was heaving from running too much.

She looked like she was about six years old. Her black raven hair was ruffled up in the wind but she did not seem to care. Her sight seemed to be glued on a young man who was seated under a tree with a book in his hands. His back was facing her thus did not see the approaching little figure.

"I caught it. I finally did. "The girl jumped up and down as she approached him. The young silver haired man finally turned towards her. He raised his eye brow.

"I'm not deaf you don't have to shout." The young man said as he rolled his eyes. The words did not destroy the smile on her face. She showed a small frog to him. Shun looked at the frightened little frog in her hand and back at her face which looked so proud like she had won a lottery.

"And you feel so proud for catching a frog. You took a whole week just for that. You are so slow." Shun said as he flickered her head.

"You told me to take as long as I want." The little girl started pouting. Shun touched the bridge of his nose and shook his head while sighing.

"Are you not supposed to be attending your dancing classes?" She murmured something incoherent.

"Please don't tell me you skipped your classes just to catch a frog." She looked so guilty like she had been caught stealing. This girl just smelled trouble.

"Were you allowed to leave the class? "

"Mommy won't find out."

Shun frowned at the girls words. She seemed so excited while the frog was looking for a way to excape from her hands. No matter how much he tries to stay away from her, this girl always stuck close to him like glue. It was when Shun looked closer that he noted that the lower part of her dress was totally wet.

"Go back to your class Aqua before you get in trouble again." His lips were set in a thin line that made the girl frown.

"Are you mad at me too?" She looked like her river was about to overflow.

"If you are going to cry I have enough tissues that you can borrow?" Shun addressed her to which she started sulking.

"You are so mean." Shun took his book and sat back at his spot ignoring the creature infront of him. He knew she would come. He smiled at the girls' stupidity.

"What are you reading.? Don't you want the frog anymore? "

"How about this, take the frog to those guys with barbeque over there and tell them to roast the frog for you and then bring it here." Her eyes rounded in disbelief. She looked at the tiny green creature which looked like it would faint the next second. Shun's ribs were cracking internally at her reaction.

"Are you that hungry?" Now it was his turn to look shocked. He stared at those innocent blue eyes which were looking at him with pity.

'Wait, what pity? Do I look that poor?" Shin almost choked on his own saliva. He saw Aqua release the poor frog which hopped away for it's own life and she walked towards the barbeque. Shun thought she had left after his weird proposal and looked a little disappointed. He shook his head and went back to concentrate on his book.

A few minutes later Shun could feel heated stares coming from someone. He lowered his book and met the blue eyes which we're staring at him with curiosity.

"What are you doing back here? I thought you went back to your classes?"

"I couldn't leave you here hungry."

"And how do you suppose you will feed me?" Shun smirked internally.

"I borrowed a sandwich from those people over. They were so kind they even gave me two, one for you and this one for me." Shun stared at her in disbelief. Her little hand was pushed towards him so that he could pick the sandwich from her.

He closes his book and laid it on the grass. He took the sandwich from her hands, Aqua continued to stare at him waiting for him to take the first bite. 'This girl is so unbelievable.' Shun thought to himself as he shoved that sandwich to his mouth. Aqua looked happy as she started munching down her own sandwich.

"You said you borrowed the sandwiches. How will you return them? " Aqua looked confused at his words.

"When you borrow something you have to return it in the same way you borrowed it." Aqua looked at the half eaten sandwich in her hand and gulped softly.

"God will provide, right?" Shun cracked down into fits of laughter. His eyes were already watering from laughing too much. Aqua could not understand what was so funny. He ruffled her hair and she stared at him questioningly.

"You should start praying then or else He won't provide?" He watched as she finished the rest later and started praying. Five minutes into the prayer and she was already asleep. Shun had to hold himself back from laughing again which made his ribs ache. She looked Like a curled little cat. Shun stared at her cute face and her slightly parted lips. Her eyes shut and her cheeks which had a hint of pink in them.

"How inappropriate of you." Shun said as she covered her small figure with his jacket.


Aqua flattered her eye lashes as soon as Shun has dissapeared from the room. ' That was close,' thought Shun to himself.

Aqua looked around her room as if looking for something. Shun knew that she had already sensed his presence in the room. She looked at the alarm clock on her bedside and realized she has three more hours till morning. She covered her head and went back to sleep.