
Chapter 43: A True Nightmare

                    ***A true Nightmare***

You know how annoying dreams could be, how could I just accede to go to the farm with someone that hates me, without even a little resistance. So I followed him as we were going, we passed through a lonely bushy part, and it was about to rain, we could see the sky making rumbling noise threatening to unleash on death a heavy downpour. I told this boy that it was about to rain, let's go home, but he insisted that we go faster, according to him, his grandmother has a shelter built against rain on the farm, so we started running to see if we could beat the rain, but instead, we were beaten by the rain. Now something happened when the rain started, I noticed that the rain was very hot, it was as hot as boiled water, I felt the heat burn through my skin, I look round in search of the boy with whom I came into the bush with, but I could not find him anymore, I found myself Alone under the hot rainfall. The pain became so much that I could not survive from running anymore, so I fell to the ground and cried, I saw my skin peeling off as the hot rain washed them off my flesh, the rain continued till blacked out in the dream, for a while I thought I was dead, but I woke up to a very bright day, I saw Cynthia, we were in the middle of nowhere, and I noticed that my hands and legs were bounded together, so I called on Cynthia to come to help me out but she paid no attention to me, she was just busy trying to make fire out of woods and stone, she had this big pot before her which she intended to cook in the fire, so when I called her she paid no attention, she only used her hands to wave me away. Later I saw another woman, it was the mother of the boy who broke his hand, she was the mad lady who came to disturb my mum and I. In this nightmare, she had these decomposing teeth, so disgusting, when she opened her mouth I saw maggots crawling in her mouth. The woman came with a mirror in her hand she was laughing at me, when she got to me, she showed the mirror to my face, now what I saw in the mirror was so scary, instead of seeing the beautiful and graceful me, I saw a very huge fish in the place of me, when I saw this, I tried to cry but all I could hear was a shrill sound, I looked at my self, and behold, I was truly a fish, a gigantic pale looking fish. The woman lowered the mirror to the ground after she had made me see the scary creature that was now me, after that, she left as she emitted a snicker at me. Now my fear increased, I tried to escape from the place, but all my efforts came null and void.