

ex-collage student transmigrated into danmachi world as bell with yuno template from black clover caution bad grammar will update the story if i have 10 chapter

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chapter 2 (home work need to rewrite)(fixing grammar)

i'm just fixing the grammar. still not done rewriting. and this is done by AI so i'm still not finished editing yet


Zeus' house, backyard, XX1 27 01

There were two people in the backyard. One of them was sitting under the tree, while the other swung a sword up and down.

"GAHAHAHA... FASTER, BELL, FASTER," said the person sitting under the tree.

"Huff... HYA huff... HYA... JUST SHUT UP, YOU OLD MAN," replied Bell, exhausted from moving his hand countless times. He couldn't help but curse his old man in his thoughts. "Just how long do I need to swing?"


"Tch," Bell clicked his tongue. "Well, the old man isn't wrong. I did want to learn four different weapons. But what irritates me is how he's training me. The first month of training was fine. I started learning about the dagger, and once I mastered the techniques, he took me to the forest the next month. I asked him why we needed to go to the forest, but he didn't respond. Instead, I encountered a goblin. I mean, who expects a ten-year-old boy to kill a goblin during his training?" Bell thought, remembering his first training session.

"Now, it's been six months of training with the sword, and I still can't perform the techniques my grandpa taught me. But there are only 20 days left before one year is up. And that ring my grandpa mentioned? I still haven't found it. I've searched every corner of this house but to no avail. I even resorted to searching through my grandpa's underwear and clothes once, which was the most unpleasant thing I've ever done in my life... or second life," Bell thought, feeling frustrated as he heard his grandpa call him.

"BELL, COME HERE. TAKE A BREAK AND EAT," Zeus shouted from his spot.

"ALRIGHT," Bell responded.

"That kid is truly outstanding. He can perform sword techniques that even non-Falna users struggle with. I dare say he's almost mastered the sword techniques," Zeus thought, reminiscing about that day.




"Sigh, where is that ring? It's been a year, and I've been searching for that damn ring," Zeus thought to himself.

"Grandpa, grandpa!" a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"What is it, Bell?" Zeus looked at his grandson.

"I want to know where you usually put that ring," Bell asked, standing beside his grandpa, who was sitting on the ground.

"Why? Do you need to find it?" Zeus said, not knowing where the ring was himself.

"Munch, munch... Just tell me, gulp... Grandpa, I've already searched every corner of the house, even the disgusting places," Bell said, his face contorted with disgust at the thought of searching his grandpa's underwear.

"Well, I usually put it on the table at my workplace... I think," Zeus answered, trying to recall where the ring might be.

"That face... I know that face," Bell thought.

"You remember it, grandpa?" Bell asked.

"Huh? Ah, yeah," Zeus replied, a bit shaky.


"The ring should be at your grandma's house," Zeus said, his voice tinged with sadness as he remembered his late wife.

"Grandma? I never knew I had a grandma. Hey, hey, grandpa, where is grandma's house?" Bell's curiosity about his grandma was piqued.

"If I'm not mistaken, Zeus had an interest in many women, but I think his wife, Goddess Hera, prevented him from having a harem. I remember Zeus always peeping at the bathhouses in Orario and heaven, where Hera would often be to keep an eye on her husband," Bell thought at first. "Why couldn't you remember that sooner, before I searched for the ring in your underwear? gulp Sigh... I'll remember this, grandpa. Later, I'll make you suffer after I meet grandma. I need to plan now," Bell thought, annoyed by his grandpa's forgetfulness about the ring's location.

"Sigh... Your grandma's house is in another village not far from here. We'll go there after your training is finished. Actually, I'll send you there for magic training because my wife was better at magic than me," Zeus explained.

"Let's finish this lunch and continue training, Bell. I'll send a letter to inform them that we'll come later," Zeus said, patting his grandson.

"Hmm," Bell nodded.

"Grandpa," Bell called his grandpa.

"Hmm? What is it, Bell?" Zeus asked.

"So now I can learn the spear and the bow, right?" Bell inquired.

"...," Zeus stared at his grandson.

"Sigh, okay. You've already mastered the dagger. You can now learn the spear and the bow, but..." Zeus paused for a moment.

"I have no problem teaching you the spear, but when it comes to the bow, I can only teach you the basics," Zeus stated his reasons.

"Well, I know exactly who can teach you the bow techniques, but I'll need to contact my friend first before arranging the training," Zeus told his grandson.

"Alright, grandpa. I can wait. I still have two or three years before I start my journey," Bell said with a smile.

"Good. That hits the spot," Zeus replied, taking a sip of his tea.

"I need to ask Hermes to help me find Artemis. In heaven, she's the goddess known for her skill with the bow. At first, she might have a problem with me because I once peeped on her in heaven. But with my grandson's cuteness, he should be able to win her over. I hope she can train Bell, even if I have to beg her. I can't miss the opportunity for Bell to become stronger than anyone else in the mortal world. With that book, Bell should be able to become invisible. I hope so. It's hard to believe that my grandson can sometimes act like a genius and other times his stupidity makes me want to laugh," Zeus thought, as they enjoyed their lunch together, smiling and sharing jokes. Bell was covered in sweat from training, while Zeus contemplated how he would survive after meeting his wife.


[After finishing their lunch, Bell and Zeus resumed their training session in the backyard. Bell was determined to make the most of his remaining training time before they embarked on their journey to find his grandmother.

Under the watchful eye of Zeus, Bell practiced his sword techniques with renewed vigor. The frustration he felt earlier had turned into determination, fueling his every swing and strike.

Zeus observed Bell's progress, impressed by his resilience and dedication. He could see the improvement in Bell's form and execution, a testament to his hard work and the accelerated learning provided by the Ring of Weapon Mastery.

As Bell continued his sword training, Zeus's mind wandered to the task of finding a suitable mentor for Bell's bow training. He knew just the person who could help—Artemis, the goddess of the hunt.

Zeus called upon his friend Hermes, the messenger of the gods, to relay his request to Artemis. He explained the situation and expressed his desire for Artemis to train Bell in the art of archery. Hermes agreed to deliver the message and assured Zeus that he would do his best to persuade Artemis to take on the task.

Meanwhile, Bell focused on his sword techniques, pushing himself to the limits. The sweat poured down his face, and his muscles ached, but he refused to give in to fatigue. He swung his sword with precision and determination, striving to achieve mastery over the weapon.

Hours passed, and the sun began its descent towards the horizon. Bell's arms felt heavy, and his body yearned for rest, but he pushed through, knowing that every moment of training was crucial.

Finally, as the last rays of sunlight bathed the backyard, Bell sheathed his sword, panting heavily but with a sense of accomplishment. He looked over at Zeus, who was sitting under the tree, his expression a mix of pride and concern.

"You've done well, Bell. Your progress is remarkable," Zeus said, his voice filled with admiration.

"Thank you, Grandpa," Bell replied, a hint of exhaustion in his voice. "I'm giving it my all. I want to be strong, not just for myself but for everyone I care about."

Zeus smiled, his eyes filled with warmth. "I know you will, Bell. You have the potential to become an extraordinary adventurer, and I believe in you."

Bell's fatigue was momentarily forgotten as he basked in the encouragement of his grandfather. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, and Bell knew that he was fortunate to have Zeus as his mentor and guide.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Zeus stood up, stretching his limbs. "It's time for us to rest, Bell. Tomorrow, we'll continue your training and prepare for our journey to find your grandmother."

Bell nodded, a mixture of excitement and anticipation coursing through him. He couldn't wait to meet his grandmother and begin his magical training with her. The thought of expanding his skills and becoming even stronger filled him with determination.

With Zeus by his side and the prospect of new adventures ahead, Bell went to bed that night, filled with dreams of greatness and the promise of a bright future.

Little did he know that his journey would not only shape him as an adventurer but also uncover secrets, challenges, and destinies beyond his wildest imagination.]



Chapter 2

{ Zeus house backyard, XX1 27 01}

There two people in the backyard one of them is sitting under the tree and the other is swings the sword up and down.

" GAHAHAHA.. FASTER BELL FASTER". Said the person who is sitting under the tree

"huff.. HYA huff.. HYA..JUST SHUT UP YOU OLD MAN". Bell who is tired enough moving his hand countless time.' Just how long I need to swing'. Bell thought want to curse his old man.


"tch". Bell clicked his tongue. ' well the old man not wrong that I want to learn 4 different weapon. But what irritated me is how he is training me. At first month training there is nothing wrong. I start learning about dagger and after I know all the technique. on the next month training my grandpa took me to the forest. I ask grandpa why we need to go to forest and then without grandpa talking. I countered a goblin with that I fight the goblin, well not really I run. Who on the world that a 10 years old boy can kill a goblin on his training.' Bell thought and remember his first time training.

'sixth month of training I already start my training with my sword until now I can't perform the technique that grandpa give me. But there is 20 days before one year. About the ring that grandpa told me. I still can't found it, I search every corner of this house and never found it. I try once to search it on grandpa underwear and clothes. That the unpleasant thing I have ever done in my live or second live.' While Bell thought this he hear his grandpa.

"BELL COME HERE. TAKE BREAK AND EAT". Zeus shouting from his place.


'that kid really outstanding. He can perform sword technique that should non-falna user cannot do it. I should say he almost master the sword technique that day'. Zeus thought.

{flash back-




' sigh where is that ring it has been one year i search for that godamn ring'. Zeus thought.

"grandpa grandpa". A voice break his though

"what is it Bell?". Zeus saw that was his grandson.

" I want to know where you usually put that ring? ". Bell who is standing beside his grandpa who is sitting on the ground.

"why? You need to find it". Zeus said that' although I don't know where that ring is'

" *munch 2x. jusht tell meh. *gulp grandpa I already search every corner of the house even the disguting place." Bell said while his face want to vomit thinking about his grandpa's underwear.

" well I usually put on the table at my work place then.. ". Zeus who is answered his grandson then he is remember where is that ring.

' that face.. I know that face'. Bell thought

"you remember it grandpa?". Bell said

"huh ah yeah". Zeus who is shaking.


"the ring should be on your grandma house." Zeus said this while he want to fainting remember his wife.

"grandma? I never think that I have grandma. Hey hey grandpa where is grandma house?". Bell who is now curious about his grandma.

'if I'm not wrong Zeus has interest to many women but I think the Zeus wife Mention that Goddes Hera and that's why because of Hera he cannot having his Harem. Also I remember that Zeus always Peeping at the bath house in the orario and heaven. Hera always there to control his husband.' Bell thought at first. ' why can you not remember it faster before I search the ring on your underwear *gulp sigh.. I will remember this GRANDPA LATER I WILL SEE YOU SUFFER AFTER I MEET GRANDMA. I NEED TO THINKING THE PLAN NOW'. Bell thought about his grandpa silliness how he can forget that ring is not in his house.

"sigh.. your grandma is on other village not far from this village. We will go after your training finished. Actually I will send you there for magic training because my wife is better at magic than me it self". Zeus

"lets finished this lunch and go training again Bell, I will send letter that we will be coming later". Zeus said this while pating his grandson.

"hmm" Bell nodded

" grandpa". Bell call his grandpa.

" hmm what is it bell?". Zeus

" so now I can learn spear and bow right? " Bell asked

"…". Zeus stare at his grandson.

"sigh okay, you already have dagger mastery. You now can learn spear and bow but..". Zeus paused for a while

"I have no problem with the spear but bow I just can teach you just the basic". Zeus said his reason

"well I know exactly who can teach you bow technique. but I will need to call my friend first before I can have contact with your trainee". Zeus said this to his Grandson.

"alright grandpa I can wait. I have 2 or 3 years again before I start my journey". Bell said this while smiling.

"good. That hit the spot". Said to Bell then drink his tea.

'I need to tell Hermes to help me to find Artemis. On the heaven she is the goddess that hunt with bow. I think he will have problem with me at first because I have peeped on her in the heaven before. But with my grandson cuteness he can tame this lion female. Hope so she can train bell even if I need to beg. I cannot leave the opportunity that bell can be stronger than anyone else in mortal world. With that book Bell should invisible. Hope so. Hard to think that my grandson sometime act like genius and sometime his stupidity make me want to laugh at it.' Zeus thought

They now enjoying the lunch together. Smiling together and having joke together with Bell covering with sweat and his grandpa who is thinking how should he survive after meeting his wife.


hello author here. for next chapter may be delayed.

Tell me if the MC need the star grimore? or not?

please support me with power stone thank you !UWU!

faiz_mumtazcreators' thoughts