
Danmachi: Rebirth

In a world where legends walk among men, a sole boy will try to find his place within. The city of Dreams. The labyrinth of Legends. He creates his own tale, treading the path to the peak. Alas, every Hero as a flaw that begets suffering. To see themselves live long enough to become the villain, despite the efforts they do to prevent it. For it is inevitable. Walk. Run. Struggle. The King of Curses will always be watching, till the moment he gets released from his chains. --- MC as Sukuna's Vessel.

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5 Chs

A Dream that Longed Eternity

The dungeon existed long before the God's descended. An irrefutable fact.

It was complex labyrinth that was alive, an entity that gave birth to the most terrifying creatures endlessly, day and night. Beings, that could ravage the earth they lived on and exterminate every single fibre of life.

A cage that even the Gods, who were made to perfection, cannot fathom. Comprehend, with their flawless minds.

Nonetheless, people regardless of race, gender, and background from all over the world came to the tower. Building a city, a home, a family - around something so dangerous.

They lived peacefully near the labyrinth, despite knowing the risk it posed. The threat it could bring.

But why?

Why, would they willingly let themselves live alongside something so terrifying?

Why, would they build a civilisation - near something that could potentially erupt and burst?

Why, would they throw their lives so recklessly, inside of what you could describe as hell itself?

There's only one answer - Greed.

They were hungry for wealth that the dungeon could grant. The fame it could bring, and the power that could fall into their grasp.

With these intentions in mind, many individuals all over the Lower World - Gekai - come to the City of Labyrinths, Orario, in hopes of fulfilling their thirstless avarice. Regardless of their age.

However, they would soon find themselves drowning within that insatiable desire. Perhaps dying due to carelessness, or getting killed by another who seek wealth despite of how sinful it may be.

That is why you must always remember, in your mind as an adventurer; as someone who recklessly throws away their life for such simple reason -

Death is always the prize of overwhelming greed.


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8th Floor. Upper Floor.

It was a floor suitable for adventurers that had only begun their conquest for fame. Power, or perhaps even wealth. Containing monsters that most Level 1's should be able to easily handle.

It was given you would only expect beginners to tread carefully around these parts that demanded their blood. Their bodies, for the insatiable craving of the dungeon itself. Seeking a way to feed itself.

However, the presence of a singular figure that marched relentlessly defied those stereotypical allusions. Her aura; demanding respect as it pounded intermittently. Brimming with might. Power. Not only serving as a warning to the monsters that lurked, but also toward the immoral humans that dared to hunt. That dared to sin, itching for more than what they could chew.


A mutter rang out as her silhouette gradually came into view, disengaging from the darkness that encroached her previously. Masking her face. Their tendrils, desperately clinging onto her feet to pull back. To mold. Alas, her unbothered figure that trudged on denied any semblance or hope the void had for her. Rightly so.

Posessing raven locks, that framed either side of her impeccable features gently. Alongside her crimson eyes, that only seemed to accentuate her attractiveness when contrasted with her caramel skin - she was a woman that could have been said to match the etherealness that only Gods themselves held. The eyepatch that cloaked one of her scarlet orbs was unable to diminish her beauty any further.

Tsubaki Collbrande.

Captain, of the renowned familia of the forge and flame - Hephaestus. One of the few Level 5's that tread lawlessly within the City of Labyrinths, Orario. A person worthy of praise and repute, as well as a capable fighter that could match those from exploration Familia's with ease. Despite being from a smith Familia that does not require training or might.

Yet instead of being beside her Goddess as her duty demanded, she had rather decided to do an action that would be relatable to most. Going into the dungeon to blow off some steam. Resentment, at the constant failure that chipped away at her calm headedness.

Frustration, coarsing at the reminder of her failed experiment within the forge, that desired to surpass the works of the Goddess of the Forge herself. Perhaps an impossible ambition to achieve, especially when considering that Gods and Goddesses were the incarnation of aspects from their respective concepts. Yet she continued to try. Call it the pride of a smith - the most stubborn bunch.

"Level 6. There is a chance I might be able to surpass her weapons when reaching Level 6. If not then 7." a whisper, that spoke aloud the words that filled her mind. "If Level 7 doesn't work, then 8. If not 8? Then 9. As long as I don't give up, I will eventually create an armament that could match my Goddess herself. No matter how long it will take."

Her mind had long been appeased by the battles that threatened to take her life. Finding that sometimes to release your anger on another, could be the best way to soothe the relentless irritation that nagged at your subconscious.

"Is it wrong to desire a quicker path? A more simpler way?" the mumblings that only she will hear, echoed. Aspiring for an inch more. "It doesn't matter anyways. It's about time I go back to Orario. I need to take care of the new recruits anyway."

At the mention of innumerable smiths that pleaded, no - begged, to desperately join one of the most influential Familia's, served to only make Tsubaki's headache reappear. Causing the poor lady to rub her head gently with her calloused hand. An indication that reminded her of her determination and work; as well as the choice she made to abandon her feminine traits to reach greater heights.

Finding her thoughts drift to needless memories, the smith simply shook her head. Unwilling to reminisce about the past. Feet carrying her to a destination she considered as home. Comfort. A smile gradually slipping on her stoic face at the imminent reunion between her and her fellow members.

"I wonder if those brats improved their techniques." her cheerful tone displayed her jolly attitude. Her usual tone, when not plagued with smiting. "Even if they didn't, for now I just want to see them again. I miss them after all."

At this moment, the captain of the noble Hephaestus familia, one of the strongest adventurers of this generation; was nothing more but an older sister that simply yearned for the smiles of her companions.

Perhaps it was prewritten by the pen of destiny. Or guided by the threads of fate. The singular moment where her guard was momentarily about to drop, her senses picked up on a figure laying motionlessly on the floor. Whether he was dead or alive was still to be considered.

Usually Tsubaki would have ignored it. As a seasoned warrior, a smith weathered by the repetitive ashes and flames of war and smoke - it was not her duty to pick up a stray from another familia. Most likely dead, from the way he sprawled statically; which would have aroused some type of sympathy.

That would be the case if they were naive. Not yet assaulted by the truth that is known to be cruel. For her? She was a veteran. Someone who has viewed the passing demise of adventurers that she once considered family, or the ones she had never known.

She halted.

It was ironic. Here she was reminiscing about the past when she clearly stated she wouldn't. Considering that the improper burial of a fellow adventurer was not her duty. Her responsibility.

Emotions were fickle. Sometimes you could control them precisely, at others they would pull you like strings unhesitantly. For good or worse is decided only by perspective. For Tsubaki? All she regarded it to be was beacon that signalled her humanity was still intact. Despite the bloodshed.

"Obligation, and morality." she sighed, heavily. Empathising slightly. "If that were to be a member of the Hephaestus Familia, would I simply leave their body and depart?"

She knew it was irrational to compare two contrasting circumstance. Alas, what could she do? She simply submitted to her instincts. Humans were creatures of emotions and social responsibility after all.

"I'll give his body to his familia. It's the least I can do."

Walking towards the silhouette of a young boy, seemingly sleeping on the concrete of the Dungeon. Unfettered, by the smell of death and anarchy, she felt a small twang within her heart. Hand moving, to examine if he was still alive. Rhythmic breaths affirming the current state he was in. An inexplicable situation when considering the unusualness of it all.

Questions surfaced metoerically akin to a tide. Shifting, surfacing, disappearing. They changed; morphed, the more she gazed at his sleeping features. Bemused. However, in the end there would always be an outlier. A victor, that triumphed over all others. A query, that raced to the front.

What familia was he from?

It was almost instinctual. The movement of her hand that flipped his fragile body with ease. The uplifting of his shirt, that showed his back that hadn't been trained for years. As well as the unblemished surface that contained no blessing. No Falna. An unblessed.


Only one conclusion could be made, by the woman who reigned supreme.

"He's...not part of a familia..." Tsubaki irresistiblly voiced out, with clear shock. Beffudlement.

A mere mortal, travelling to the 8th floor of the dungeon. No injuries, or marks burned within his skin. Rather it was more soft and flawless. A boy, from unknown origins travelling this far whilst being unblessed?

"I'm too tired to think."

She simply regarded the fact he was alive as a stroke of luck or destiny. Fate - to be sleeping so listlessly. As if he wanted to dream for eternity. What she didn't know was it wasn't due to the natural laws. Concepts that reigned since immemorial.

Destiny and Fate cannot bind one who was never cast within the play, after all.