
A Dog And A Leash(1)

--- Ren's POV ---

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. Oh, how I wished I could let you all see the expression on Finn's face right now.

Do you really think I'll stoop to killing him? am I Ainz Ooal Gown¹⁰ or something?

...I took my time, deliberately slowing down my perception, considering my next move, all the while keeping my eyes fixed on Ais.

I knew better than anyone the mere sight of Bete always irked her, but I couldn't rely solely on that information. Things could change, especially in a world as unpredictable as this...

But Ais's expression provided me with the answer I sought.

Even though my perception of the world was deliberately slowed down, Ais managed to surpass that limitation, her eyes brimming with the determination to face me once more.

She's so adorable. Who wouldn't fall for such a cute girl, honestly?

Perhaps, no matter the world, Bete was destined to be the usual punching bag for most overpowered main characters. I've read countless stories where Bete served as nothing more than a stepping stone.

I gently patted Ais' shoulder, silently signaling to her that now wasn't the time to fight as she kept her gaze fixed on Bete. It was his fault that she couldn't face me...

Externally, my expression remained unchanged, but internally, I felt a surge of happiness.

"Me? Oh, I'm your daddy. Come here, doggie."

I released my slowed perception and stepped away from Ais. I didn't want any of Bete's blood accidentally splashing onto her.

As Bete's face twisted visibly with anger, I could sense Ais's gaze fixed upon me. She was likely waiting to see how I would handle the situation.

Would I adopt the same approach?

The fact that she knew I wouldn't kill him and placed some trust in me brought me immense joy.

As I focused on comprehending the version of her that stood before me and showering her with my care, it became apparent that she, too, silently grasped my true nature and adjusted to it...

Naturally, I was well aware that Ais Wallenstein was far from foolish. She possessed her own thoughts and exercised personal judgment. Perhaps the walls guarding her heart remained formidable, but they were gradually easing up, if only just a little, in my presence...

That, I could discern. She, too, was contemplating various matters...

I was tempted to tease her by returning with the little dog on a leash, but I resisted the urge. I wanted to put on a show solely for her...

My train of thought was abruptly shattered.

Ah, Finn, returning from your cowardly state, I see. Well, I had expected you to at least wet yourself before doing so...

I completely disregarded Finn's feeble attempt to prevent our clash.

"What did you just say...?"

Bete's face contorted into a mess as he ground out those words through clenched teeth.

The fact that I had to tilt my head up to meet his gaze irritated me. Did he believe he was stronger simply because he towered over me by a few inches?

Without warning, I delivered a light kick to his ankle, causing him to double over in pain, almost on the verge of a scream.

"Much better. Dogs ought to bow before their masters."

I allowed my shoe to rest atop his head, exerting no force upon it. If I had, he might have found himself plummeting to the lower floors...

His fury was palpable, yet it held no weight for me. Even as Bete lunged forward, unleashing his full force in an attempt to strike me, I effortlessly evaded each blow, moving with a grace akin to dancing.

"...Hey, could you pick up the pace? I'm trying to match the rhythm of a fast-paced song here, but you're so dreadfully slow!"

I taunted him, ridiculing him in the very area where he prided himself. So what if he claimed to be the fastest among the Loki Familia members? He was still nothing but sluggish in my eyes.

--- Tione's POV ---

I had witnessed countless strong men in my life. It was ingrained in the nature of my race, as we sought out the seeds of strength to bear powerful Amazonesses.

However, despite my understanding of this, I found myself falling in love with a man who wasn't the strongest but held a special allure in my eyes.

So why... why was he wearing such an expression?

We had faced numerous trials together, risking our lives time and again, yet I had never seen him wear such a face before.

Anxiety coiled in the pit of my stomach. Was there an enemy beyond our capabilities? Something that even we couldn't overcome...?

Slowly, I followed Finn's line of sight, my eyes landing on a man devoid of any equipment. He was engaged in casual conversation with Ais...

Wait, conversing with Ais?

The pieces began to fall into place as I connected the dots. I had been so focused on Finn that I missed Bete's words. He must have witnessed Ais and the unknown man growing friendly and wanted to teach this intruder a lesson...

But something felt off. While the gaze of my beloved unsettled me, a deep-rooted terror crept up from the depths of my being.

That feeling emanated from the man...

"Me? Oh, I'm your daddy. Come here, doggie."

His words reverberated, reaching the ears of all the Loki Familia adventurers. Surprise filled the eyes of some, while the more astute ones took a step back. What if Bete randomly decided to target them next...?

Murmurs spread, questioning the identity and audacity of this man... All sorts of questions, in essence.

Yet, I remained motionless and silent. His words were not directed at me, and he didn't even emit the slightest hint of intent, yet my legs threatened to give way beneath me.

"Just... what the fuck?"

The language was the least of my concerns at that moment. At my side, Tiona wore an uncharacteristically serious expression.

She was serious?

My gaze involuntarily returned to the man I loved.

'What happened in the Dungeon while we were away...?'

My mind raced, but it yielded no answers. I was never known for my intellect, but the lack of understanding weighed heavily upon me...

Yet, what truly widened my eyes in disbelief was what happened next.

Both of them ignored Finn's plea to prevent their confrontation. The man's leg moved with an unimaginable speed. I couldn't even perceive the moment his kick connected with Bete's ankle, as the latter was already clutching it in agony.

This is not good...

Most Amazonesses would have felt a surge of awe and arousal in the presence of such sheer power, but I was different.

What I felt was sheer terror, a shattering of the instincts ingrained in my race.

This man was too strong. He stood as an apex predator among apex predators, far beyond the reach of common folk. That was the realization that dawned upon me.

Perhaps not even the queen of the Amazonesses would dare... No, that was a mistake. She would undoubtedly make an attempt.

Though I doubted she would survive.

My thoughts shattered as I witnessed the man using Bete as a demonstration of his strength. He stepped on him, ridiculed him, and never once laid a hand on him.

I observed the man yawning during the supposed fight, his hands casually tucked in his pockets as he relied solely on his legs, even employing sloppy techniques at times.

While one might consider his fighting style haphazard, any seasoned warrior could discern that he simply didn't consider his opponent a worthy challenge.

Such a style could only be employed when... the opponent was so vastly inferior to oneself...

We're talking about Bete here. He's a Level 6!


Since when did Level 6 veterans crumble like rubble?

If even I, with my limited understanding, could discern this much from their "fight"... No, it would be more accurate to call it a brutal beating and utter humiliation for Bete, then surely the others had recognized it as well.

I was proven right. I witnessed the adventurers below Level 5 on the ground, their bodies trembling in fear. They were akin to those on the ground trying to gaze at the vast sky or the expanse of the universe beyond it. Could they see a path to reach such heights?

Not even those of us on the mountain could perceive it.


10. Ainz Ooal Gown, the central figure in the epic saga of "Overlord". Should anyone dare to offend him, the entire grandeur of the Tomb of Nazarick would surge forth, seething with an incomparable fury. It brings to mind the spectacle of (spoiler alert for the latest Spider-Man film) Miles Morales being pursued by a legion of Spider-Men, a whimsical comparison indeed, lol.

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