
Danmachi: The Crimson Flash

A bored god that is forgotten by everyone. He considered his divinity and eternal life a curse. A curse that haunted him throughout the countless years. For the sake of entertainment, he decided to abandon his godhood and live as a mortal to a random world. As he was creating his mortal body, he found two fragmented souls that interests him. 『Maybe I should use the souls of Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Itachi together to create the ideal mortal body for me.』 However by continuing this, he would totally abandon being a god and all of his godly powers which no gods were willing to risk but not him. 『No need to worry about saying goodbye of my divine body. I'm a forgotten god and not the strongest anyway.』 This story consists of 'Danmachi' anime with some factors of 'Naruto' anime and other masterpieces. Disclaimer: I do not own the cover (source:Pinterest.) Disclaimer: Obviously, I do not own Danmachi and any related materials.

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61 Chs

Shocked Guild

Alex exited the dungeon and prepared to head towards the Guild after spending 3 days fighting with the frog shooters and war shadows in the 6th floor.

As Alex had lived in Orario for several years and had familiarized in Orario already. Alex heard, and based on his research before that adventurers take a long amount of time before they could grow.

It was common in Orario that a level 1 adventures take several years to successfully level up. Knowing the effects of his skills, Alex created an environment for himself to boost his growth.

He purposely stayed in the dungeon fighting in the 6th floor without taking a sleep but only a slight rest whenever he could within 3 days in the dungeon. Fighting overtime during this timeframe, Alex felt heavy fatigue and drowsiness making it very hard to fight.

Draining all of his supplies even he tried to manage the consumption, he was still left with none as time passes by, Alex's consumption became even greater than before. Unlike before when a single mind potion can take him back to his optimum state, now he need to drink at least 3 to recover all of his mental strength.

With no more mind, healing, and stamina potions left, Alex decided to end the dungeon dive for now. Leaving the dungeon and Babel tower, it was now approaching 4:30 PM and he wanted to exchange with the guild.

It didn't took long for Alex to reach the guild and he made his way through the large entrance of the guild and looked around. Making his way towards one of the booths for exchanging items, Alex had to wait in line for ten minutes before coming face to face with someone he hadn't expected.

Having his turn, Alex whose eyes were looking around the guild turned his head towards the counter and he saw Rose with black lines hanging down on her face that even conceals her eyes. Just like her hair, Alex noticed a vibrant red flame-like aura emanating from her body while folding her arms.

"Alex Uchiha, for not seeing you within this past 3 days after you went to the dungeon, I believe I owe you a lecture."

Alex gulped and shivered as he could see veins bulging on Rose's head. Looking at her, Alex immediately thought that the dungeon wasn't even this scary yet he was being afraid at her at this moment. Of course, due to the psychological pressure, Alex didn't dare to say it out loud.

As Alex couldn't take the atmosphere anymore, he apologized.

"I am very sorry. Next time I will be more careful."

Hearing the apology and seeing Alex's expression, she released some of the pressure. She sighed while giving a cursory glance at the boy in front of her. Even his clothes, tacky as they might be, hardly had a single speck of blood even though Alex had spent a longer period of time within the dungeon.

"I apologized too. Pardon my behavior earlier. I'm only very worried that you had died already for not returning these three days."

Seeing his shivering reaction, Rose apologized sincerely. She might has a tough personality as it was the result of experiencing the deaths of her assigned adventurers. Rose even rejects any confession of love from adventurers as she doesn't want to be left alone after they die in the Dungeon

Seeing her genuine concern, Alex smiled as he appreciated the sentiment very much. As someone who had lived with endless boredom and solitude, having someone to care about you is a very big thing for him.

After that, Rose lectured Alex about the danger of the dungeon or more like, she was venting out her frustration and worries she had this past 3 days in the lecture which Alex gladly listened.

Seeing his expression, Rose felt slightly annoyed when he shouldn't have that expression. Just like any other adventurers, she expected to see an expression that as if he was being tortured and not lectured.

Instead of showing any signs of repentance, he was being happy which confused her as the adventurers she commonly known wouldn't be like this. Shaking the thoughts off as at the very least he was listening, Rose continued the lecture.

After the lecture, Alex made the exchange as he became very sleepy. Relaxing his nerve in the lecture, the fatigue, exhaustion and drowsiness had now caught up to him. Seeing the loots that Alex had, Rose could feel a cold sweat on her back accompanying the twitch in her eye.

"This drops were from frog shooters and war shadows!"

Rose loudly shouted in surprise. She then glared at Alex while slamming the table at the same time.

"What floor? !"


Alex regained his clarity as he let out a pathetic squeal seeing a frowning Rose Fannett fuming with anger and glaring intently at him.

"What is wrong with you? Are you insane or are you retarded? Going even to the sixth floor!? Are my words not entering that thick skull of yours!?"

As Alex was still a new adventurer, she strictly instructed that he should only stay at the first to fourth floor for a while. Her red eyes showed a fiery glare. She was so angry because Alex showed no concern for his safety and lightheartedly entering the deeper floors.

"I-I'm sorry."

Alex timidly replied. This was by far the angriest he had ever seen her. Rose was going all out. Her desire to keep him alive turned her into like this.

A newbie adventurer with not even a week of experience going deeper than the fifth floor was the same as suicide. The dungeon layout became more complicated after the fifth floor, not to mention there were powerful monsters.

Seeing her rage, Alex lose the guts to tell her that he always encountered monster party and some enhanced species during his dungeon dive.

After a while, Rose calmed down as Alex being here, means he was safe and sound. For her, that's more than enough and she should be thankful for that.

Seeing that the backpack of Alex was full, she knew to herself that calculating all of these would take a long time. Not wanting to make Alex wait for such a long time, Rose called out a fellow guild employee to help and assist her.

Gladly accepting her request, a half-elf around 158cm was standing before Alex. She had brown hair and emerald green eyes. Coupled with her glasses, Alex felt it made her look particularly cute.

"Eina, please help me with this."

Rose asked her with a tired expression. Knowing this feeling very well as a guild employee, the cute half-elf named Eina gave a gentle smile before speaking.

"Sure. I'm available at this moment so why not."

Alex looked at her and saw her aura was gentle like sunlight and had a mysterious purple hue along the edges. He quickly took out the monster cores from his bag before arranging them on the table.

Though it had been a quick glance, Eina was still able to see the change in the boy's expression. She began to wonder if maybe the person he reminded her of was someone close to her. His expression seemed to carry a hint of curiosity. As these thoughts crossed her mind, she began to look at the items he had been neatly arranging on the desk by size.

Though it was just a few small magic cores at first, Eina began to sweat as he continued pulling more and more out of the bag on his waist. Out of curiosity she began to count and noticed he had already laid out more than hundred cores and didn't seem to be slowing down any time soon.

She quickly glanced at Rose and the red haired girl only smiled at her like knowing very well what's on her mind.

"Can I ask what level you are and what familia you belong to?" Eina found it odd she had never seen or heard of such a peculiar young boy before.

As he had already relaxed his nerves again after Rose had calmed down, Alex nodded mechanically while answering as he was feeling the fatigue and drowsiness again.

"Since I have just become an adventurer a few days ago, I'm still a level one and I belong to the Kronos Familia."

Eina almost fell over after hearing his words. Level 1? This boy who earned more than most small groups earn in several days was just a new solo adventurer!? Also, she had never heard of Kronos Familia before but she knew God Kronos. He was one of the gods that didn't created a Familia before yet the boy in front of him had become a member of his Familia?

'Maybe he is just like Bell.'

A white hair with red eyed boy came into her mind as Alex gave off a similar sensation. Just a few days ago, she had a similar situation with her assigned adventurer Bell Cranel. He was also a newbie adventurer and yet he had ventured at the 7th floor already without having a month of experience.

Looking at Rose, she could somewhat understand that the 'Spartan like Guidance' was already over. Looking at Alex, just like the famous first class adventures like the Sword Princess, maybe this boy in front of him will become one too like Bell Cranel who were determined to become one.

What she didn't know that what Alex wanted had to do is to only 'live free and happy' like his purpose of becoming a mortal. Just making enough Valis to eat good food was enough to make him 'happy', or at least the closest thing to happiness he had ever known.

It took them some time to finish calculating all the drops.

"You have gained a total of 2,537,000 valis."

Rose calmly said. As a guild employee who was used with the transactions of the second and first class adventurers, she was already used to this numbers. Eina was also the same.

As Alex who's mind was now very cloudy due to the lack of sleep and exhaustion, absentmindedly replied.

"Thanks, Miss Rose and Miss Eina, I love you~!" Alex exclaimed but it was loud enough to catch everyone's attention, causing everyone within the Guild to look over while the girls he made his proclamation towards turned beet red up till their ears.

Taking the valis in his bag, Alex immediately turned into a crimson flash before Rose and Eina could regain their composure. Not really knowing the commotion he had caused in the guild, Alex immediately laid down on his bed and get some sleep he missed with the past days.