
Chapter 12: Agreement and goals

It was already night, Bell came home to talk with his grandpa. Zeus was lying on his bed looking at the roof and sighing when Bell came.

Bell: "Granpa... we need to talk"

Zeus felt a shiver running through his spine, he feared a bad evolution of the situation. Bell walked and then he sat beside his grandpa.

Bell: "I spent all my day thinking about what you said... I appreciate what you did, it really helps me to break through level 2... but... you could have told me your plan ... or... you don't trust me?.."

Zeus: "Bell... I do trust you... it's ... I just thought that your feelings and desires would not come if you knew that it was a fake dangerous situation... I'm sorry.."

Bell: "Well... I think you are right in that haha ... but it still feels bad... I want to forgive you... but you have to promise that this won't repeat... I won't want to live with the fear of a possible ambush..."

Zeus: "I promise... if I have an idea like that again, I will tell you first...I'm really sorry..."

Bell: "Besides, I had my own plans to surpass my limits, some time ago I found a basilisk base in the forest...I was thinking of killing it to level up to 3"

Zeus: "Wooow, that's an ancient creature and really rare... I'm glad you told me, they are really dangerous, you will need a lot of preparation and training if you want to fight it..."

Bell: "Well... I'm already level three, I don't know if it will help me to level 4..."

Zeus: "Well, I'm not sure, it will depend on the Basilisk age and its power... still... I recommend you to max your stats and get used to level 3 power... I will be buying better potions and antidotes as preparations for that battle"

Bell nodded and hugged his grandpa, he thought all day about how to approach the situation and fix it, he was really exhausted. Zeus was happy for the ending, they started to dinner, then to rest and to sleep, it was a long day.

Five months passed, Bell spent most of his time training his mind consumption, swordsmanship, and killing monsters. He was stuck with the upgrade of his stats, being a level three and mostly kill level 2 monsters decreased his improvement rate.

Zeus saw the bad mood of Bell, he knew that his growth rate decrease. The only way to speed up was to face danger, and in the forest, he will not find it ...

Zeus: "Hmm maybe we can do another training camp"

Bell: "But it will be the same forest .."

Zeus: "I know, but this camp could be in Edas Town, near that town is located the Beleo Forest which is known as a monster base, with descendants of the ones that escape the dungeon in old times... even people call it the evil mountain."

Bell: "Woow, that sounds dangerous, there are strong monsters in that place??

Zeus: "yes, as the basilisk but in the deepest and darkest parts of the forest, the most common monster is like level 3 power, if you do your best may be in the three months you can max your stats and be ready for the basilisk"

Bell was excited, a trip to Edas, camping in the forest, maybe flirt with local girls, training vacations were the best for him.

Two weeks passed by, The duo granpa-grandson was arriving at Edas. The town wasn't that big but was full of people, and from different races, elves, demi-humans, dwarfs, amazons, pallums, and humans, all together living in peace in this little town.

Both went to the best inn over town, they asked for information and recent news, then they ate and rested while walking through the town. After a few hours of tour and get used to the city, they return to the inn to sleep. Tomorrow they will leave to training camping.

The next day they woke up and leave. Walking until arrive at the Beol mountains and the forest over him, the feeling of danger runs through Bell's body. He didn't feel fear, he was excited, after so much time the tough battles come back and the sensation of breaking his limits that he missed so much.

The camp was sited a few meters from the beginning of the forest, Bell constructed a wood tent, some branches, and a bonfire. After gathering some lugs and sticks, hunt some food, and cook, they rested and installed some traps and alarms. Satisfy his necessities was first, then the safety.

The next day after setting the camp, Bell started his training. He was walking into the forest when he found a giant snake print. He climbs a tree and then followed it. After a few minutes, the tracks ended in a cave, it could be his first kill in the training. After half an hour, Bell decided to send a lightning into the cave while he was hidden.

A strong -RoooarR- was heard, a Lamia came from the cave and quickly looked for the attacker. Bell knew about this kind of monster but never faced one before. He was discovered almost immediately, the lamia jumped over him and attacked with his claw. Bell dodged the attack, the tree on which he was, was destroyed completely. The lamia didn't stop his rampage and launch claw slashes, one after another. Bell evaded it trying to find an aperture.

After some time Bell decided to take distance and shoot some lightings as a distraction. A cloud of dust rises from the ground. The lamia with his snake senses could find Bell again. -Ring Ring-, Bell was charging argonaut over his hand, he dodges the lamia attack and took some distance again.

The lamia started to growl, -Ring Ring- Bell was ready, then he created a lightning on his right hand. Bell took distance and while the lamia closes it, he threw the lightning. The lamia received it, a burst wrapped it and a big hole was left in the ground. The battle ended and only the magic stone survived.

Bell picked up the rewards and then leave, the training camp has started and he needs to give his all. Along the three months of killing monsters and working with his lightning magic, Bell achieved to create an electric arrow and to enhance his bow with lightning. The last one was a necessity, after a few bows destroyed by monsters' attacks, Bell used it as a shield and break it.

The repertory of the monster defeated by Bell increased, he fought against Lamias, Debil moskitos, Trolls, Giant spiders, and the hardest ones, the Bloodsaurus and the Mammoth Fools. The first ones weren't easy, but after a few fights, he learned the trick, its weakness, and strengths. But the last two monsters... they were more unpredictable, they were smart, and they knew how to survive against adventurers.

Bell deduced that those kinds of monsters were older and with a better blood lineage. In the end, after a lot of fights, wounds, broken bones, blood loss, and more mind zero states than he would like, he felt ready, ready for his final challenge, kill the basilisk.

Zeus spent the 3 months watching Bell's improvement, although was dangerous for him because the Beol mountains were not that far from Orario, he knew how to escape monsters and hide to don't use magic. Zeus was really surprised with Bell's battles, how he learns and absorbs every detail about monsters' behavior, how to kill them faster and easier, even he master some insta-kill movements against them.

Although proud of his grandson, he felt a little compassion for him, Bell will feel disappointed when he dives for the first time in the dungeon. The monsters there are stronger but at the same time, dummies. They don't think, they don't learn, and they don't create strategies. Unless they are irregulars, but those are rare. The good news is that Bell will win against any other adventurer of his same level or even a level higher. And again, a wave of sadness and thoughts overwhelmed him, he doesn't know how to tell Bell what the future holds.

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