

This feels so good. What is this feeling in my stomach? Snap out of it Mia. This is wrong. Ok but maybe one more minute.

I just sat there with my eyes open wondering battling different thoughts in my head. He finally drew away and the look on my face? One word.. HORRIFYING.

He still had that stupid smirk. What was funny? He opened his mouth to speak but I didn't let him say anything as I slapped him across the face.

"Ouch?" He said obviously unaffected by my slap. " Take me home " was all I said and he drove. Throughout the long drive, I didn't say a word to him and he didn't even attempt to start a conversation with me.

We finally got to my house and I got out almost immediately. I began walking towards my gate expecting him to say something or try to stop me but he didn't. I didn't like that at all.

I got into my house and to my surprise, I met my father on the dining table waiting for me. It was strange. I probably know what he wants to say but I said nothing and sat.

Dinner was finally said and for the first few minutes, we ate in silence. The perfect example of calmness before the storm. "So..." He began " How'd you know that Merlin boy?" He asked. And there it was, what he wanted to say. " We're just schoolmates. That is all " I said wondering if that was actually true considering what just happened.

"Well, don't you think you need to get closer to him?" He asked. " I don't think so" I replied. He gave me that stern look but I wasn't even moved. "I wasn't making a request." He said sternly to me. " Neither was I" I said again.

Dinner was getting tense. I had a lot on my mind and I wasn't about to add Daddy problems on the list. " Well, we're having dinner with them tomorrow night whether you like it or not" He said harshly. " Well, I'm not surprised. You've never cared about me or my opinions anyways!" I replied harshly as well.

He seemed surprised but it quickly vanished from his face. " That is all" He said and stood up from the table. I wasn't even surprised. I stood up as well and headed to my room. I took off my uniform which had already been stained with the food and I entered into the bathroom and took a long shower.

This was not how I thought the day would go. I got out of the shower and wore my pyjamas and I laid down. My mind wandered off and I remembered the kiss. I touched my lips and I smiled. At least one good thing came out of the day.

The next day came by in a flash and I got dressed and went to school. When I got to school, I was surprised by my what happened. Kids I didn't know were giving me gifts and being nice. "Hey Mia. My mom wanted me to give this to you" a red head said to me and I collected the Latte awkwardly. That was just one of the ridiculous gifts I got.

Another boy gave me a pair of sneakers that was too sizes too small. I had no space to keep all the gifts in. " Looks like someone has been hit by the gift ninja" Ryan said jokingly. " I wish. It was just a bunch of kids giving me gifts for no reason" I said. " Well, who can blame them? It's not easy being as rich as you are. They probably all wish to have your life" Ryan said.

Ha. It's ironic how other people want the life I would gladly exchange with theirs. I sighed heavily. " Are you Ok?" Evie asked worriedly. " Yeah I'm fine. Just had a rough night" I said and gave her an obviously fake smile. "Why don't we have a sleepover at my house?" Evie said " I'm in" Ryan agreed instantly.

I wasn't sure. I'd never been to a sleepover over before and I doubt I was permitted to have one of those. Uhh my life sucks. "Uhh... I don't know guys" I said while rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. " Come on. It is going to be fun" Evie said. " Yeah the sleepovers at Evie's house are the absolute best. You're going to love it" Ryan added. "Umm... Ok" I finally gave in.

I'm going to a sleepover I wonder what it's like. I entered the class I had first and I sat down. I looked around for Jason and I couldn't find him. I felt a bit sad and I subconsciously touched my lips again. "Why are you touching your lips?" Evie asked. I was startled as I didn't notice her sit beside me. " Evie you startled me" I said with my hand on my chest.

"OMG did you kiss someone?" She asked excitedly. How did she know? Oh no. My face was turning red and I could see the excited look on her face. " What!? No No. I definitely did NOT kiss anyone!" I said almost too fast. Why was my voice so high.

"Hmmm I hear you " she said obviously unconvinced. The class was finally over and I was glad that it was because I was getting hungry. Evie and I headed to the cafeteria and we found Ryan already seated. Looks like I wasn't the only one hungry.

I looked around again and I still couldn't find Jason. Ugh. Why can't I get him off my mind? "Looking for someone?" Ryan asked. " No" I lied. "Uhm I want to ask you guys a question" I began. "O....K?" Evie said while giving me a wink. What is with her knowing things today? " I have a cousin. She's in 11th grade and she just kissed a boy well, technically it was the boy who kissed her and after the kiss, she slapped the boy and left angrily now she's confused on what to do" I said.

"Ok what this " cousin " of yours did is totally uncalled for" Ryan began. " I mean who kiss and slaps these days" he continued. Evie gave me a knowing look. "It's not me I swear. It's my cousin" I said while replying to her look. "Ok first question does she like the boy?" Evie asked. " No" I said rather too quickly.

I mean I'm not dumb enough to like someone I just met 2 days ago. " Well, since she doesn't like him, she should pretend the kiss never happened" Evie finally said.

That's the thing. I can't forget about it. It's literally on my mind every second of the day. " What if she can't forget about it?" I asked. "Then that means she likes the boy" Ryan said. "She doesn't" I said. " Can we see this 'cousin' of yours" Ryan asked. "She's not really the photo type" I said to keep them off course.

"So when's the sleepover? " I said to change the topic. "This Friday" Evie replied. That's good. At least I'll have a night away from my cranky father.

After school was over, I got into my car and went home wondering what happened to Jason. I got home that afternoon and went straight to bed. I was very tired. Not long after, I slept off.

I was woken up by a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I mumbled sleepily. " Violet" the voice answered. "Come in" I said while still on the bed. "Your dad asked me to give this to you and told me to tell you to be ready by 7pm" she said while handing me a dress.

"Ok. But where is he?" I asked her. " He's with miss Eleanor" Violet replied. Great. Another person to make this evening even worse. " Thank you" I said to her and she left.

I took the dress and checked it out. It was a short red gown with the Louis Vuitton logo etched on the belt. It had a long sleeved arm with beads at the edges of the gown. It was quite beautiful. But the only thing wrong with the dress was the color. It would have been even better if it had any touch of black on it.

I looked at the time and it was 6:22. I still had time. I got into the bathroom and showered again. After I left the bathroom I put on the dress and it looked good on me. I'm glad he didn't pick anything that was inappropriate. I can't go out without wearing anything black so I put on a black knee boots and I put on some light make-up and styled my hair into two buns with a few strands hanging in front of my head.

I looked myself in the mirror and I left the room. I saw my father downstairs with his leech of a fiancee. " Oh Mia darling you look fabulous" she said while drawing me into a hug. I almost choked because of her perfume. "Did you take your bath at all?" I asked her. She seemed surprised at my question and so did my father. " Of course darling I did" she replied. " Then why the heavy perfume?" I asked. " Show some respect Young lady" my father warned.

" It's fine darling" Eleanor said as she moved closer to me and took my hands. " She was just worried weren't you Mia" she said as she squeezed my hand violently.

" Stop you're hurting me!" I screamed in pain. My father began to move closer and suddenly Eleanor said "Mia why would you say that? I'm only trying to be a good mother to you" she said while faking tears. "What did you do?!!" my father asked angrily. What he's angry? I'm the one who was almost squeezed to death here.

"I didn't do anything. It was her who squeezed my hands violently." I replied but Eleanor continued crying. This is ridiculous. "I won't take this from you. Now apologize to your mom" he said. What? My mom? Now he's just disrespecting my real mom.

"I won't and she's not my mother " I replied angrily. "it's fine honey " Eleanor said amidst her fake tears. " No it's not. I've put up with this nonsense long enough and it has to stop today!" My father said.

" I didn't do anything wrong. It is your crazy fiancee who should apologize to me !!!" I screamed.

And before I could even say John Dory, my father slapped me across the face.

hi guys. I need your help. I need you guys to comment and give me a review so I can know what you think about the story so far. your comments and reviews mean a lot to me.


Fla_recreators' thoughts